Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Tell the world

Heyz, update cum normal post haha! Been meaning to update for very long, just never got round to doing it, so here it is! First, disclaimers, I didnt make this skin, I got it off blogskins and with a bit of twiddling (you'd notice I changed the song on the opening page) done. Ok because this isnt my handmade skin I can't slot my "secret section" anywhere so it's gone until the next tim I make my own site :D

Sunday was awesome. Met Csa for breakfast and then went down for Prayer meeting. CET was so funny. At 1pm, there was NO ONE except me and the teacher... so dotz... we just stunnned, bu later on as the time dragged ie.1:10pm more people started coming in so class began heehee.

Service was wonderful, I ushered hahaz. And they sang the new (not really new, I heard it was played during the Soul Revolution) song "Tell the World"! Yup that is the lyrics on the front page hahaz. Kind of conflicts with the layout though heehee. Message was about guarding your invisible self. The part of you no one but you and God knows. There was an alter call for release from bondage via the things people have sai or something like that. Haha, after that during Zone Gathering, my mouth sould not clse, just smile and smile :D Yea, I guess that 1 year "failure" really affected me more that I'd like to admit. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me -as if.

Wahahz, highlight, my dad bought a digital camera for us! *strikes it off the wants list* heehee. Its only an Ixus 40 but hey, it is still like very expensive. Really wasn't expecting that hahaz

School re-opened today!! Ahh... Dying. Because I didnt do a SINGLE DROP of my holiday homework. Can someone kick me? *oof* thanks. I guess the school got our hint that school at 3 ends too late for comfort. They shifted it from 3pm to 2:05 latest for all levels while the graduating classes (sec4s and 5'ves)m will get off at 1:20pm BUT have to stay for mock exam EVERYDAY. 10 WEEKS TO PRELIM- It's time to CRAM! HAha, today was eng paper 2 mock exam, quite complicated. They used alot of jargon so it was kind of confusing and some big words baffled me but I think I'll pull through yea?

Went toi watch Initial D after school hahaz. Even though Im not a big fan of cars and such, and I definitly do not play the game or read the manga or watch the show. There still exists a certain draw to seeing singers not used to acting.. act in a movie. Psst... Jay Chou can't act crying scenes.

Woah it is almost 1am and I still need to rush out some work, Stopping here! Ciao :P

Quote of e Post:
The only fight you have to win, is with yourself

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Advantage Server

So sorry, I have not been blogging for almost a week now. (since the 21st... today is the 24th >.<) Been pretty busy. Funny isnt it? That i can blog regularly with school on but when there isno school during the holidays I cant pull time to blog... odd :D

So everyone knows I lost my phone right? Anyway, so it was kind of obvious Citicab is not going to find my phone (especially since I made a report TWO days after losing it) by now. Oh! We got our new sofa delivered this morning :) I'll get pics later, but I mis my old sofa more. My sister als ogot her new bed this afternoon hahaz, we really blew our budget this year =x

Went to Causeway point Hello! shop to get my new sim card (i know it's kind of far but who knows the inner workings of my father?) and they told me it would be activated by the next working day. And today is a working day :D Activated about 45mins after getting it, so happy. Using my old phone (Nokia 3310) that is like so old it isnt even listed on the Nokia webpage anymore >.< Went home and swapped into my dad's old phone, another little seen nokia phone, dunno wat model but it is also as heavy and just a little less sucky than my 3310. Have to make do, they aren't going to buy me a new phone >.< 1 and a 1/2 years seems very very long.

Healing ralley yesterday and today, so cool! It's a great faith booster to see miracles happen :) I wanted to invite some of my more... skeptical friends but they never made it. Still on Camp High. Can you believe it? So soon, holidays are ending, actually only 2 days left and I have not done a drop of my holiday homework. What happened to my promise to procrastinate no more? >.< It all boils down to willpower I guess. I'm just getting sore thinking about Ms Kodi touring Europe while her pupils are slogging all June... She'd better have some cool postcards and stories for us :P

They found my bible (yay!) Im getting it back tomorrow during Rangers :) Going to wear my newly furnished uniform wahaha red beret *drool* heehee. Talking about that I still need to resew my "Singapore" patch and the newly accquired JTC patch on my uniform. Just throw it on top of the urgent list of things to do (compiled and untouched since Tuesday >.<)

Just went to download these 2 songs and I'm loving it :) "Wake me up when September ends" by Green Day and "California" by the Phantom Planet. Sounds familier? Yup! California is the theme for the hit Tv series The O.C :) Want to watch alot but somehow it is more like a girl thing >.< The song and the mention of the title just reminds me of Cheryl Seah (shudder) dropping that

So tired... 2:40am now, I guess I'll go pia some homework then go sleep... maybe watching Initial D tomorrow :D IF I can pull the time :) Ciaoz

Quote of the Post:
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired. I know right now you dont care. But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Grrr Im pissed I have to sit here and pretend not to hear my father grumble about my stupid handphone. So what if I placed a report two days later than the day I lost it? If you're so confirmed that it is gone then why the hell you ask me to report?! And there you are saying that soemoen must have taken it, the cabbie must have thrown it away or sold it away blah blah crap. This is absolutely BS! So I 没有头脑去想 and 不会想 is it? Blah blah I didn't do anything all holiday, same thing year after year, DROP DEAD! I aint planning to fail this year you two.... BAH! I have nothing to say. If you just enjoy saying "other people have already blah blah" or "Other people like [name] can blah blah" then go friggin ask them to be your son! I dont have to sit here plug in my earphones and pretend not to hear all that BS.

Comamnding respect and respecting command, yes this is part of one of those many Army recruitment posters everywhere. So just by the very virtue that they are my parents I have to respect them? Im trying not to get angry but this is nutz. Oh, go on threathen not to buy me a new phone, I cant BE BOTHERED. IM SICK OF THIS, IM SICK OF IT ALL, I JUST WANT THIS OVER.

I might say this but I still know in a few hours, I'll cool down and things wil be alright again. But until then I need self-control and to remember James 1:19 (i think) "My brothers, take note of this, everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." (Or something amongst those lines... this was a memory verse we had) But it's hard, it is difficult. No one said being a Christian would be easy, I agree.

Original topic of the post was meant to beanother of our famous singaporean bloggers. Come on, most of you would have guessed it right away. Yep, it's the SPG. MAn is she dumb or something? This is Singapore, pulling a trick like that WILL GET YOU INTO TROUBLE! Is it for a popularity boost? Because after this I have no idea what you want to try. Is your dignity worth the price of fame? And Once it fades, what comes after? I kno, now you are famous, you're in the news, you'rein the papers but what happend when it fades? Your image is ruined.

If you dont know what I am talking about then get your head out of that hole in the ground and look at your computer screen. For the truly "i have been living in the mountains for the past 2 weeks" people SPG stand for Sarong Party Girl. I'd advise you go read the past few posts on our very on celebrity blogger's blog Xiaxue and then the person herself -> SPG aka Sarong party girl.

School is re-opening in about 5 days time. Homewrk is still an issue. My phone, is an issue. Everything is an issue. >.< I know what to do and how to do it but Im just not getting down to doing it!

Life is messy, but we can always see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm seeing mine, are you seeing yours? Drop me an e-mail if you want to know more, you have nothing to lose :)

Quote of e Post:
Whoever can be trusted with little can also be trusted with much

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Im back! NO pics so dont even bother looking (right like who would? >.<) JTC was totally cool la! All the girls were in one patrol and the guys were split into two. The three are Falcon (Girls), Bear (other guy patrol) and Wolf (Hey dont be a fool they say we're no2 but we are number ONE!!!)

Heh - having post camp high. Feel like breaking out into a loud ear piercing cheer/yell hahaz. Before eating, while walking, basically all the time :) It was so fun (save for the rain haha) i dont mind doing it again. Looking forward to AJTC next year! (Advanced JTC)

Day one, registration and briefing. Setting up of campsite. At first glance the wolf patrol is a group of "cannot make it" serious. LEster chose the name out of jest at first but it ended up being our patrol name. No one objected until we spelt it out hahaz. We were going to try for color wolf >.< (Dont ask please... it seriously wasn't my idea) but obviously it was not approved. For one, any group that dares to post FURLESS WOLVES as their patrol name has to be a bit mental. And we are all mental :D fyi it is FURLESS = no fur and not FEARLESS = no fear. Pitched tents and got wood. Lashed a tripod for the chipawa (its a kitchen thing lolz, like a table of sorts with an attached other areas) and made our wash basin. basically, we didnt manage to pulla bronze medal of excellence on day one whereas If im not wrong, the bears did (on the first day night)

Campfire that night was cool (There was a council fire every night) unprepared and not knowing what lay ahead the skits and all were highly entertaining :) we were late and got service patrol duty for the next day. We were very poor on day/night one a ton of things were left undone- like for example, the falcons already had their chipawa up.

Woke up early with JEremy and Clark on day two (the 8 man patrol stayed in 2 4 man tents) to build the chipawa but only finished the sides and not the table top. Small note, is it just me of do half the people there not know how to lash? No matter :D fixed our wash basin higher too. The service patrol was given orders to do the colors raising (flag) for the day. It was cool, haha Only i know how to wear beret properly xD ok la, cannot be so proud. But somone raised the Singapore flag, YES! Not the RAngers flag or the Christian flag but it had to be the Singapore flag upside down! Hyper malu... and I got ticked off for being too stiff when marching and all... =_= I cant help it! I'm stiff and rigid when marching or at attention... and I am used to banging :P

I think by then our morale was dropping faster than a rock sinks. (Especially when the Big Bear patrol was awarded their bronze medal of excellence during morning assembly after our horrible blunder) But everything was tons better during lunch. Tin foil cooking! It was AWESOEME! We may not be a strong united patrol like the Falconites (Those girls are crazy, in a nice way) nor are we hardworking and solidly built like the Big Bears (ill explain in a bit) but we sure know how to cook! Even though we area almost always late when it comes to cooking and eating (umm firecraft is not exactly one of our strong points) the food is great! And who said camping outdoors meant your food was limited to instant noodles and canned goods? :) Attained our bronze medal of excellence (lets call it moe from now on k?) in the evening, and inventing our song :) built our tool area and tool rack along with the rest of the things needed.. FINALLY a full campsite.

That evening we would be introduced to our best (And most troublesome) friend for the rest of the camp. the dutch oven. 3 pots made of cast iron in pure solid black, flat lids and spiked bottoms. One with a diameter of 14 inches and two with diameters of 12 inches, these black monsters worked by placing hot coals above and below them to cook. They weighed terriblly heavy, the smaller ones (12 inch) according to sources weigh about 20 pounds each. (to convert to kg simply divide by 2.2 meaning the small ones weighed... ok fine (Physics mumble) had a mass of 9 kilograms each. And that is the smaller one!

We cooked or should I say we were supposed to cook chicken stew with rice but because we didnt really read the instructions we ended up with tomato colored rice cooked with all the ingredients we had and a soup. Still not too shabby, but at that point I was convinced that our silver moe was never going to be coming.

While I clocked only a simple 4 hours of sleep on the first night (from 1am to 5am) I managed a nice 5 hours on the second night hahaz (1am to 6am) so it was cooler. Ok before I continue I must state I was very disappointed with myself. Because I was alittle "delayed" on the first day, I got shoved into the roster under clean up for the first two days and firestarter for the last (like I said... firecraft -> horrible) at times I felt we were more of a circus than a patrol and we were not having behaviour fitting of a training camp. At times I felt I could have done better than the leader at that point of time, at times I felt that the mistakes we made were so stupid, and then again at times we were so helpless. But then, looking back. I never said a word, I didnt intervene, at times I didnt help to do the job i was more skilled in when offered a choice between that and a job which was easier to do.

Part of being a leader is being humble. I learnt that as part of this camp. Many things look eay until you try it. Even though I was never given the role of patrol guide or assistant guide throughout the three days everyone helped out in everything. Because we are not superman, no one is. There is not one job that one person can do alone even if the roster only had one person's name under each duty slot. Teamwork was unanimous, it was unspoken, no one asked for help, it just came and hwne they needed help, we just went. At the end of the second day (especially after the "failure" at dinner) something snapped, the wolves were in full throttle.

Third day, it was the last full day of the camp. We went for lessons on etiquitte and manners and such. It was totally wasted on us... I feel very sorry for the girls (operation falcon) for being faster, more united and more efficient than the two other patrols, that for accomplishing so much, the most they got out of the wolves was teasing and laughter. They might not be as strong as the bears physically but their spirit was evident ever since the first day, they bonded so well. I was ashamed of the mocking they endured.

At morning assembly the Bears were presented their Silver moe. But today, nothing could get us down. The furless wolves were fearless wolves. Lunch was excellent despite our blunder of leaving the dutch ovens open before washing resulting a severe hygene penalty. All JTC campers were slammed with a task to complete a 25 word explaination why it was necessary to properly store tools and utensils. As the camp progressed, our skill with the dutch oven increased by leaps and bounds. Even though it was a little wet, Dinner was perfect, including dessert.

OIn the last night at council fire the Big Bear Patrol attained their Gold moe, while Operation Falcon got both their Silver and Gold about 5 minutes apart from each other. (The wolves had already gotten our silver moe by now but I cannot remember when exactly! >.<)

The last day. Spirits were high and everyone was hyped. We had done so much in the 3 days. Almost strangers, during the service the commandant remarked that even he had thought at the start of the camp that the Wolves would not make it so far but he had to proudly pass us our Gold Medal of Excellence. The day was long and weary. I cannot remember too much, there is just so much I can say that I cannot find. Everyone passed out with their Basic JTC and JTC. I especially want to extend my thanks not only to all the commanders but especially to our Senior Guide Kenny and Junior Commander Loinel along with our PAtrol Advisor Commander Jason (Outpost #1 rocks!) for it was them that pushed us when we felt we would never make it (like when it rained on the second night)

Story time over, now back to life as per usual :) Rushed out of the campsite at 2:15pm for Youth. We ran to the road to flag a cab and caught one piling in. The driver took us to Eunos when we were headed for Payar Lebar >.< but it was only a short way off. Ahh! I left my bible and cup there!! The thing about the cup? It was a green plastic mug like those army kind. What's the big deal? It was the one issued to us by NCC when we just joined and were going for a camp! Ahh Im going to cry.. I lost my precious cup! And my bible! There was so much stuck within it's pages! And to top that off, on the way there in my rush my handphone must have slipped out of my pocket in the cab. I LOST MY HANDPHONE! Just like my mug, it wasnt something fancy of expensive but it held messages, nuimbers and tons of other irreplacable stuff. I would cry if I ever lost it but now even if I cried IW ouldn't have any tears to do so >.< which reminds me I Was supposed to call citicab to ask for lost and found by 5pm today but .. *looks at clock reading 5:20* I forgot... My father is going to slaughter me.

Yesterday was the day I lost my phone and also fathers day. That totally spoilt the mood. I dont think my parents are going to finance me a new phone if this one is totally lost. Which I have a bad feeling it is because I lost it when it was on but when I called it after service about 4 hours later it was off. I fear for the worst, thatsomeone has taken my hp. The stuff in it is irreplacable! (ereht ti tsil lli noitces terces eht dnif uoy fi)

Whatis up and what is down? Holidays only last one more week. I'll need to push all my school work in. The difference? I am actually going to get it done this time round, So Im logging off now -ciao

Quote of e Post:
I believe forgiveness is the key to happiness

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Ahhh... Its going to be very simple, very short.

1) My head hurts, Im haveing a horrible headache

2) My D&T project is not done.

3) I'm typing with one hand, the other is holding my head

4) JTC is tomorrow and i dont have some stuff

5) My ZM only has 12 hours of battery life, less if it is playing and JTC lasts 4 days

6) One side of my glasses (the part on your nose?) broke, its is pointy and my glasses are lopsided.

7) Sneezing, from dust (both in school and at home, the neighbours are renovating)

8) Dilys's Dad is giving us a lift there tomorrow morning, how nice

9) Caroline has a new blogskin, cool job

10) The complete adventure of Wei Xin vs Sebestian is up, go catch it.

11) Cant take it anymore, I'm going to take a couple of asprin and knock myself out


Quote of e Post:
It never rains but pours.

Saturday, June 11, 2005


Second post of the day! I got the pics now heehee, without further ado...

Woah, That is HIGH, really high...

Wait! There's more!

It opens up! And I can put stuff inside!!

But sadly, it is still all wrapped up and all, Even if we unpack it, I wouldn't want to sleep on it just yet :) Its so high! The last time I slept on a bed this high was during a camp in which I took the upper bunk of a bunk bed, that's all... but this is nuts! I just measured and it is like... 62 cm tall! Bahz... but there MAY be advantages to having a high bed like.... I dont know lol...

I've been thinking a little... and I wonder. Countries fight wars because they cannot agree on something right? So why not resort to another non-destructive way of settling scores which does not involve the loss of lives... like Chess or something. Oh but of course, the media loves a scandal, the world loves a fight. It is deeply embedded in human nature to fight, just like wild animals. The difference? We have self control and something called a conscience.

How does one prove they exist? When you are on the boat of life, and you keep paddling on and on and you begin to feel that whatever you do, won't make even the slightest ripple, sometimes, you just have to stop looking at the steely still water ahead and look behind, every stroke of your paddle makes a small wave, as it moves out, it becomes bigger as it goes. The small things you do, magnify as they spread through the people on the recieving end. Because we keep looking ahead at the future we do not know about, we tend to become disheartened. But look behind once in a while and see the people behind you. There is a reason engines are always behind the boat :)

Ok... that was a little off random lolz... but makes sense... right? Say it is .. right? Ahhh... Don't tell me Im the only who makes sense of it (because now reading the whole thing it makes little sense -.-)

Random thought... "American Pie" is a really long song... I dont think I will ever finish memorising it...8mins 52seconds wow O.O And almost every line is different.... Tenpuri songs are so difficult to find! Tenpuri data is so difficult to find! All I can ever dig out is Seigaku, Seigaku, Seigaku! Im sure there are fans of the other school teams that can make sites with proper solid information! And NO EWW!! I DO NOT WANT TO FIND POT YAOI! EWWWWWWWWW.... I feel abit sick....

LoL~ Just realised that even though I have about 430 songs in my Mp3, depending on my mood I will only listen to a few songs, and they will be on repeat track... SO WHY DO I HAVE 430 SONGS?! LoLz... I guess one reason is because I use it as my "storage device" almost every song I own and love (Save those irritating ones that I cannot find in mp3 format) are in that little stylish white and silver case. (Just checked, for the note, I have ... 432 tracks in 16 playlists using 2958Mb (about 3GB) out of 3885Mb (About 4GB) on my player. I do believe I am finally running out of space :D

Oh! We just took the cover off the bed, now to place a bedsheet on it.... Ooh, I get a free pillow with the bed! :) Ahh, life just keeps getting better jk jk Stopping here for now, Youth tomorrow, CeT too... Im ushering! Hahaz, JTC in only 4 days, Can't wait! Ciao!

Quote of e Post:


Oh my... Im out of moves to name so im going to use Tennis terms now :) Yea, Im not over it yet Wahaha...

For the sake of my valued readers I have decided to change my blogskin again! (As you can see) Once more, another Tenpuri skin, with the "full-sized" pictures of the Seigaku team this time. Another change is the bigger main window, so I need not downsize pictures I take with my video camera, nifty eh? And do note the inclusion of two new sections! The Fun-stuff page and the Gallery page! For now, there is just a testing picture in the Gallery page but I've posted soemthing cute in the fun-stuff page, go check it out!

And of course, my secret area is still around, happy looking, enjoy the "clues" :) Watashi wa nani mo wakarimasen.... Oo~

My new bed arrived! Yesterday, but the moves brought the WRONG base! So I only have a huge matteress taking up all my space and no place to sleep T.T

My new mattress :)

So We had no choice but to lug the old matteress back so I could sleep for the night :>

And my old mattress lolz, the new mattress is still visible against the wall...

Since Im blogging a day late for that entry... viola! They are ficing up the new base NOW! (2:30pm Saturday) :) I'll have some pics when they are done, for not, I can't go upstairs (need to watch the door)

JTC in one week! Sounds harsh.... But it should be alright... looking forward to owning my own red beret haha, I haven't worn a beret for like... almost half a year. I wonder if I still remember how to.

One week left (Actually for me, 3 days, because I'm going for JTC starting 16th onwards) to finish up my D&T project and I'm not even HALF done!! Im so dead this time, not to mention that I BROKE the screw thread I ordered in HALF!! What am I to do now?! T_T

Ahh.. its almost 3:30pm better log off now, get ready, ciao!

Quote for e Post:
I've got a gift for you!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Tezuka Zone

Heyz... wanted to post this last night but it was too late when I got home for my father to let me use the com so Im only doing it now (Abit too late I feel)

Went for dinner last night with Rong Sheng, Xide, Jean, Derrick and Sandra, a kind of farewell dinner as RS is going off to be enlisted into NS tomorrow! (today) Yea, at about 11:30am at Tekong.... but have school, and I don't think I can set foot on Tekong hahaz, I will soon, give me 2 years :)

Ate at Cafe Cartel at j8, not bad ba, but budget constraints always hurt. But Derrick gave us a treat! Thank You!! Have a pic or two from last night but he wasn't too keen on having his picture taken -_-U (Just like Jean) no wonder they hit off so well.... (And is thus on the small list of invited people to dinner heehee)

Ahh! He hides
Can't catch anything here... someone has pretty good reflexes...


Peseverence and the keen eye for opportunity still helps me pull in a pic in the end :D

Sadly there isnt a group pic because majority was not in favour of having their picture taken so there isn't a group pic (however much I would like to have one)

Big news! jk hehe... Im just posting a song, its been a long time since ive put a song up. For RS, Derrick, all e commanders and everyone that deserves it... Enjoy

Arigatou - Home Made Kazoku
>Thank you - Home made Kazoku
Bleach! 2nd Ending

Itsumo sasaetekureru hitotachi ni
Higoro no omoi wo kometa rhapsody
A ppreciations na kimochi yo todoke
Itsumo arigatou honto arigatou
Tatoe doko ni itatte kimi no sonzai ni kanshashiteru yo
>To the people who have always supported me
>I've put you in my rhapsody of everyday thoughts
>I hope my feelings of appreciations will reach you
>Thank you as always. Really, thank you
>No matter where you are I'll always be thankful you exist

Tasogare no machi ga akaku somaru koro
Nanigenaku michi wo aruiteita
Ikikau hito no mure ga masu gogo
Nantonaku tachidomattemita
Potsuri to aita kokoro no sukima
Umeruyouni ugoita keitai no mana-
Kimi wa hitori ja nai hora mina
Tagai ni sasaeatteku no sa
>When twilight stains the town red I walked around casually
>The number of people coming and going increase around noon
>So I tried standing still one way or the other
>As if being burried, little by little
>Manners were moving, being carried into the gap in my heart
>You're not alone. C'mon everyone
>Let's support each other together

Fuantei na mirai ga kowakute
Yandeita boku ni mukatte
Nani mo iwazu ni sotto te wo
Sashinobetekureru kimi ga ita
Kanashimi ga hanbun ni natta
Yorokobi wa nibai ni fukuranda
Gyaku no tachiba ni nattra sugusama
Soba made kaketsukeru to chikatta
>An uncertain future is scary, and then you faced me
>And without saying anything you softly took my hand
>My sadness was halved and my pleasure doubled
>My life was turned around instantly
>And you swore to run to my side

Itsumo sasaetekureru hitotachi ni
Higoro no omoi wo kometa rhapsody
A ppreciations na kimochi yo todoke
Itsumo arigatou honto arigatou
Tatoe doko ni itatte kimi no sonzai ni kanshashiteru yo
>To the people who have always supported me
>I've put you in my rhapsody of everyday thoughts
>I hope my feelings of appreciations will reach you
>Thank you as always. Really, thank you
>No matter where you are I'll always be thankful you exist

Far away far away
Tooku hanareteitemo nagareru toki no naka de
Tomo ni sugoshita hibi no kioku wa
Keshite kierukoto wa nai no sa
Nakama ya kazoku ya koibito soshite deatta subete no hitobito
Arigatou mina no okage de
Mata asu kara chikarazuyoku fumidaseru
>Far away far away
>Even if we're widely seperated in the flow of time
>The memories of the days we spent together
>Will never ever fade away
>Friends, and family, and lovers, and all the people we met
>"Thank You!!" it's thanks to everyone
>Again from tomorrow on we can advance with strength

Hito wa dare mo hitori de wa ikiteikeya shinai
Tagai wa tagai wo itsumo keyashiai
Igai dekinai toki wa hanashiai
Harakakaeru kurai waraiaitai
Nanoni naze kou toki ni kenashiai
Kizutsukiauno tte ki gashinai
Bakabakashii kurai kimi ga suki da
Terekusai kedo chotto honki da
>No one is living alone
>We always take mutual care of each other
>And when we can't see eye to eye, we talk things over
>We want to laugh so much as to be carrying our stomachs
>But then, why do we speak ill of these times
>When we have no intention to harm one another?
>I love you so much it's absurd
>It's a little embarrassing, but I mean it

Itsumo sasaetekureru hitotachi ni
Higoro no omoi wo kometa rhapsody
A ppreciations na kimochi yo todoke
Itsumo arigatou honto arigatou
Tatoe doko ni itatte kimi no sonzai ni kanshashiteru yo
>To the people who have always supported me
>I've put you in my rhapsody of everyday thoughts
>I hope my feelings of appreciations will reach you
>Thank you as always. Really, thank you
>No matter where you are I'll always be thankful you exist

Kitto minna igai to shai de men to mukatte
Nakanaka kuchi ni dashite ienakute
Dakedo honto wa iitai kuse ni
Nanik ga jama shite mina tsuyogatte
Toki ni sarakedashite tsutaeyou
Kotoba ni wa fushigi na chikara ga yadoru yo
Kantan na koto sa jibun kara mazu hajimeyou
Kitto dekiru yo
>Surely everyone is a little shy being face to face
>And words won't come so easily out of our mouths
>But in reality, we really want to say those things
>Something is getting in the way and everyone is bluffing
>You'll be exposed in time
>Words carry a strange power
>It's simple. Starting with yourself, surely you can do it...

JUST FOREVER kimi ga itekureta you ni
JUST FOREVER kimi ga itekureta you ni
>When you turn around I WILL BE THERE
>JUST FOREVER like you said
>When you turn around I WILL BE THERE
>JUST FOREVER like you said

Itsumo sasaetekureru hitotachi ni
Higoro no omoi wo kometa rhapsody
A ppreciations na kimochi yo todoke
Itsumo arigatou honto arigatou
Tatoe doko ni itatte kimi no sonzai ni kanshashiteru yo
>To the people who have always supported me
>I've put you in my rhapsody of everyday thoughts
>I hope my feelings of appreciations will reach you
>Thank you as always. Really, thank you
>No matter where you are I'll always be thankful you exist

Itsumo sasaetekureru hitotachi ni
Higoro no omoi wo kometa rhapsody
A ppreciations na kimochi yo todoke
Itsumo arigatou honto arigatou
Tatoe doko ni itatte kimi no sonzai ni kanshashiteru yo
>To the people who have always supported me
>I've put you in my rhapsody of everyday thoughts
>I hope my feelings of appreciations will reach you
>Thank you as always. Really, thank you
>No matter where you are I'll always be thankful you exist

Wow O.O That is long.. but the words are really meaningful, if you don't mind ask me. I'll send it to you, no questions asked.... we all can learn something from this :)

Updated some OTHER part of my blog :) Hee... hee... hee... stopping here! Ciao

Quote of e Post:
Why do people kill people to show that killing people is wrong

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Swallow Return

Hey hey! New skin ^_^ This one is kind of troublesome, but the fact that you are reading this shows you managed to navigate your way around :) Unforturnately, those without Prince of Tennis knowledge MAY be abit lost =) But sometimes, that isn't a bad thing :) To help everyone out, I'll repost what is what here! (with pictures so you can learn who's who at the same time :D)

Inui, he plays his trademark "Data Tennis" using data collected on various opponents he can safely calculate a plan of battle. His signature move is the "Sonic Serve" a very fast serve that is rarely caught. Clicking on his picture will bring you to my INFO page (naturally)

Echizen Ryoma, the main character of the series Prince of Tennis has won four junior tennis title before entering Seigaku. Raised in America, his english is excellent and the envy of many classmates. His playing style is a copy of his Father's and he has many signature moves like the "Split Step", "Twist Serve" and "Drive B". Clicking on his picture brings you to this page, the BLOG page

Kaidoh, user of the "Snake Shot", has a terrible temper and is very violent. His signature movesare the "Snake Shot" and the "Boomerang Snake" which goes around the net to score. His high stamina (he does 3x the training others on the team do) coupled with his snake shot, Kaidoh is highly formidable. Clicking on his picture brings you to the LINKS page

Momoshiro, plays power tennis, using brute strength an strong shots to take his opponents down. His "Dunk Smash" is particularly dangerous and has been rumored to have killed someone. Mostly clam and cheerful, Momo has a long lasting rivalry with KAidoh. Clicking on his picture will bring you to the TAGBOARD

Kawamura, the real "Power Player" of Seigaku is docile and gentle but turns fierce and highly aggressive once he holds a tennis racket. His antics are a constant source of amusement for the first years. Clicking on his picture will bring you to the ARCHIVES page

Tezuka (Oval glasses) is the captain of the Seigaku tennis club, his special technique is the "drop shot" which rolls back towards the net when it lands. Not very possible in real life but interesting to watch nevertheless. A very strong player that is well known but is nursing an injured arm.

Oishi (The person on the left of Momoshiro) is the vice captain of the Seigaku tennis club. Together wth Eiji (Above Oishi) they make up the famous "National level Golden Pair" of Seigaku. Just the mere mention of their title strike fear in the hearts of rival school teams. Oishi's speciality technique is the "moon volley" a pin point lob that lands directly on the opponent's baseline. Sweet :)

Eiji (Above Oishi) is the other half of the "Golden Pair" his playing style is impressive and highly entertaining. Named "acrobatic play", Eiji uses his flexibility to return balls in rather.... unusual positions :) shocking opponents not used to his style of play.

Fuji (Above Inui) is known as the progidy of Seigaku's tennis team. He usually keeps his eyes closed and only open them fully when he is serious (rather cool) His has three speciality techniques and is so highly talented Inui once remaked "This is one person I can never finish collecting data about". His first move, the "Tsubame Geishi" is a return that does not bounce, but rolls low to the ground. The second is the "Higuma Otoshi" which Fuji uses to counter power shots (like Momoshiro's dunk smash) and the "Hakugei" is another spectecular but impossible move in which the ball bounces upwards before the opponent and lands behind them before returning to Fuji, when this happens he likes to say "it disappeared?" :) Very cute. (Ps. every popularity poll conducted has had Fuji as the winner, leaving Ryoma in 2nd place :D)

Note that even though 9 people are reflected here, there are only 8 people at one time on the team. Team members are selected through quarterly "ranking matches". At first Inui was out and then Momoshiro, later on Tezuka left to treat his arm and there is still more but I have yet to read that far yet ^_^

Haha, my update post has turned into a full entry :) Them Im stopping here... need to go eat AND do PoA homework for tomorrow. Sigh, school ends at 5:30pm tomorrow T.T maybe I'll blog later when Im done. Ciao!

Quote of e Post:
Im just here to take data (no prizes for guessing who)

Monday, June 06, 2005

Data Tennis

Bahz... short post today, not much to blog about. Finally showed my parents my progress report haha, it was getting kind of stale (not fun :D) They were lright with it, even though certain things were below expectations but it was generally alright. Even though should one get such results for their Os they would be bawling their eyes out. Won't post results... shameful sia...

Hmmz... I need to pack my room up before my new bed comes this saturday, and if you need to know how bad the situation is, check it out.

On the floor, a mess. Books, cards, boxes, and almost everything under the sun (Is that a badminton racket I see?? Oo)

Side shelf, another mess. Books and more books with assorted belonging atop. And a variet y of bags haphazardly piled on the floor

My table, books and even more books, papers, files and what-have-you (Note, that is JUST a computer monitor, my computer is actually downstairs [sadly])

Heeehee, photo-blogging is fun, a picture speaks a thousand words, how true. Guess my video camera is still good for MANY things besides taking videos (which isn'tvery common I guess)

Watched "50 first dates" today, it was a romantic comedy, with rather gross comedy though. But overall it's nice, no comment, watch it yourself! A rather "feel good - laugh it off" movie. But If I were ever so unlucky (or from a different point of view -blessed) to ever meet someone like that, I wouldn't know what to do. She may only have 24 hours (one day) memory, but I really pity 10-second Tom. Yup, like his nickname implies he only has 10 seconds of short term memory. Very sad, I wonder if that illness (for got the name, some gold-something syndrome) really exists. Maybe I'll google it if im free

Off now to pack my room, my parents are pressurising me to pack my room even more than they are pressurising me to get my work done Oo But I guess that is because they dont know about the work cut out for me haha, Seeya round!

Quote of E Post:
Running this Race

Sunday, June 05, 2005


So sorry, haven't been blogging for a few days, for some very bad reasons :P Like blogger eating up my post so I was too lazy to retype it, and like someone deleting my post *ahem* but that is the past, no need to mind that anymore.

Saturday 4 of June! Youth Alive 14th Anniversary! :) Love the shirt :) It was awesome haha. Same group as Joel and Dilys along with Dily's two other friends and Shan An! Haha, ya, I brought him again :) First item was the "amazing race" kind. We were totally SLACK la us... walking instead of running, taking bus when we could have taken MRT for fun, watching TV on the way and stopping for numerous water breaks x) Slurpies anyone?

So we like came in 26 out of 28 groups, big deal, Team 10 still ROCKS! Haha, Oh, Ps Rachel brought Leon from Prison Fellowship Ministry back again for sharing :) I already knew him from the time when he taught one CET class for us (Peer Pressure) Left after eating, kind of sad though, HG2 took pictures! And I was missing :( O well... Youth Anni was cool, extending a hge thanks to all the committee members who worked on it to make it the success it was :) Pics!

The T-shirt :) There are male anf emale versions avaliable in black or white :)

The Logo on the front...

The words at the side...

The wording at the back/side :) Beautiful

Hmm, Sadly I dont have pics of the event, if only I had a camera on hand hmm... *hint hint!* :D

Sunday, no tution until I've found something I need to ask about heehee. Prayer MEeting was awesome, maybe it's just me but it set the way for Service later on to become really great. Once more life seems on track, now lets just put my words into action :)

Candidate for Goddess has started! Even though it's been getting terrible reviews all other the place, and when I say terrible I mean it has been seriously discouraged but Im carrying on anyway. It focuses on (like the title says) candidates to pilot this mecha... the typical hero in big mecha save the world from aliens story , I will not elaborate. You can google it for more info but I dont have much information about the candidates myself, continually sourcing for more :)

Anna got a Zen Neon! I'd love to see it :) Beats my Zen Micro anyday, but no matter, the Micro has a touch pad haha :) Haha, but no matter, Im content. Must learn to be content with what you have. The very fact I have a mp3 player is more than enough for me, I wasen't even expecting to own one considering I never owned a disc-man or any of those (so called) infernal devices xD

Went for saturation after service, then went for Zone dinner. I actually totally forgot about that! So now Im a little broke T.T No matter, it was fun :) But I think we busted Cecelia's budget! She is always like that... "suffering" in silence for us... Tai Gan Dong le~! Haha

Hmm stopping here... the Tenpuri titles might have to stop soon unless I can find more speciality techniquesto use as names haha, till next time, ciao

Quote of e Post:
When we go though the drought of our spiritual life... there are 2 things you need to do...

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Twist Serve

Blogging today because it was too late last night. Went to send Edwin off at the airport yesterday. At fdirst I had my doubts, my reservations, we weren't exactly the best of friends, neither was there amy enemity between us, and I had to and face a ton of other people I have not met for at least 2 years. But I went anyway. It was more touching than I had prepared my self for. EVeryone was joyous, it would only be for one and a half years. No tears fell till the final moments, where his eyes could no longer look upon the group. No one could blame them. One and a half years isn't exactly a short time, the dutch courage we gave ourselves by saying we would be at the arrival hall welcoming him again before we knew fell apart the moment he turned his back for the last time.

It was touching yes. But It never really affected me deeply until he gave out a bag of stuff to his family of close friends. Part of that bag was his RSN (Royal Singapore Navy) NCC Specialist badge. It just hit me so hard then, this was something priceless, the 2-3 days of effort. The fun, discomfort and everything during spec course, and he left it for them. It was as if he was saying that a part of him will live on with each of them until the day he returns. Will he change? Who knows? People change, but we can't bear to sometimes, and if others do, we might not accpet it. I actually, I never thought I still had such feelings for my year, especially when I spent one year forcing myself to forget everything, I just can't. The PCSS graduates of 2004 are still the greatest bunch of people I've known. I will not regret turning back, try as I might, I can't forget you all (even though I have already forgotten some people, I will keep the rest, it will suffice for now)

One and a half years, in one and a half years when we all go back to welcome him again (It was the silence thereafter that forged that unspoken promise) where will we be? Many of them made it into Poly and a few into Jc. In one and a half year, December 2007. If all goes according to plan, Id have just finished my 2 years in Jc, those In Poly would also be in thier final year/term. I'd be what? 19? (!... #4... :) ...?) And so would everyone else. One and a half years is alot of time for changes to take place, what will change? For better, or worse? I still believe one thing. Do what you want in life, just never regret anything you have done.

Being with these people again, just reinforces really how pathetic this year's graduating classes are. I'm ashamed to be part of them. That isnt the Peicai I am proud of, no it isn't. Peicai really is not a bad place, it's a great school, but at the end of the day it is the people that make Peicai "Peicai", not the building, not the dis-tasteful brown uniform, not the "neighbourhood" location, it's the people in it, you, I and all our friends and teachers. Peicai is a great school. Ha, what's wrong with me?? So emotional :) But it's a warm feeling, better than trying to be tough and cold all the time, I can't be bothered anymore, there isn't reason to.

Just read Dily's blog, she's back from her camp! Good, just in time to make it for Youth Anni on Saturday :) Looking forward to it, spent the day slogging it out in the D&T workshop at school, nuff said. Got back early because too few people so cannot really continue (Out of our class of 26 D&T pupils only 5 were left) Need to compile some money, buy my electronics for D&T and carry on, being stuck here is horrible, I might not hit my deadline.

Certain things you think can only happen in reel life, on Tv or in stories but, yesterday was one of those "looks too false to be real but totally is" moments. It was brave, and yet must have been very difficult to leave it all behind and leave. Will there come a day when I too would have to do the same? Will I do the same? How many people will remember me when I'm gone/going? I'll end here, to go recompose myself :') haha, not really... it's very rare for me to cry. And even rarer for someone to witness it.

Just realised everytime I hit someone out of blind rage I'd be tearing, no idea why either. People weren't meant to fight, not like this. It ony creates sadness, suffering and unrest, which give birth to vengeance, and the cycle continues.

Quote of e Post:
People are actually really warmhearted...