Monday, April 03, 2006

Munch Munch Pui!

Well, Blogger just ate my post again, good thing It wasnt so long this time round.

I havent touched my blog for a few days and I must say im pleasantly surprised that my tagboard is so active, the most active it has been in months in fact I believe. Thank all of you who posted. Why some may ask is this post at 1am+ on a school night/morning? Well simple bacause of a vile 8 lettered word that plauges all tertiary level students, what is that word you may ask? Its "tutorial". Yes, Im up doing homework so to speak, nasty stuff that eats into time like fires takes to cotton wool. Why now you may ask? I procrastinated alot and wasted tons of time slacking The weekend was packed like mad and I was going to put this off until an old saying etched itself (conveneintly) on my mind. Don't put off what you can do today tomorrow, because tomorrow will have it's own troubles. So do it now, piled up work is no joke an jc is a rough place.

EEk, PE again tomorrow, my ropeburns from Staurday have no yet healed over (prays we are not doing pullups- I cant even do one at full health) and the prospect of another torturous session of physical activity is no more appealing to me then being run over by a septic tank towed by a 18 wheeled truck. Oh wat ropeburn? Haha, I went for windsurfing on Saturday cool rite? Haha, im not fully qualified, just have a level 1 provisional certificate- and I quite suck at it haha, but its very fun, id advise anyone who's keen but afraid to go try, it relieves tons of stress too.

Oh and a great miracle happened to me during my little jaunt out at sea! Silly stubborn me would just not refuse to heed advice and common sense and wore my glasses strapless into the water, needless to say, after a few falls and launches i prompty was assisted by gravity and the impact of the water to yield by glasses to the great blue (or in this case, the great greenish brown) it was rather deep, about chest height (you couild still feel the ground though) i felt around and felt nothing, resigned to my fate I continued. Can't believe I was so passive about it, after all this is my specs, my vision (literally) yet due to the numnber of times I have lost various personal possesions it wasnt such a blow to me.

After lunch we went out to sea again to try out luck (earlier on in the day there was little to no wind, obviously windsurfing without wind is like having a food fight with no food) and Matthew (jolly good fellow) while out stepped on it! HAving retrieved the fragile artefact that somehow came back to my possesion is nothing less then a Miracle from the great God Himself, prayer < hoping all the time. With renewed faith I tackled the board iwth renewed vigor and managed to do half a tack and move some distace before succumbing to the draw of the ocean again, nevertheless we kept trying and pretty much had tons of fun in the sun (thank Normal, another jolly good fellow for sunblock)

I guess I'll end here, or I will be a log in class tomorrow, AGAIN. fiisvte! 'kk rgw vwar!

Ps. I havent had time to blog about sports day and all, I promise to get to it soon k?

Quote of the Post:
it is read this way
ur ua es's q't
(look at ur keyboard)

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