Thursday, February 09, 2006

Because you are here

Results tomorrow, again with this crap? Haha- alright, yesterday I met up with Acz. First time since what? 2 to 3 months? He;s doing fine, but I worry about his life, in general, more specifically, umm I can't really put the feeling down that he's headed nowhere good.

Haha, I was bored, and worried so I penned this poem during my break- it kind of flows wierdly but hey, Im no professional poet.

Tommorow is the tenth of Feb
Hopes will be raised, tears will be shed
Will we go Poly or pre-U instead?
We wouldn't know till we've cried and bled
Once the tears dry in the sun
Dont let fear keep you on the run
Embrace this future that has begun
Not all is lost, so keep pressing on

We are all afraid, on a certain level, yes. Afraid of what? Facing the truth? Facing the future? Facing our results? Or facing our friends, the scrutiny of society- So much going on in such a short time frame.

Friends, the word invokes such a warm fuzzy and yet wierdly distant feeling reminiscent of long ago. I forgot what it is like to be warm. Ive clean forgotten the cheer of comarade. And ive forgotten what Im bloggin about =x

Quote of e Post:
without giving up, I'll walk to that wish-granting place

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