Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I am extraordinary - If you ever get to know me ...

Woah~ it's already the 30th and my last post was like on the 21st. About 9 days. Wow. So much ahs transpired within these 9 days. So insanely much. Haha. School's been a awful drag these few weeks, everything just gets so hard as the time just closes down and locks you in. After this week is the one wek Sept holidays, then prelims begin. Isn't that too close for comfort? On one hand I know I can never be prepared enough but on the other hand I just feel that it ain't a task so difficult and unbeatable that every concious moment has to be invested in it's preparation. "You should aim for PAE (provisional admission excercise aka 1st 3 months)" says everyone.

Sidetrack abit. Today in Social Studies mr Paul just came back from a course (last week) on brain power, about how your thoughts directly influence the people around you and your ability to handle things. Come to think of it, that sounded really familiar! Yea, I've heard of it. It was part of that few day course thing I took all those years back (4 years maybe? It seems so far away and vauge im not even sure if it was real - but i have books and notes...) You know those "super-student" ones? well I never got down to applying any of those techniques =.= Yeah yeah~ you can go ahead and flood me about the time and money wasted again~ As if I dont hear enough of it

Anyway, PAE, JAE... Im not sure. I just... JUST might not make it. My first actual O level paper is on the 8th of November I think, that is only at most a month or so away. And its absolutely not for the lack of time, oh no. I had tons of time, time I used or as they say squandered (what ever they friggin want to say) fruitlessly on this and that all over the place. Everything that isn't studies is a waste of time and will ruin my future. Oh yes Im totally sure, dont worry, even if I flunk out I won't try to DEPEND on you (Although I might have to due to the lack of choices) Why can't we just drop the God Damned paper chase??

No im not stressed, im frustrated because I know I cant make it because I have not put in effort. It's all my fault. MINE.

"People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people may accuse you of selfish motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People who really want help may attack you if you help them. Help them anyway. Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt. Give the world your best anyway."

Just lifted the got the above paragraph from someone else's blog. Sounds stupid isn't it? Totally illogical, whats the point you'll ask? Might as well bang your head against a solid wall -at least you'll leave a mark on the wall- It just goes against human logic of doing what best benefits you, stomps down the possiblity and the application of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" and sets you up for the ultimate erfect "hao qi fu" (good to bully) role. Isn't it just so fun being a human floormat? What can I say? Just do it anyway~

I'm looking for a song, I have no artiste, no singer, no album. Just a composer (not a big clue), full lyrics, the title and a mini mp3 version of it (incomplete) I present you a wonderful song - blueskies.

Composer - Ryuji

You say the city tires your eyes
It's anger and despair.
You don't hear all the laughter that is there
I know your caught in a fearful dream
The streets are not as dark as they seem
Please understand the time will pass
And you will reach another place
I long to see a smile light up your face
And though I know you will shine again
So wipe your tears away beautiful friend

Blue skies, will soon erase the stormy night
Blue skies, above a world that's new and bright
Hope dies, but then the clouds begin to part
Blue skies, will bring it back into your heart
(my short version ends here)

You say you need to find the truth
You try with every passing breath
Your puzzled by the pain of life and death
Though you have traveled far
I think you know
You've got a million miles farther to go

There's a force within the times
You can feel it lift you high.
You trust the wind you close you eyes and fly
Beyond the hills of clouds the hidden stars
That's when you can tell just who you are

Visions appear strangely unclear in your mind
Fear can't erase love that you chase running blind
Voices begin echoing in to your past
You journey home morning is dawning at last

Moments past and soon the darkness fades
You're alone on your way
As you walk on
Let your sadness fade away
Give your spirit to the day

Blue skies, will soon erase the stormy night.
Blue skies, above a world that's new and bright.
Blue skies, will soon erase the stormy night.
Blue skies, above a world that's new and bright.
Blue skies, will soon erase the stormy night.
Blue skies, above a world that's new and bright.
Blue skies, will soon erase the stormy night.


Ive had this song since I'm sec1 or pri 6 I think, I have no idea how I got it, but I remember loving it. I listened to it continually and it gave me much inspiration and motivation that life is not all that bad, these will pass and there will come a day everything is alright. I hope it does the same for you too. If you want this beautiful song, e-mail me or talk to me, I'll send it to you via MSN (if we are there) or through e-mail. And please, anyone with any leads please help me find this song. Thank you.

Recently it seems like the authorities are cracking down on illegal downloads. I prefer to be safe then sorry and thus the information highway at sector p2p has been pretty quiet recently. Even though this computer is terrible -it's better then nothing. And the slimmest chance of my getting another computer is at earliest December. Talking about that another thing. It's been a longtime "dream" (?) of my mother's to go to Europe, and they had planned to go (obviously as per usual without asking my opinion) lsat year after my Os but due to my little setback it was pushed back a year. So this yea, to my horror~ i mightn ot be going to Church Camp. I'm like totally WTH??! I'm not going to miss something like that ever! It was last year's CC that changed so many things~ that changed everything.

Must stop here, getting ranted at again, what would I give to put a knife through your grinning face

Quote of e Post:
And even though sometimes your ways I might not understand~

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Lump Sum

Wa~ Haven't posted for a long time! My last post was on the 16th I think~ that would be Wednesday or Thursday! And it's Sunday, the end of yet another week and the start of another. So much happening! Prelims in 3 weeks now, teachers have finished almot everything and so now it is revision rushing time. As time grows ever shorter in school, Becoming more and more slack~ keep this up and Im bound for the grave.

Because our classes are so GOOD, the science (Chem + Physics) teachers have banded and decided to give all 4E and 4F pupils special remedial classes for us every two days. In addition the classes will be split into 2 groups. One for the totally clueless (eg. what is an atom?) And the other group are those who so far are managing to keep their head above the ever rising water. Luckily i've been slotted into the latter group. Nevertheless, extra lessons after school till 4:30pm every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday have been planned for both group, covering both physics and chem in two consecutive lessons back to back. *There goes my weekends again*

Cell on friday was fun, haha. Joel made everyone play questions, if you want to know i'd be glad to play a round with you, but having more people around makes it rather interesting. Eek, I didnt know You Rong was not going to be there so I had no guitarist, good tihng most of us jnew how to sing our songs ^_^ Actually I was still undecided on the songs on Thursday night when I talked to Paula online, she told me to "let the spirit guide me" and in turn, it helped her make a personal decision. ^_^ What goes around does indeed come around.

Oh ya~ so sad! I had TONS of pictures to post but sadly somehow my computer has made my USB driver vanish and whenever I install another... it still does not work so yea~

Saturday! Heehee outpost outing, we went to visit the goat farm, a vegetable farm that used aero/hydrophonics and later on a fish farm. The goat farm visit was the same as always except this time we got to feed the goats ^_^ And at the vegetable farm we had a walkthrough around the greenhouses and buildings, they also showed us a pretty lame video... I shall not comment further on the "educational" video (read = primary school level). The fish farm was rather cool, but the highlight of the farm was this humongous fish, it was longer than me (my height that is) and it was kept in a separate enclosure with bars and high walls, outside was a sign saying "Please do not put your hands in the pool". Notice they used the word "pool" instead of "tank"? Haha, it's huge, really big~ you could also fish at a pre-prepared enclosure at the farm for a cost of $30~ not worth it I say... the guy fishing there looked pretty patient =D

Went with Acz to Changi that night. What for? For the japanese summer festival of course! It was just like (ok a long shot) the books showed. Lanterns to light up the area (but there was a fair share of glaring spotlights too), people on mats having a picnic, stalls selling food and stuff and *gasp* even a store which let you catch fish with a paper net! The people there were (mostly) dressed in colorful yukatas *drool* sadly, they all seemed fluent in japanese and we were hard pressed to find a way to communicate with them. =.= asking questions was especially umm "entertaining" (read -> tiring) haha ^_^ but it was fun, i took my fair share of photos but ... =.= why now of all times...

Sunday, waha, no CET! ^_^ It's nice to actually have time to eat lunch instead of gobble lunch once in a while. Prayer meeting was extra special, we have to remember another few groups of people we have overlooked when it comes to reaching out. Indeed they are oft overlooked. Rachel was not around for service (probably caring for her dad) must pray for his healing and salvation k? Service was special in it's own way. There was a new song -alpha and omega- not bad, not bad at all. But it was the sermon and altar call that got me moving. I'll not go into detail.

Ending this post here, I got to go off anyway. Bye

Quote of e Post:
On the other hand~

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Hmm, the results high is wearing off, back to school yupp yupp. Eh? Why this week seems so long? It feels like a week when it has in fact only been 2 days O.O I even thought it was Thursday and happily rattled off the wrong timetable -.- Oh never mind :)

Friday cell was at Joel's house haha, now everyone save for You Rong has been "infected" with Peters Russell, although it is running cold now~ Oh yea, Dilys hurt her hand. Left elbow actually, something about her nerve, and it can't bend, I mean it can -but it hurts tons. Had to have cell at Joel's house cos Jean had something on. Oh ya, did you hear abouy my Eng Oral? It was fun to say the least =) Fast forward~

Saturday! Was planning to go for "Welcome Party" on saturday afternoon but trapeze clashed with it a little so I didn't go. Yesh~ the second and final trapeze lesson! No pictures this time, only videos :) The new trick is cool. Instead of just the knee hang, this time we let go of your hands like for the hang on the first "hip!" and then on the second "hip!" we unhook our legs and we get a freefall! It's supposed to be when you go from one pole to the other but there isn't another pole~ haha so it was a free fall.

One thing about the fall, dont look down. RQ learnt that the hard way, hurt the upper left side of his face. Rope burn from landing on it. It's really not all that scray after you're used to it. In fact the whole thing looked alot lower then the last time I saw it -hmm- Achieved Trapeze merit :) Silver no.2!

Sunday, last lesson of CET! Haha did presentation on Heavens Gate, and took the quiz, I didn't really study for it but the quiz was quite easy anyway haha! Modern Cults is fun! Service was abit different, (side point: why were there so many people on back up singing this time round?) And we had Daryl on the drums during Worship~ Great job! You played real good ^_^ What's the difference between a follower and a disciple? You'll find out in abit :) You'll have see for yourself, oh yes you will. Haha! We had fire-drill after service, but it was totally slack~ everyone was walking and talking... heehee, rather interesting though. Went to Heartland Mall with Dilys, Jean, Joel and You Rong to buy a present for Meryl after service. Haha, not that I already didn't knowm buying presents for people is difficult, and choosing even more so. Although I didn't influence or make any of the choices, it was a rather how to say~ entertaining trip.

Sometimes, I tihnk abit too much.

I'm thinking of changing my blog address. In fact I think I will after this post! Heh~ outcast is really not a nice thing to name my blog. Hmm better start cracking on names.

Prelims in about 4 weeks! O.O Oh my, how time flies~ Heehee now that I've passed my chinese, all that stands between my dream is the rest of my results and of course, prelims do play a role. Got to cram harder then before now! Although I must admit I did not do alot of cramming before *ahem* D

I've gotten a great deal of encouragement from this song, entitled "Hold On" (Can imagine You Rong rolling his eyes going "secular music" to this hahaha) by Jet I think. Fabulous, I really like it, IM me if you want it, I'll gladly send it to you.

Hold On - Jet

You tried so hard to be someone
That you forgot who you are
You tried to fill some emptiness
'Til all you had spilled over
Now everything's so far away
That you don't know where you are, you are

When all that you wanted
And all that you had
Don't seem so much
For you to hold on to [2x]
For you to belong to

When it's hard to be yourself
It's not to be someone else
Still everything's so far away
That you forget where you are, you are

When all that you wanted
And all that you had
Don't seem so much
For you to hold on to [2x]

Hold on [8x]

When all that you wanted
And all that you had
Don't seem so much
For you to hold on to [3x]
For you to belong to

There~ beautiful isn't it? I can listen to it, endless times on repeat track and not get sick. The weather's been awfully odd these few days eh? In the mornings it's terribly hot and the scorching sun gets away with murder, andaround afternoon it gets cooler, and sometimes even throws us a downpour out of no-where. At night, the heat slowly climbs while we are blanketed by our air conditioned rooms, oblivious to the rising warmth outside. Why I heard just last night it was 31 degrees out! No, it's not that I don't believe what my teachers say but 31 degress at night ~whew~ am I glad I had no idea... Now my heart reaches out to those who aren't snugly comforted by the air conditioner whilst they get their beauty sleep in the humid night.

Finishing here~ Looking forward to the weekends. I'm doing worship again this Friday! ^_^

Quote of e Post:
I hit you and you hit me back, the rest of the day stands still~

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Elation, Floating Away

Hey~ I aas actually in quite a good mood sia~ because of my MT results, but then my #$&@ parents had to go all nuts on me. "What did you get for your results?" "Ok la..." "Ok, ok, F9 also ok for you issit?" "Whatever" What the~ Just because I won't reply the first thing you throw me is a F9... Do nothing but piss me off...

Anyway~ Yay! Very happy! Normally my MT is very lousy... at best a C6 or C5, mostly D7 so I was expecting abit worse then that because those papers were REALLY screwed up. Especially paper 2, after I did it, I was certain id be seeing a U,F,E or D. Haha, but at about 9:30am yesterday, they herded all the graduating classes into the hall to pass out our results. The school must have some problem up there in their heads. They actually seated everyone (they couldnt so some went on the floor) and began reading out the results one by one class by class. (from 5A to 4E)

Being the first class, somehow our results came out last =.= The format would be in the form of a number and either a Fail (U), Pass, Merit or Distinction. So when it finally came to our class, the hall was already filled with people weeping (for joy only, no one cries when they fail here...) hugging (for joy, although some have the intention of crushing the person they are hugging) violent reactions (the 2nd kind of hugs) and for most part, stoning~ either because they are satisfied or in a general state of shock. The HoD stated that the year's result was worse then they had expected, although there were a few pleasant surprises.

When it came to the 3 people before me I was praying. Silently, eyes wide open of course. "0012, [ristricted name], [ristricted number, grade], 0013, [ristricted name], [ristricted number, grade], 0014, [ristricted name], [ristricted number, grade], 0015, My name, 4 M" WHAT?! I almost jumped. 4?! FOUR?! but there was no dramatic pause, I missed the next 5 to 6 names letting my score echo in my ears. Waha!! I passed! Not just a 6 pass, a 4!! Whoopee!

Then my teacher asked me to retake. You must understand that our current MT teacher only "taught" us starting in July, when we actually had no lessons because well~ we had already taken our exam so every MT was slack time (unofficially) for us. She does not know my standard of Chinese~ She does not know I almost never pass save for the random C6. So when she asked me to retake (Since you've already got a B, try again, after all they will take the better score, an A would definitely look better) and I almost went like how Peter Russlls said it. "you know, chinese people won't tell you no. They'll say no, like it's the most ridiculous thing in the world" So im like "No... I almost never pass, a 4 is like the best I've got in this place!" (Save for MT prelim but that wasn't fair because I had done the comprehension somewhere before, I didnt totally deserve that B3 that time.

Lets make it a better day! English oral. I was so nervous my heart was beating out of control good thing it slowed down and I managed to calm myself before going in. Yay! The examiners were nice friendly people... and it was abit easy, but i was nervous so I might have make some silly mistake or overlooked some thing I wanted to say.. oh well.

Eek! 1:50... Ill stop here! BB, continue tonight!!

Quote of e Post:
"The difference between countries and continents"

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Supplementry Post

Oh yea, just to let you know. Tomorrow is the absolute final day of D&T folio submission, I need this isf I even want to PASS my D&T. Also it is my English O level Oral day, im the 2nd person, Wish me luck and pray for me. =) thanks.

National Days~

So sorry! I know this post is long overdue since National Day, sorry once again to all the people with senselesss-logic *wink* As per usual, strap in, chronological order everyone!

National day was a bore all morning. Seriously. I'd have slept in later if I could but the lure of a full day with nothing to wear me down was just too much for me to stay in bed even though I'd have nothing to do in the morning should I rise from my comfy bed.

Afternoon, headed out to Shan An's house to prepare to head for the first every meeting of our blog community! :) Yea~ I'll throw up a link and make a new skin when I have the time. But that time is not now heehee. Wei Xin was already there and we had to wait for SOMEONE to get ready... A million thanks to mr vain, we were all gloriously LATE. Everyone from the community (ok not everyone, a few people coundn't make it) was supposed to meet at esplanade at 5pm and we only left the house at what? 5pm!! Plus throw in the MRT ride etc... you can guess the end result!

We headed to City Hall to meet "Death By Degrees" first, now we know he i Melvin! LoL We just got out of the station and once out the gates we called him. "Hello? Melvin? We are waiting for you under the "Please do not wait here sign" Not to mention just a few feet from us was a huddle of policemen ~haha that was so funny, but good thing he was in the area (Real close by) and we got into no trouble.

The sign :)

Walked to Esplanade~ haha as expected got ticked off by those who were earlier (or on time xD) Namely Desmond (Desmond =.=_ and Death Melody (Qian Bei ~ Oo did I get your name right?) haha, no problem can easily push all the blame to Mr Vain haha. =) Went outside~ wow, alot of people, super crowded and there were wierd peopel on platforms dancing OMG! Look so gay =.= haha

The odd jester look-a-likes

Everyone was starving, it was like 6pm! Just kidding haha~ only Ah^Wei was starving, so we waiting for him to finish his Wow-dog lolz.. meanwhile... Heads Up! Paratroopers!! Sadly I couldnt catch much but here's what I managed to get-

The bum~ oops I mean BUN =) that made us wait...

But we got to see~

Paratroopers! (enlarge if u want to actually see something)

A later pic~ so nice the colors!!

Haha, went onto walk all around, I dare say, there was no space ANYWHERE. Ended up in Marina Square~ ate at this La Mian shop~ some prestigious place on the first floor~ we had tons of fun, sadly there was more talking and eating then photo taking, just one, of our great and fearless leader~

A bowl of la mian~ looks good eh?

Ah^Wei with the bill :)

Rushing outside after dinner we were frantic. Did we miss the fireworks? No heehee, we were just in time (although we missed the first wave) The pics here aren't good probably because the best of it all went itno the video~


No better than the last~

These pics really do the fireworks no justice >.< but no matter if you can bother to hop over to "Meaningful Oxymorons" you'll find links to all 3 clips :) Enjoy! After the fireworks were over we headed out~ the jam is insane >.< HAha, some fun pics by our fearless leader :)

"Hey man, lemme tell you a story~" No wonder he looks so stoned

"Thousand Years of Pain!" For your fingers that is...

Darn funny haha~ Did more crap~ Ended up in Coffee Club and guess what we saw? A personalised job offer for Cheng Shan An!

It has his initials in Caps on it -> CSA

Haha~ It was like about 9 - 10pm by then? But the night was so... young haha, went with Acz to AMK to have supper. Wa! His mother really can get very scary... She really does not mince her words when she gets mad! Not a bad idea when some people just wont back down until you beat them down. Watched him and his bros play in the arcade haha~ like so bad rite? Until about 12am... headed home by 1 and knocked myself out cold haha I never saw the light of day till about 11 :)

Oh yea~ downloaded and watched the PEters Russell thing, it sint that funny as ive heard it like a million times over from various sources, but still entertaining. I just can't stand the swearing though. I get it now, Joel, if Qian Xiang keeps "wanting to eat" go ahead kick him ;)

This ends my post for now~ I really gotta cram, bye!

Quote of e PosT:
Somebody's gonna get a hurt real bad!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Pictures~ (refer to last post)

Here they are~! Enjoy =)

Front cover :)

The back cover this time~

See the little Ministry of Education logo?

The spine of the book~

Inside cover with title in the 4 national languages~

A few pages inside - so colorful :)

Notice the blank spaces on the sides/ It's meant to be used like a Dairy!

There are spaces for EVERY day of the year! (one month one border color)

Notice some white writing in the border? Thats a fast fact about Singapore! theres on on each page too!

Peicai's entry! (Sept 28th)

A closer look at that page (you can make out the name here)

And even a colorful address book at the end!

There, my graphic walkthrough of the book :) Enjoy!!


Yes, this is a random post of no particular theme! Haha~ Anyway, today the school celebrated National Day with a quiz! Huh? Yesh, because it was raining they cancelled the parade :( and instead a concert as per usual, there was a 40qn long quiz! Good thing I never got "sabo-ed" up haha, but the questions were rather easy =)

Sounds like MOE gave every Primary and Secondary (im not sure about th tertiary side) pupil a copy of "Today in History - Singapore". It is a hardcover book with one page for each day of the year with something that happened in Singapore on that day! Fully colored and illustrated, the book also doubles up as a diary (there are spaces on each page) I'll post pictures RIGHT after this, for those who don't own one. It will cost the public $18 to buy outside and we get it free! Looks fabulous, I like it :) alot :)

Went to Jun Ming's house after school to try and burn my discs~ cannot! :( Forget it la! Just return to him as it is la, no need copy... small loss. Hmm hmm hmm *humming* Eeh I missed all 3 days of FoP, so sad~ I must make it next year!! *Sigh* Eeh dont know why eyes these few days always very painful, feels so dry and it hurts~ rubbing makes it worse and offers no relief =.=

Stop here first, go grab the pics :)

Quote of e Post:
Bang, Bang, You shot me down~

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Hey all~ yayz, feeling happy, abit high haha. So sad, crap, no dough otherwise I won't be here fretting over dinner >.< Very hungry!! Grrr, parents out at Ikea buying who knows what, it is now like 8:30pm and they are still not back *growl* stomach complaining liao lol. I have temporarily since 5:45pm till now consumed...

1x pack of small maggi mee
2x eggs, hardboiled (5mins is crap)
2x stachets of cereal drink
1x stachet of milo (not meant for a small cup, very sweet)
a few pieces of chocolate

Oo~ I think i ate a little too much haha. Now how will I eat my proper dinner when it comes? Ah nvm, lets take things one at a time. Yay, national day weekend holiday weehee, 1/2 day tomorrow (concet only) and then 2 days no school (can someone give me a shout of joy?) Haha~ Im going to throughly enjoy it :)

Today was excellent. One phrase, nice one, spoke to me, "Someone to live for, somone worth dying for" I haven't thought about that for a long time. I also haven't heard or sang that song for a long time i totally forgot the title, but im still going to type it out anyway (to the best of my memory) we sang this at Prayer meeting in the morning, something just clicked.

(Just found the title, thanks You Rong!)

Anything for you
For You
I'll climb the highest heights
Divr the deepest sea
In search for more of You
For you, I'll fall down on my kness
Cry out night and day
In search for more of You
I would give my riches away
Cos they're nothing without You

Someone to live for
Soemone worth dying for
Has taken my heart
Someone to follow
In good or in troubled time
I give all I have
I'll do anything for You

Also, George gave a word which he felt was impressed on his heart. Many people now are at a crossroad, they have a decision to make. Each will have their own decision, but the choices are the same, the narrow path which is right, or the broad path which leads astray? We all have to make a choice, sooner or later. I pray we make the right one.

And another thing I found pretty cool.
- x - x - x -
We need nothing.
We only need one thing.
God, because He is everything.
So go out to your world today,
and do something.
- x - x - x -
Haha, rather catchy don't you think? Oh yes need ot hand in essay tomorrow =x I better start now, ciao!

Quote of e post:
And I know if I dont praise You
the rocks will soon cry out, cry out, cry out...

Saturday, August 06, 2005

T'en Va Pas

Hey~ long time no blog oh my, 4 days. Yay! It's National day weekend =) National day is on Tuesday so the school is celebrating on Monday - and the next thing you know, Wednesday is a holiday too!! :) So school only begins on Thursday. Sadly, that is the day of O level english Oral~ noooo and also the release of the O level MT results. >.< Not the best prospect but hey, the coming week (at least the first half) is more than enough to look forward to!

Siao ah that Mega Fishball ~ say that D&T Folio must hand in by Friday the 5th of August. Crap~ Didnt sleep a wink on Thursday night (except for those parts when i blanked out on the floor while doing) and was as tired as ... nothing to compare to haha but still unable to finish =.= went to school the next day dreading my incoming doom, but no matter, he gave all of us extra time to do, and all the way until friday 5pm to hand in, we could do in the lab. And at about 3 - 5 pm guess what that freak said? Can hand in NEXT FRIDAY ~ [slew of expletives] Wa! He plays us out like this >.< Grr, im so going to ... -DO SOMETHING-

Sad sad, 20% gone withthe wind, project gone down the drain. As if it not working was not bad enough, someone had to dump it on the floor, now it cant even stand, not to mention work. And someoen stole all my batteries =.= This calls for some serious payback if I ever find that... Boo Hoo... with 20% gone I can almost never get an A1 liao, actually is can never. Because folio (40%) is marked with the Artefact (20%) if folio is missing, the artefact cant be marked at all so u 100% fail, but if the artefact is crap and you have your complete folio, you cannot get all 40% of the folio marks because they are linked. And you'd have to be nuts to get the full 40% off the theory paper, couple all that with the fact that an A1 is 75% and i can kiss my A1 goodbye, A2 also.

Lets top that off shall we. I went home and just plopped onto the bed and knocked myself out until about 6:30 or so. So tired!! Learn something, if you are feeling sleepy now and need to burn the midnight oil, heed this. Coffee only begins to work 4 hours after you drink it, so if you are sleepy at 12am and need to work throughout the night, and u drink it at 12, you will be lethargic and disturbed until 4am at which you are ready to give up when the coffee kicks in. Then now you are tired, ruffled and unable to sleep. So if u need to burn the midnight oil, drink coffee only at around 8 - 9pm. And when you drink coffee, ensure it is Black and Thick, NO Milk NO Sugar, which will only make you sleepy digesting the milk and sugar.

Deviation about coffee aside, I missed FoP! No~ More like I didnt go because I knew it was too late. If it opens at 7:30pm you'd have to be there EARLY like say 5? Leaving the house at 7pm is no way to make it inside I assure you 100% gaurantee with chop (i wonder where that phrase came from~ =.= I dont like it sounds weird) so I missed the first night of Fop. So sad~ Hillsongs and Delirious!! =) Hmm will I make it today, or wil I even GO? I think I went last year.. im not sure lolz, my memory is never reliable when it comes to anything. I can't remember...

Going off now - ciao

Quote of e Post:
T'en va pas
(dont go away) [I think]

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Attitude and Ambitions

Hmm, really not blogging well, more due to the fact that my modem is gone every night by 10:30pm meaning I wont be able to see about 50+% of everyone online but that's still alright, I hope. Haha, the week has been merciful so far, getting used to mock exams today.

This morning was cool- literally. According to Miss Kodi something about typhoons in China, we were having a wind + rain storm. This is probably one of the few times Ive really heard the wind howling, you can practically hear it go past, outside the windos you could see a tree in the distance really BEND over~ quite scary. The winds were that strong, sure it was windy and cool for a while, then the things our our desk began to fly, even excercise books could move~ The cabinet door began banging (ours cant lock) and it was chaotic, even after closing the windows, the lights and fans were shaking due to the wind coming in from the ventilation gaps above. When we opened the windows to get a peek water burst in up till half the classroom's length. That was enough to deter mischief makers. Rather fun -smirks-

Im not like Ah^Wei to schoot down an entire school of people, but this I must disclose. IN went around doing a survey about what your hopes for Singapore would be wehn you are 40 in various~ how to put it~ elite secondary schools. And amongst the entries published, there was one from RGS (not mentioning name, she's only 13 btw) went "I want to be a very successful person - I want to win the noble prize." Now notice this, this entry was all about the "I" and she used "THE nobel prize" instead of "A nobel prize" in what area she did not specify, but the use of the denotes a singular, exclusive usage, more of the I. Though I do admire the idea and respect such a noble ambition, the focus on "I" just disturbs me somewhat. (She also sort of gave her school a bad name for potraying the arrogant image but I wont touch on that because I never gave it actual thought -harmony- everyone -harmony-)

Are people now so selfish? Looking only on the inward. I is the middle of sIn. Focusing on yourself will hurt the people around you, unless you can care less, or as one person put it "for every failure around me, I see my stepping stone to success". Why is there a rush for success? I like this quote "Success is a value determined by others, but happiness is a vule determined by yourself" you need not be successful to be happy, and happy people are not always successful. In fact, the happy people are those who are not successful, but look at it positively, take it in their stride and carry on.

Hmm I was plannin to write to the catalyst about Charlie and the Chocolate Factry before the movie began showing to talk about the book but im a little too late it seem. The catalyst is "publised" once every 2 weeks and CCF opens on the 4th of August (This coming Thursday) so I think I missed it =) I want to watch the movie *drools* Haha literally

Dropping off now~ Be back in a few days I'll update you if necessary, So Ciao~!

Quote of e post:
If everyone keeps thinking in reverse, when will it ever end?