Monday, October 31, 2005

Flood Gates

Heyas~ 7 days to O levels, feels awesome doesn't it? And then another 3 weeks and viola~ *poof* it's the end of secondary life as we know it wahaha. Free! Did you hears precious? We is free! Nasty examinators try to cage us but we took them down and now we is free precious! Free! *ahem* Had a gollum moment. Yea, Crazy is King!

Yes- crazy is good. Just got back my Zen Micro today! Obviously it was good as new, and blank as new too >.< spent the whole day putting songs in after returning from a jaunt around Orchard for abit- just for the kick of it (And leaving only a dollar to my name for the rest of the week) And still not everything is inside as it was. VERY sadly. Ah well, at least it is SOMETHING... How long will it be, until it reaches it's former glory? After all, I cant even remember it's old format and all, but I know it always had a song I wanted anytime, any situation.. *sniff* Itsl ike your close friend dies and they clone a exact grown up copy, but that person does not have the memories nor experiences, is just AINT THE SAME!

Yeah, Im crazy and I need help~ GRAAAGH! What kind? Could it be possible to take out a brain, wipe it blank, put in what is necceassary for survival and academic achievements and leave it at that? IF it could I would like that very much. One day Im sure someone wil invent it and I'm sure I will embrace that technology with open arms. What better then to literally wipe out the past?

Guess I am crazy ^_^ then again, what is normal?

Quote of e Post:
Rain down on me, Lord let your presence fall on me!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Ah fine I'll blog! >.< Ive been putting off blogging because I wanted to have a special skin made for my 200th post, which is this post so Ive been putting off blogging in order to make the skin~ its rather umm... mushy now that I look at it haha. Yay this is my 200th Post!

Since HG2 is moving up to Tertiary next year on, YouRong wil be shifted out, last friday was his last cellgroup with us *sob* so saddening. He has gone to a better place (Ok that sounded wrong) and we look forward to moving UP! Weehee!

Did I blog about practical? I cant remember, I think I did... It's such a big event. anyway Chem was Props, Physics was Flops, guess that little cramming was no use after all and for physics I totally screwed up my graph... It was a horror to begin with!

Been sleeping at like 4am lately (the past 4 days my dad was no in town) thus waking up at 12 >.< and I lose half the day. Quite bad haha will change starting today, I'll sleep at 1am ^_^ instead, *gets bashed* Hey change is gradual ok? GRADUAL!

I dont know what to feel any more. Time is so short Id give myself like 10 days? The last days I dub them haha, beign worried is pointless, being anxious will only make me worried, being relaxed will make me off form, totally ignoring the oncoming judgement is suicide.

Whee~ My new computer will materialise AFTER my Os, and so will Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I missed the last two (because I was so pissed at the stuff they cut from the first movie) on purpose but I got to watch this one. Reason? Cho Chang!I really want to see what Cho Chang looks like (I know its on the net and stuff but I want to see it in the MOVIE) she better be a knockout, this is Harry's last saving grace with me for the movie part.

Wanties Wanties Wanties! So many things to want, so little dough to get. So now the word is Prioritize Prioritize! ^_^ I think Im sounding a tad HIGH and illogical. Thats me nowadays, or maybe thats just the high you get when you eat four pieces of absolutely heavenly chocolate with coconut fillings!! Id kill for that stuff~ I think I'm addicted.

Umm this is more than and update post I have my first 200 posts~! Lalala Bye for now

Quote of e Post:
I am selfish I am wrong

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Day two of study break. Woke up at like 11am (ya, if no one wakes me up I will sleep in like a pig haha) The realisation is so strong. In just one more year, I will be 18. EIGHTEEN, an adult. I'm not ready to be an adult, Im just a stupid kid who thinks he is damn smart. (Although here in singapore the age for total freedom is 21, 18 is like universal)

I don't want to grow up, I still want to live happily each day, to wake up, go to school, talk in class, have debates with the more intresting teachers, complain about cheap food (you pay peanuts, you get monkeys), do stupid things (And not have people blame you for it), cram TYS, speak in L337, punch dumb things in my calculator, take silly examinations (and lose sleep over them), not have to worry about money and lodging, talk on the phone till late into the night (and over till the next morning), blog crap, scare myself silly talking rubbish and so so so many other memorable things.

What will I miss? I'll miss the youth services... the life and the action (which is rather obviously missing from the adult service). I'll miss being crap in cell. I'll miss staying out late just to slack and talk. I'll miss having (what feels like) all the free time in the world.

Got this off Paula's blog AGAIN.
what we fight for, we do not always win.
what we deserve, we do not always get.
what we earn, we do not always expect.
what we love, we do not always possess.
what we set free, may not return.
what we hold dear, may not always return in kind.
what we treasure, may not always stay.

but does this mean we stop fighting, stop working, stop loving, stop treasuring the things we have? does this mean we cling on too tightly to things that never belonged to us in the first place?


because life is more than the returns :)
I am speechless. Just swept away. Oh how hard it is to give up in life :)

Here's a song Mr Paul "gave" to us the graduating classes. I didn't think much of it (mostly because I couldn't hear what the words were clearly, nor was I bothered to find out) but while blog hopping I came accross a few lines that sounded so familiar and I realised they were from that song (the few lines that I could decipher) Here's "I hope you dance".

[[I Hope You Dance]]
Lee Ann Womack

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat
But always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed
I hope you still feel small
When you stand by the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances
But they're worth taking
Lovin' might be a mistake
But it's worth making
Don't let some hell bent heart
Leave you bitter
When you come close to selling out
Give the heavens above
More than just a passing glance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
(Time is a real and constant motion always)
I hope you dance
(Rolling us along)
I hope you dance
(Tell me who)
I hope you dance
(Wants to look back on their youth and wonder)
(Where those years have gone)

I hope you still feel small
When you stand by the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance
(Time is a real and constant motion always)
I hope you dance
(Rolling us along)
I hope you dance
(Tell me who)
(Wants to look back on their youth and wonder)
I hope you dance
(Where those years have gone)

(Tell me who)
I hope you dance
(Wants to look back on their youth and wonder)
(Where those years have gone)

I especially like this line, "Living might mean taking chances, but they're worth taking" its the chances that open door to success... but also open trapdoors to devsatating failure.

Everyon'e favourite Singaporean blogger superstar (must I reall say who?) might have ruffled a few feathers with her post on handicapped toilets, but then again, its not that big a deal, why blow it up? Also, please check out her "first podcast" it's rather amusing and entertaining (with plenty of rambling) go check it out. IF you are still clueless, lemme give you one final hint. Absolutely PINK.

Dropping out here, *looks at TYS before me* guess its best I get cracking, ciao!

Quote of e Post:
NH3 stinks! (I mean it has a pungent smell)

Monday, October 17, 2005

Piece of Peace

Went out early this morning to get breakfast with Acz at Heartland Mall (Finally paid him off~) and on the way to his house surprise! We ran into Jing Ying (I tihnk it's spelt that way) and Bling. Actually they spotted him first haha. Talked abit.

Then we went all the way to Jurong and my Zen Micro changed, its been faulty for a while now, went with Acz as his father was going there anyway. During the car ride was this song, "Stan" by Eminem. I absolutely HATE that song. I won't even put up or look at the lyrics, the worst thing? I can actualyl imagine people doing that, for the very same reasons. Come to think of it almost all his songs are like that. It was their habit to turn the music up loud so it was literally blaring into my ears. I hate that song, I can stil hear the screams from that second last part, and it chills me to the bone...

Why do you turn the music up so loud? And why is it all fast and heavy? You skip the slow ones and move on to another fast blaring beat. Can't one take life slower a little, be a little quiet? I think it is because you can't slow down, you just cant be at peace, so you keep drowing yourself in the fast racing beat, so loud you cant even hear yourself. Stop it, just stop running, ain't your life messed up enough as it is? So quit running, clubbing isn't the solution, neither is drinking or girls- just stop and listen to me, and that small voice you suppressed by the name of conscience.

At Jurong we managed to get our ZM's serviced and qualified to get a replacement BUT, they were out of stock for the less common 4GB Zen Micro so they would call us back in 2 - 3 weeks time once they get their stock. Oh my~ 2 to 3 weeks?! How am I to survive in that period of time?! I need my music~ T.T grrr and its studying time, without my mp3 studying will be more of a chore now T.T I hope I don't forget, nevermind, thats something to look forward to, Oh and in 2 - 3 weeks time it will be O levels T.T how fitting...

Science practicals on Thursday, need to study abit... Oh! And I managed to obtain a space Physics TYS from Acz (he had 2) sadly there was no accompanying answer booklet (it was long lost no doubt) but its alright, at least I have e book... Cram Cram Cram, that will be all thats on agenda for the next 3 weeks, I won't have my ZM and I won't be getting a new phone. Brilliant, on a brighter note, application for CC'05 has been approved ^_^ Looking forward to that AND Zone Camp AND CCIS. So many things to look forward to, oh and next year HG2 (save for Alfred) will be moving up to Tertiary. Hmmz, I wonder what new and exciting adventures await us there? Cant wait -so exciting!

Quote of e Post:
Your mind will take you far

Friday, October 14, 2005

17th yet 70

Hooray! Its my 17th birthday! Congratulate me! I should be high ang happy but NO!! Im SO SAD! Because it is my last day of school today before study break. Dont get it? Dont worry! Im just insane thats all T.T So saddening, its not like I really like the school (seeing the frequency I badmouth it), but, after some time you do get a kind of attachment dont you?!

You just get sad, especially when the teachers all come up one by one to bid thier classes farewells and good-lucks. Yea, some people can mantain being unintrested or even irritated at having to stay behind for their "graduation ceremony" but I can't, I am not irritated OR dis-intrested anyway! It's not the school or the teachers, its the pupils. It's all about the pupils, my fellow classmates. Thus Im not going for the prom, but still the little gathering of all the graduating classes in the hall was rather stuffy amnd drawn out but hey! It's the last you'll ever see of your beloved (not really for some) teachers until you come get your results in Feb save for 4F whose maths teacher porkchop (I forgot teachers can get you suspended and stuff for calling them names on your blog) David Lim is our "sole contact" during the Os proper (or so he says) other than the other school examiners. Come on people have a heart! Its the LAST you'll see, don't you feel even a TINY TUG on your heart??

I think I will really miss my teachers and the school, and despite my initial dislike for the place from sec 1 - 3 (both 3s) its becoem more of a home then I thought it'll ever be. I will miss that gate, the whistle toting security guard, Mr Raymond, Mr Mc, Miss Shim (to be Mrs come Nov), Miss Kodi (Save for Mr Anthony Phoon you were the best and most fun EL teacher ever), Miss Yap, Mr Ng (although you didnt teach me through 3E and 4E, your 3 years from sec 1-3 helped me not totally give up hope on chinese), Mrs Yee (For making Physics boring so I can get extra sleep, haha no la, for teaching physics, being a boring sub I normally wont study it, but sicne you asked so nicely xD) and some others (although im rather glad I wont be seeing some other teachers).

I'll also miss the student hub, the street soccer court with its peeling paint job, the hall with its wierd smell, the AVA room with it's insanely cold air-conditioning, the canteen with it's odd assortment of distasteful but dirt cheap food (don't look at me like this! Some teachers dont even dare eat in the canteen...) and our classroom (4E) the decorations and board were so nice we couldn't bear to take them off but had to in the end. Next year 4E people! Must take good care of the place ah I will be back to visit (despite my initial vehement remarks that I will not want to return ever again) just fopr the atmosphere.

I guess after all that, Peicai is not that bad a place. It isn't a horrible school, there ARE good student if they want to, and the teachers are top rate, and nothing save for their care for us keeps them from runnign off to some better school where they can get better pay and benefits (unlike that traitor Mr Raymond Fong who ran off to RI to teach maths, but who can blame him, his qualifications were too cheem for a neighourhood school, all that jazz xD)

Emotional aren't we? The teachers had their share in the hall, I will have mine alone later tonight ^_^ I will miss Peicai Secondary School, for the first time, I proudly say- you have my respect.

Quote of e Post:
We Make the Difference

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Woo Hoo! So sorry I didn't blog for the past week~ yea, it is after day 2 of english intensive. Quite fun seriously! Haha, but I tend to nap alot in the AVA room, what can I say? Nice cooling aircon~ haha and if you hear people just droen on and on about expositions, recounts and summaries you would too... I think (or is it just me?)

Last day of school before the study leave starts. In exactly 7 days I'll be having to take my science practical >.< Yikes! Tough luck there, I didn't do very well, but now I guess must study haha. Especially for chem, need to know what is what with what (those not reflected in the given piece of paper) and for physics, the reason why blah blah blah depending on the experiment they gave you. *shrugs* Ah well, only time will tell.

You know whats cool? My prelim results ^_^ I learnt just this week that, It might get better! The papers have not undergone moderation yet! That is awesome! I might have a shot at some other schools now *runs off to look for other possible options* Heehee happy happy happy!

Uh dont know what I planned to blog about, I guess i'll retire for dinner again, ciao! Ill add it on later when I remember.

Quote of e Post:
How many more must die, before the governors get denied -the news from the front?

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Dust me

Hey all! I didn't manage to blog last night because I came back too late -zZzz- Haha, went straight itno bed and was out like a light until 9am =) Despite the apparent "childishness" of the play it was awesome! First time being in the explanade, not just outside but IN the halls ^_^ way fun wahaha but things in there are expensive without a doubt, a bottle of evian (you know the small ones?) will set you back a good 3 dollars while a sandwich (which isn't half as good or as well filled as a $1.60 one I get almost every sunday) will set you back a big 5 smackeroos.

My computer has been very lag lately, not just the internet, just about everything, from typing to paint =.= Anyways, this line will not appear as I type it and will not be until I start on the next line, there we go ^_^ I find my keyboard skills pretty pathetic, im getting plenty of errors everything i type eg. og, typoe you get the picture.

Back to the show, oh my it was wonderful, magical enough to keep me spellbound, I fas feeling a little sad when the interval started >.< Not your usual Peter Pan story although you need to have the background knowledge~ I will not give what kind as it will be a spoiler of sorts. I say go watch it haha, there is still some time, it shows from the 7th to the 16th I think, and I watched the first show. Characters to look out for are Tinkerbell (too cute ^^) and Hook haha, He ded an excellent job. Despite some prior umm "comments" ive heard, no, I dont think Wendy is pretty =.=

Was supposed to go for dinner with the cell tonight but SOME distant cousin of mine is getting married and I have to be there. I mean even my mother who is his aunt (I think) hasn't seen him since his childhood years! And now I, a total stranger has to go and see his tie the knot? Id rather spend the day with HG2 ^_^ But, blood is thicker then water (or so they say, I dont really bother to think about it) Actually the real fuss is seeing my cousins. Telling them all about my prelims (once they get wind someone is taking their Os) and how I got a floppy 15 (L1R4) or 19 (L1R5) points is not a plesant prospect. Why is it everyone has this super succesful cousin or something when compared to them??

NExt week save for monday and tuesday is English intensive, and after that study break. Time has never flew this fast, everything is zooming past in a blur. Each week I have something to look forward too but these few weeks all that has been ahead is the Os, the Os. So much so I am not really intimidated anymore, which results in a drop in pressure, and a drop in study effectiveness. >.< looking forward to the Os, and then, the new yera~ Oh not forgetting CCIS! I'm helping again! I LOVE my job ^_^.

Eh, better stop here bb

Friday, October 07, 2005

Surprise all of a sudden!

just a hyper fsat one! Next week is English intenive, after that it's study break until the O's arrive in full force. Thats just deviating~

Im going off to watch "Peter Pan" at the Esplanade in about 1/2 hour haha! I mean, at least let me know you guys are pannign something next time ok? Bye! Blog more tonight...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Because You Live

Hey~ my mom has been hogging the computer for her driving lessons so I can't be online much, so im making use of this precious time I've scraped to blog ^_^ Aren't I so thoughtful to my precious readers? And to let me know you exist, please leave me a sign, like maybe a tag? (HINT HINT!) Haha

Ooh Prelims result all back, not as well as I had planned, then again, I planned kind of high x) The final verdict, L1R4 = 15, L1R5 = 19. The sad thing? Not a single A1, and alot less As then I expected. Here's the breakdown.
EL- A2
EM- B4 (I thought I did so much better...)
SC- B3 (Science, extremely disappointing)
CH- A2 (Combined Humans)
PA- B4 (This is just sad)
DT- C5 (I'll explain leter)
MT- B4 (Fixed for Os)

I never thought I'd have to use Chinese as one of my subjects, ever, odd isn't it? I really believed my maths had improved, between the help I got, the questions I did and questions that continually began to make sense to me, I knew there was an improvement, by a single grade? There is obviously more to be done.

Physics killed me. I expected a 2 at least for science, but being bad in physics blows. A B4 physics and a A2 chemistry adds into a high B3, so close. I might sound a little full of my self if I said I was counting on a one for English and Combined Humanities... PoA was just sad. Id didn't study and this is the result, at least as much as I can remember, I'm sure the Os will not be this easy.

For D&T what can I say? If you've been following the "progress" of my D&T (or lack of progress) you'll figure that my wreck of an artefact will be my downfall. Because of the artefact my folio is pulled down, that accounts for 60%. So when you throw in my A1 theory paper, the grade went way down to C5. You just cannot make it without htat 20% practical. I can no longer get an A for D&T, a A2 would take a 110% for my theory, a B3 would take 93%, I won't even think about counting how much a B4 would take. Bottomline, D&T is out the window.

I had origianlly planned to have at least 14 for my L1R5, a nice mid-range mark (although I have little intention of spending the next two years in brown again) actually I also dont know. Now the only doors are SR and Y, obviously Im taking SR (if not for the locations, it would be... for the location) and for Os I'd plan to get a 10. Considering my score is already 4 with chinese, my plan will now be, EL 1, CH 1, EM 2, SC 1, PoA 1. Wow, Id be hard pressed =.=

Enough talking about schoool. Friday was cool, went for suishi buffet with some 4F people :) So called to celebrate the end of prelims. Then later that night zone Gathering, haha I know I asked for charades but I never expected a time attack version! intresting but the timing kind of kills it a little.

Sunday, hmmz, CET is becoming more and more complicated, quite "chim" = slightly troublesome to understand. But overall its ok, quite fun ^_^ its about the environment too you know? The people, the atmosphere. But must stop doodling on the notes, talk less and listen more heehee.

Found a cool song, actually make it two cool songs. Ill post em up here (wow this entry is turning kind of long dont you think?)

I Don't Wanna Be
Gavin Degraw

I don't need to be anything other than a prison guard's son
I don't need to be anything other than a specialist's son
I don't have to be anyone other than a birth of two souls in one
Part of where I'm going is knowing where I'm coming from

I don't want to be anything other than what I've been tryin to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and I've peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me

I'm surrounded by liars everywhere I turn
I'm surrounded by imposters everywhere I turn
I'm surrounded by identity crisis everywhere I turn
am i the only one to notice
I can't be the only one who's learned

I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do think of me and I've peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me

Can I have everyone's attention please
if you're not like this and that
You're gonna have to leave

I came from the mountains
the crust of creation
My whole situation made from clay and stone
and now I'm telling everybody

I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and I've peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta to do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me


Superman - Its not easy to be me
Five for Fighting

I can’t stand to fly
I’m not that naive
I’m just out to find
The better part of me

I’m more than a bird...I’m more than a plane
More than some pretty face beside a train
It’s not easy to be me

Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I’ll never see

It may sound absurd...but don’t be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed...but won’t you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
It’s not easy to be me

Up, up and away...away from me
It’s all can all sleep sound tonight
I’m not crazy...or anything...

I can’t stand to fly
I’m not that naive
Men weren’t meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

I’m only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
Inside of me
Inside me
Yeah, inside me
Inside of me

I’m only a man
In a funny red sheet
I’m only a man
Looking for a dream

I’m only a man
In a funny red sheet
And it’s not easy, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm...

Its not easy to be me

I love these superman themed songs. Looking forward to next week. My birthday on the 14th! Haha. And start of exam break. Im excited. Yet worried. In my life there are so many things I cannot place for sure. But Im too worried to place them where they should go. Even though I know I should. Ok, typing in short sentences is not working for me, haha, it is more like Dilys's blogging style, tried tested and trashed, its continusous writing for me without restraint on the use of the comma, and the rare use of a fullstop x)

Ok ok, I have a urgent testi to write, ciao!

Quote of e post:
Because you live, I live...