Saturday, November 27, 2004

Dead Serious...

So late liaoz... now abt 1:15 am on the 27th, early morning! Only 1 more day to the Camp X_X and we are not finished up yet! OMG! Busy busy, so many things to do, can't afford to slack anymore... for now at this very moment making some stuff. Sigh.. logistics is the slackeist job at first but when all the planning is settled it is the hardest job where you got to find everything needed ASAP. Still got planning for e Christmas celebration, got to confirm plans for CCIS (Celebrate Christmas In Singapore) as in whether e RR are needed to do something on that day, school homework and a ton more of stuff...

Im thinking of splitting my blog. One for people from school and others to see, it will be more.. dull? I dunno, cos I don't really have people reading this. On the other for e Bethel people, will be more interesting, after all these people know me best XD and there is SO MUCH I can talk about only there... but there are also things I can only talk about here. I live many lives (or my "modes" if you've read my previous PROPER post...) and it is terrible when they clash, and this blog is abit constricting as in, If i write about one part of my life, the other hlaf of the people will not know what im talking about, and vice versa... anyone reading this CANNOT tell that the other me is very different, not having seen it before ^_^ And I plan to keep it that way.

Secrets, are secrets really worth keeping? It may cause suspicion and strife amongst people, but it also can bond two people closer than being just casual friends. Do you keep secrets? Im sure you do, everyone does.. but they don't admit it, after all if they do, it won't be a a secret, to keep to yourself. After all, if someone knows you are keeping a secret it is natural that they will want to find out about it so if you are keeping a secret natutrally you will insit you are not... but I am quite open and friendly now, throwing caution to the wind... After all I AM abit insane online XD

Now I am just writing whatever my mind lands on, just taking a break from rushing out the stuff for tommrrow... stress, stress, stress.. the pressure is building, but it will be over soon, I hope ^_^'' Stiff neck from bending over too long, aching eyes from the dim light of e screen, tired fingers writing desperately small words, sore ears from having earphones in them for long streches of time... but I enjoy it ^_^ working, it makes you feel alive, feel fufilled, so if someone ever says that if they would be satisfied if they never need to work again, trust me, they won't. Humans are made to work, to have a purpose, to do things, that is why there is such a thing as being bored and feeling restless. 2:02 am.. woah.. it has almost been an hour since I sat here and began doing this thing... tim sure flies when you are so absorbed into doing something.

What is WRONG with taking quizzes on quizilla for girls only? I mean like, the results are practically the same and there are great pictures too! After all, most of the other quizzez are 1) story type which aren't quizzes at all, 2) The Are you the right guy/gal for me OR which of my friends are you? OR the number 3) terrible quizzes which just clog up quizilla cos they are obscene and pointless. I mean like personality tests can be amazingly, and accurately scary! For example color quiz, though it isn't part of quizilla nor is it for fun but it's a proper thing made from through research. It still works perfectly even though it is a few years old... (the site is down now) Here were my results...

Your Existing Situation
Active, outgoing, and restless. Feels frustrated by the slowness with which events develop along the desired lines. This leads to irritability, changeability, and lack of persistence when pursuing a given objective.

Your Stress Sources
Feels in an invidious position: that trust, affection, and understanding are being withheld and that he is being treated with a humiliating lack of consideration. Considers he is being denied the appreciation essential to his self-esteem and that there is nothing he can do about it. Disheartened by the lone struggle against difficulties with no encouragement. Feels he is getting nowhere; that, instead of the admiration he needs, he is consistently misunderstood. Wants to escape from the situation but cannot find the strength of mind to make the necessary decision.

Your Desired Objective
Urgently in need of rest, relaxation, peace, and affectionate understanding. Feels he has been treated with a lack of consideration and is upset and agitated as a result. Regards his situation as intolerable as long as his requirements are not complied with.

Your Actual Problem
Needs to protect himself against his tendency to be too trusting, as he finds it is liable to be misunderstood or exploited by others. Is therefore seeking a relationship providing peaceful and understanding intimacy, and in which each knows exactly where the other stands.

Your Actual Problem #2
Tensions and stresses induced by trying to cope with conditions which are really beyond his capabilities or reserves of strength have led to considerable anxiety, and a sense of personal (but admitted) inadequacy. He seeks to escape into a more peaceful and problem-free situation, in which he will no longer have to assert himself or contend with so much pressure.

Yep, and there you got it, this was so accurate it scared me cos it spanned over ALL my lifes, yep over EACH and EVERY ONE of my multi-faceted life. Creepy. But it was based on real research, a team of scientists fomulated this quiz, but you cant take it now as the site has been pulled down, maybe you can try searching for it. ^_^

I am like writing this in bits and pieces, so now is like 4am liaoz... SUPER tired, im gonna go off and sleep..zzzz....ZZZZ cya nxt time

Quote of e post:
I'll miss you when you go, but how can I miss you if you DONT LEAVE!!!

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