Sunday, April 23, 2006

One Winged Angel

This totally sucks, I keep forgetting to blog only to realise when I lok back that is has almost been a week since I touched my blog. So what has happened since then? Well~ Friday was cool, the Lit teachers suddenly came up to the cohort on Thursday and asked who wanted to go watch a play at the Esplanade on either Friday night or Saturday- obviously I took the chance! Grabbed the Friday tickets and ended up watching it with Victof, Stef and Fiona- along with Mark Rosells, Mark Tan, Ms Tammy Thiang, Isa and some J2s (although those after the teachers couldnt care less if we J1s were there or not)

So anyway we, being the people of A2 met at City Hall at 7, i mean we were SUPPOSED to meet a 7 but like all normal Singaporean teenages some people were late. Victor and I had had time to walk around and eat some hugw thing from Breadtalk in the meantime haha.The play was really cool and we sat in the first row, haha Vic got hit by a flying piece of string teehee~ its was hurmor bundled with slight suspense and lots of silly funyn effects like some obscene Miss Universe things. The creative use of two roller enabled benches of differing lengths allowed it to double as various props throughout the play and the actors were well trained, no doubt. The Emperor's concubine has a wonderfully pretty dress and she look ravishing, with the face paint and make up (which inversely makes the Emperor look pretty g4y)

Id reccomend it, those who watched it today, good for you. Those who missed it, I sympathise but thats all I can do.SMUN is making delegates write a position paper, problem is I have no idea how to start, even with their "guide" and the internet at my fingertips Im still magificently lost. Im going to die, the first draft is needed by Tuesday. PW wants our GPP and my PI as soon as possible too, how to carry on?

Quote of e Post:
Laughter is the Best Medicine

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