Monday, November 08, 2004

Long Overdue Post, Gomen~!

Waaaa!! I've been planning to update a post but I lazy lah XD It has been thirteen days since I've updated, it might not sound long but, it is! ^_^'' So many things have happened... so much to write so little space.. oh well, lets get on with it!

First up, apologies. Ahem, I would like to apologise to all the friendster peeps, I promised I would write all of you a testimonial after the exams but now not only are the exams over but it is holidays liao! XD OMG! Long over due like I said. And then there is those whom I've ignored on MSN.. too many time, This apology is going out to you! Dont be mad anymore k? ^_^ And finally to Somebody, Sorry I sorta caused you so much trouble, it all boils down to me no?


Then.. holiday extra lessons are FUN whee! As if *bleagh* Like no holiday at all! This is totally expected but the only complaint is that why so early?! 7:45! Waa... we (Ok not we... I) need to sleep zzZZ Waha, but extra-lessons really fun lor~! During break you see pupils change shift. Dont get it? Well, some teachers can get more attendance then others by being fiercer by nature or by being more.. how to say.. attractive XD So during break time, pupils move in and out of school only going for the lessons they WANT (or HAVE) to go to. Seems like the most "in demand" teachers that can get a PROPER class size is Miss Shim (Math... this one is for e lookx oO but im not going for that), Mrs (?) Datta (Eng/PoA What can I say, fierce lah...) and finally our now long gone former Form teacher Miss Chan (Give face one lor...) Anyhow, except for PoA and S.S I dont think any of the extra classes taught us any new things... what a waste of my time X_X

Wa... this holiday so busy... busy busy busy ^_^ So many things to do. Even though there is MUCH less holiday homework, going to school, going for meetings... blah the blah... so many things to do ^_^ but it makes me happy, at least I don't have time to think about things that waste my time... umm.. ok that caome out odd... Anyway... The last week of the O levels are here... and I realise I have only one week left to make good my "vow" to take action after the Os are over... many things have happened recently which may influence the future but im not too sure.

Woah! Time flies so fast.. in only 53 days the year 2004 will come to an end. The new year 2005 is my O level year.. yes so it is one year later than it was supposed to but im just glad that for now... im happy. There will be a very brief one month holiday which will fly like never before and throw us into the new year 2005, where the onlythings to welcome us is tests... not that we did not expect it but yes... tests, tests to re-inforce what we have learnt to prepare us for the coming Os... ESPECIALLY chinese!! I dont know how Im going to pass... I will so flunk! But I now see a small glimmer of hope as by some miraculous mistake (im positive it is a mistake) i managed to pass my MT this year. Not by 50 or 51 or 52 but at a whooping (ok... whooping for me) 60.5! Now THAT is what I call a surprise.

Well, I really need to comment now. Ahem first, disclaimers. I do not criticize ANYONE for ANYTHING k? I'm just expressing my opinions like you are. Well... seems like people these days can't handle little nitty-gritty insults. Or at least it is labelled as an insultto call someone nosy... I for one don't ^_^ Then, when you get OFFENDED by such TRIVAL things, please do not blow it up.. please? One word for example... maybe nosy can turn into a whole passage of free flowing vulgarities in whatever dialect or language you are proficient in. And do tell it in a private manner, there is this saying, don't hand your dirty washing out for all to see or something along those lines. If you got a grudge, take it out with that person. Face to face is the best or if you fear your emotions may overcome you, via E-mail or SMS is fine too, just dont leave it to brew into hatred. Hate is a VERY strong word to use, too strong for most part to be applied to situations like these. Save it for when someone kills your entire family or something k?

Next, as everyone leaves the school I would like to dedicate a few verses from a song to everyone. It might not apply when I use it but it wil surely apply for most normal people.
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye

That easily sums up this part... who knows what the future holds? Will that guy sitting next to you die the moment he steps out those gates? Or maybe that runty kid with "no future" may become rich? Or could that popular girl die alone, a spinster all her life? Who knows... the uncertainty will shake anyone it is best you on't try to think of the worst case possibilites. Even the best made plans can fall prey to the uncertainty that is fate... You will see how great it is to be a secondary school pupil with all your holidays, and to be able to sit with your friends during recess, talking, laughing, to know that when you go to school the very next morning you will see your desk and chair where it is, and the familiar faces of your classmates staring back at you as you take your seat...

Anyhow, thats about all this post will hold... and im outta ideas XD
Quote of the post:
Death will only find those who truely seek it

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