Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Wait for you

Just returned from watching Ootp. If the movie did anything at all for me it made me even more depressed. Thanks to Chelmin for helping me get the ticket, the front row view wasn't so bad due to the layout of the cinema, and it was cheap (Due to the special event). So thanks.

The movie sucked more then I'd thought it would. But Luna is still really cute. Even more so now- I kinda like her sneakers... =x

3/4 the fun of watching a movie is watching it with other people. Whom you know.

Town, just the place where one can feel the most isolated and loneliest in the most crowded of places. It is so hard to walk alone, no matter where you go and where you are. You don't know what its like, no, not a single one.

In a crowd, what do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? Do you see people, or monsters? I see monsters, plastered with large mocking grins and devilish teeth. All I hear is laughter and ridicule. I can't feel safe there_ I feel mocked and exhibited for the world to critique. So I plug in my earphones, so I close my eyes, so I look down. So the crowds subside and another wave takes their place. Another regimen another division of hellspawn.

Can't you leave me be? I thought you were a friend, friends. You've laughed and jabbed and stolen all my pride and dignity. What more do you want from me? So I'm n00b and you're great. Big fucking deal_ what the hell happened to you. So now you're cool and I'm still not, and all you ever say to me is heh and wut. I don't need people like this around, I can get my daily dose of demoralization from school. So keep your God damn high and mightyness to yourself. Whether you act or not I don't know, but your tears to me are wicked lies. I see in every drop a plot device- orchestrate your climb up the ladder of success. When you get all the recognition you want there i'll be. To pull the ladder from beneath. I pray you break your spine for this.

My heart is heavy, literally I can feel the weight it has, dragging down my chest. Sadness has nothing on this- I can't even figure out what this is. ""Shall I give you despair?"

Not a single person who needs to read what I've put here has read it. Basically, much of my reader base are irrelevant people who happen to have nothing better to do. It was a working relationship, its over now, I've done my job and you've done yours. So leave me alone. If I had to choose only one hemisphere of my social life to keep, I wouldn't even consider keeping yours. I have to shift this blog soon.

And I give it all away
Just to have
Somewhere to go to
Give it all away
To have someone
To come home to

If you think I'm fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what i have to do I'll wait for you

Quote of e Post:
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life
Baby I will wait for you

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