Sunday, February 19, 2006

There's a fine, fine line

Hey, I haven't been updating so sorry. Friday was eerie, to top it off I took the econs test I missed the previous friday, not bad (considering I did it out of memory work) but I only got 15/20 haha. But BEFORE econs our chinese teacher stormed in, mad as hell and threathening to send us there too =x

Guess we finally got him pissed enough to warrant a lecture, oh well, guess I'll be going to my first chinese lesson in 2 week, so bad right =x Ya haha, i pon alot of chinese lessons. Didn't go for CCA, and gave our "giftS" to our dear OGLs teehee ^_^ the box game is really growing on us. I love my OG. (so mushy =x)

Ok, I dont really bother if they sometimes read in but between 1A02 and my OG, Id pick my OG. I guess it's more because we did all our crap together, did the same stupid things, played the same silly games, shouted ourselves hoarse side by side and practically became each other's family for one week. We have an awesome OG, so close.

I don't know about my class but we're splitting come March, and there will be a new class. and this time we will probably be together for the next 2 years. And then, after signing up as an OGL, I really suspect the 2nd intake students wont be as enthu as us, simply because as some people put it. "Orientation is a waste of time, Id just pon and come back when the school really starts work."

I don't know what they want (majority of em anyhow) and there's been some bad blood and ill feelings. But, Ive learnt to forgive you, so won't you tell me how to change? Is it that Im not making the effort or are some people just that hard to love?

Found a new song, loving it, how appropriate for this week.

--There's a Fine, Fine Line--

There's a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend;
There's a fine, fine line between reality and pretend;
And you never know 'til you reach the top if it was worth the uphill climb.

There's a fine, fine line between love
And a waste of time.

There's a fine, fine line between a fairy tale and a lie;
And there's a fine, fine line between "You're wonderful" and "Goodbye."
I guess if someone doesn't love you back it isn't such a crime,
But there's a fine, fine line between love
And a waste of your time.

And I don't have the time to waste on you anymore.
I don't think that you even know what you're looking for.
For my own sanity, I've got to close the door
And walk away...

There's a fine, fine line between together and not
And there's a fine, fine line between what you wanted and what you got.
You gotta go after the things you want while you're still in your prime...

There's a fine, fine line between love
And a waste of time.

It's quite a sad song isn't it? Anyhow, some people prefer to listen to angry songs (aka f*** you songs) when they are depressed. I belong to another group, who prefer to listen to depressing songs when depressed, after a while of reflection and slow saddening songs, we'll hit a certain level when we'll just bounce back up and tada, depressions gone. One thing though, some people never find that bounce back level, and they die trying, it's very sad. Suicide is a horrible way to go, if you really want to go try some less painful ways, like listening through econs lectures.

So get this into your head, you can't kill me. Id find my will to live my geatest asset. I REFUSE TO DIE. I've got things to do, dreams to accomplish, people to take revenge on just kidding :) But Ive got things I want to do... thats what I know. So what if I repeated sec 3? So what if I only got 18? So what if everyones' going off to SA or VJ or RJ and Im going to SR-- it's still a college, and we're a pretty darn nice place. Eat that Raffles. (no offence to any RJC people really, just the icon of top tier schools)

Quote of e Post:
Shizuka ni tsumoru yo konayuki
(Let the powdered snow fall silently)

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