Monday, February 06, 2006

Thank God For Friday

It has been confirmed that the O level results will be out come the 10th which is this coming Friday, we all anticipate this long awaited event of destiny with baited breath. Long awaited indeed- wonder where this path will lead us. 1A02 will most absolutely splinter, as will Thebes Gamma.

I havent blogged for VERY long mostly because blogger ate up my last two posts while posting and never returned them. As such I will have a second copy on hand before I post, lest the post eater decides to chow down again.

Nothing too spectacular about today, no CCA, J2s begin their common tests. I wish them good luck and all the best- Watched Hamlet, not the actual serious aply, but more of a comical madcap pardoy of it that still kept to the actual story line.

Burnt the morning at Changi Airport sending the STEP team of for their missions trip. So touching, sadly Jean didnt make it on time and was late enough to miss them by like 15 minutes, touche.

Thanks to WeiXin I managed to watch the Chingay parade ^_^ In the barricades at orchard road! Aww man, you're a pal :) Pictures are on the way, which reminds me I have to send a set to him too - hmm. It was great fun although the people there were all halfdead and lacklustre in cheering, wait they didn't really cheer at all. I feel abit sad for the Cheer Rockers. OH well, it is all in the past now-

Only left at almost 10 and there was no food, what about dinner? Went to 7-11 to eat cup noodles x) WX called Yerrica down too, so bad of us but haha nvm she was hungry too. Glad to see everyone alive and well, really really glad.

Went for 2nd Service as part of Tertiary, ZzzZ cos I came back late the previous night and thus was a dopey half awake fella all day haha- Didnt fg ofor youth, went home to piah Geog assignment- got it done by today (phew, luckily) not too shabby ^_^ Ate dinner at Warren, id arther call it a mini feast, just without any fish [sad :( I love fish] Haha, Im gonna grow FAT AGAIN! 8(

I had a bad day. Seems like Ive been down on my luck (slightly) all this week. First during PE I accidentally made a "own-goal" cos the ball bounced off my shin and went through the post. We lost 0-2, one was my "Assisted" own goal, crap-

Then during break I dropped a plate I was putting back to the stall, drawing the attention of the canteen, great, now Im the guy who dropped his plate of noodles (it was hlaf finished and it really wasn't my plate, just helping you know? So much for being Mr.Nice-guy)

And then I feel asleep in class multiple times esp GP bleh and had to stand up, no matter, a simple question put me right back in my seat. Ponned Chinese again, very tired, and hungry had to eat and sleep. Then I left my t-shirt at the classroom and happily headed home after Math.

Great job, I'll go early tomnorrow to see if the shirt is still there =x Eww, it will really stink by then.

Yawn- id better go eat my dinner now- bye bye.

Ps. I heard the school can find our blogs and read em- eek! Bah, I dont care, really, after all, there is nothing bad about the ministry, the country or the teachers on my blog. Why should I fear when there is nothing to be found??

Quote of e Post:
The blood of the weak is the ink with which we will write the declaration of a new nation of power

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