Saturday, July 07, 2007

Psychedelic High

Whee, today was insane!! Yes, crazy mad insane! Firstly, I spent my first free day after mid years shopping. What? Yea! Shopping, for clothes! Amazing stuff, really. But now the problem is claiming the money back from my house bankers. I have receipts and stuff but it would take some good deal of reasoning and logic to convince them to part with their precious hard earned money. meh. Its amazing, I cant even find words to continue it haha.

HENSHIN~ CHANGE!! Feels great, this power, feels good- huh uh no that wasn't some random Spider man 3 quote. Teehee. I wonder when the fruits of today's labor will spawn. Yes yes I will dedicate a line to you my good friend Shan An who went shopping with me for almost six hours. THIS LINE IS THANKING YOU, GOT IT? No money le, dun ask for a treat haha, shoo shoo! :P

The NS medical exam yesterday was more fun and boring then scary haha, really. The blood drawing is like huh~ over already? Sheesh, what a big hullabulla for nothing. Im so SAD! Im a perfectly normal human! LOL The medical guy at the end wrote Pes A on his paper but circled it and arrowed to Pes BP after seeing my weight haha. I LOST WEIGHT OVER THE HOLIDAYS~ LOL! But still overweight la =/ Saddened. Now I'll need to exercise like mad to skip the 2 extra months. The 12 week exercise program from hell is already in progress, anyone care to join me? :P

Bleh... looking for "hair styling for dummies" haha. Anyone have any ideas? Feel free to point me in the right direction. I have to do something to my hair before its gone for 2 years haha. Lets just call it hmm, the seeds of rebellion. You watered it you devious duo. Its growing mighty fine :)

RICKROLL!! Rick Astley has been immortalized via meme forever and ever amen. Haha.

Quote of e Post:
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see

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