Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Why do Stars fall?

Waha, the J2s having common tests means we J1s have no cca today :P Means I get to go home E-A-R-L-Y! Whee- once in a long long time (not counting special occasions) =) teehee. Haha, 1A02 has its own blog ^_^ Although only ONE person posts there~ Or should I say the rest of us dont ahve anything to post up there =x HAHA

Hey if someone can call himself cavemen[]dude and is as unidentifable as any other I can call myself Dr. Faustus =P It is part of my e-mail come on. I am the Faust.

This week was rather uneventful. PW owns me =.=U My PI has been rejected (no surprises there) and the group is running out of steam for an idea on what to do for our GPP. Insanity is a friend, but not necessarily a kind one.

Rainy days and mondays always get me down- and it has been a slew of rainy days. Just not today, it didnt rain today, and alot of things went well haha! Yay, Im not crazy Im just a little unwell. Ummm ok maybe Im a little bit crazy- no alot haha. Im crazy! Its not the stress, its not the pressure, its nuts, yea! Nuts! Peanuts, cashew, macademia!

La la la la la la la

Quote of e Post:
I still remember, the song that day~

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