Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Homicide? Bah.

Hooray, the world is going to bits. Even the most patient person I can imagine lost it. Guess this means my Universal Death Ray of Irritation is working well. Jokes aside, what the hell is wrong these days? The inconsistent weather isn't helping the least bit when coupled with the increased tension and pace of life. Like everything is crumbling here and there but still holding somehow, miraculously.

"i'll kill you"
"just you try"
alright, maybe you should
it would save me the trouble
of doing what i dare not do
id embrace it happily
the only good thing you've done for me
salvation is here
i hand you the trigger

Oh my gosh I'm such a git. Looking back at my past few posts, :so shameful: going to pieces like I was the only thing in the world, blind to the lives of others. Maybe it was a one off thing, maybe its just the inevitable conclusion that I've been running from. Life is the PITS. Just kidding, relative to the rest of the world, I'm sun kissed, God blessed, heaven stamped lucky fortunate. Bleh, yet I still feel there's so much missing from life.

I remember a time I just loved laughing at emo people? With their excessive dark and introverted style and self pitying attitude coupled with variable amounts of self harm. It was comical to watch until I slowly joined the movement and although the outer rims still cast me off, all the signs are present. Oh shyt, I'm turning into an emo freak. Lets see...

Pitiful no one understand poems - check
Darkish clothing - check
Poor self image - check
Emo shoes - check
Writing on hands etc - check
Moping about for long periods of time - check
Self mutilation for the release of beta-endorphins - not yet nope

Wow! What an amazing list. Truth be told, this list is quite mean. Emo people, and I mean the real emos (not those who dress up like emos and bemoan the loss of some obscure trivial thing thing) are quite a pitiful bunch of people who need LOVE- and acceptance from people. Aww. So don't go around MAKING THEM OUT TO BE SOME KIND OF STRANGE EXHIBIT TO BE OOGLED AT. "teasing teasing girls"

I will not yield I will not yield
To morph into the likes of you
Spiteful spirits in grimy glasses
Angry marginalization of the population
With pitchfork tongues and fraying glares
Strutting pointing no you don't care
As long as the point you made is there
Cries of disgust amidst empty plains
Is my end the response you seek
Or must I turn back into the demon
That wants you dead

Protect your friends the best you can- for when my resolve has come full circle as the moon none shall be spared. YOU ARE NOT PREPARED. It shall be a long drawn out affair, and your grisly passing will serve a reminder to the corners of the earth, the cornered animal is the most dangerous. YOU ARE NOT PREPARED.

Mistake it not. This will be premeditated cold blooded M U R D E R.

Quote of e Post:
Human lives are so cheap

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