Saturday, April 08, 2006

United Nationalists

Wow, i am really pleasantly (I have a knack for using this word recently) impressed, Mr Yew tagged by blog :P Haha, interesting. Many many things to blog about, and ah yes, since he has so "helpfully" spilled the beans on that little UN thing~ I might as well begin on that (was planning to keep it a tidy secret victory but nevermind)

Im on! Im in! Just as an observer though~ not a delegate but WHO CARES? -woohoo! Im going to NUS for the Singapore Model United Nations Conference 2006, EAT that London~ Eat the WORLD. The link is here go check it out and be envious and see what you're missing and MAYBE try for next year! :P

Mr Yew- one of the more interesting teachers/tutors I have met over the years, I haven't dug deep but a simple search yields this link about his exchange programme, sounsd darn nifty. Although I do not quite fancy tomatoes, the sound of fresh eggs for breakfast and protests in front of the state legislature building cool autum mornings does sounds highly appealing (Im just going to wait for June, then Japan awaits, once again- EAT THAT LONDON)

Hmm, I dont know what a Undergraduate Book Prize gives out books for but It seems you won something in your second year under the bachelor of arts in 2001/2000 and in mroe recent news something about a NIE Teachers’ Investiture where it seems you're enjoying teaching as a profession (whether that is true or just sometihng nice MOE can put on thier misleading website to cheat idealistic people into becoming a teacher website remains to be seen)

I guess that stems from "getting to the heart of matters" eh? Need to find more :P

Im surprisingly not at all ruffled about London, coupled with the fact this is the SECOND time I'm passing up a trip like this, the first time was in sec3 (first time) when we were given the chance to go to London and see (almost) all the same things including but not limited to Shakespeare's birth place, grave, and other nifty London sights. And I threw it away again, although in view of the more academically beneficial lineup for June...

WHO am I kidding? It's London! It's in June! The world cup- is in June >=D Becareful~ People can get pretty rowdy when it comes to football, I might lose some classmates heh.

The MEdia Club is cool, no matter what they say, so treat us like gold or your OG/class photos will cost you, you know I dont mean in gold :P Haha, Is it wierd that I bring my camera everywhere I go? I remember from an interview I read from someone who wanted to be journalist (interviewing a journalist in that article) he told her one simple thing, "Always have a pen and paper ready, you never know what you might come across that is worth taking note of" so applying it accross, If I want to be a photojournalist, same thing applies, always have a camera handy, it may not be SLR or very sharp but it will suffice for now.

I <3 my Ixus 40. (not technically mine but hey, its on me all the time so yea) And I love L33t, I dont believe there are people who still cant read L33t, sad isn't it? And they can't understand simple html eitheR! *Gasp of horror* In this day and age we must all be tri lingual. English, our mother tongue and L33t :P Haha

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Ending here, ciao

Quote of e Post:
There are times we must choose, between what is right, and what is easy.

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