Monday, November 22, 2004

Over, It is All Over...

At long last, it is this very day that all secondary school pupils slog t and work for. Today was the last day o the O Levels all over Singapore. Although Im not part of it, the thought that those other people are finally at the end of their long and winsing journey all the way up to here. Half their studying life is over, and soon they will be plunged into a mess bigger than they imagine. A hetic mess of late nights, PW and long tiresome lectures.

Anywayz, as for me, today is a long and tiresome day.. putting on my mode 2 for one whole day is very tiring you know? If you don;t understand what im talking about, let me explain. I live with 5 modes. Mode 1 is the one I use the most often, it is the ME I use when I am in school, mode 2 is the mode I use frequent enough to warrant a great deal of refining, that is the ME I use in church or with my church people and at home, this is the best out of all the 5 modes. Mode 3 is a little rare, it is when Im out, or just moving around, when with people I don't know... mostly quite polite and quiet... Mode 4 however is more odd, it surfaces when I'm alone, especially at night or online... This one is totally different liao, there is a boldness which exists here which I dont know came from where in the world. Mode 5 is there rarest to find, it appears when... I dont know, when I am myself, aside from all the facades, all the lies and fake smiles and excuses.

I tell you, I rarely watch movies so to watch TWO movies in one day is like something that has only happenned like ONCE. But today I (dont know what possessed me) watched TWO movies in ONE shot with no break in-between, it was practically, credits roll, jump out, run out across the corridor to the next cinema and hop into the seat XD so fun (ok lah quite fun) The worst thing is that it was two ANIMATED movies... which translates into ONE HUGE MEGA headache. I know this will sounds kind of lame, but hey, I'm in it just for fun k? Went to watch Shark Tale (Abit late...) and The Incredibles.

Shark Tale was as good as the reviews gave it, the audience was throughly entertained, everyone in the cinema laughed together, gasped together and.. you get the point ^_^It was pretty good, although te storyline was a little.. slack, but the visual goodies made up for it ^_^ As for The Incredibles it was great and will be GREATER if they made a sequal, after all, it did set the pace for a wonderful story with plenty of nice action ala X-men style but it ended just when the foundation was throughly set. Well, all in all, there wasent much of a soundtrack for The Incredibles but for Shark Tale I just GOT to grab a bit of Car Wash XD

After the two shows in a ROW, a tired out buch of humanity scrambled out of the cinema for some fresh air-conditoned air XD and for a few yawns and some streching... After this, unless it is a REALLY good deal/show OR there is favourable companionship you can be sure I WONT do something like this ANYTIME soon. After we regained our senses and hit reality, went to go for dinner... feel very Pai-Seh... Gomen Cecelia-senei make you pay, sure return you this Firday/Sunday ^_^ Seems like my "flair" for meeting people at the wrong place at the wrong time is lifting (not that the last encouter was a bad thing... ahem *cough* *cough*)

Anyway... only 5 more days to Camp! WooT! I know the Committie will be unable to see this (Owing to the fact that close to none of my mode 2 contacts know of the eixstance of this blog) But still I want to tell everyone on the Committie, PRESS ON! WORK HARD! Only 5 more days, i know it is a stressful job and all, but in the end we MUST make it! Expecially to our slacker.. I mean job delegating Com Leader Aaron, To our hyper ON Games COm. Head Anna, our MIA but now recovered Emcee head Xin Yi XD ,the most hardworking head-knocking Admin Head Alvin and Of cos our long-suffering Logistics Head who cant do anything until all the plans are down and is swamped at the end with work... ME! Wahaha XD Ok ok so no one reading my blog will know what the HELL im talking about all day today cos writing this from my mode 2 point of view, my mode 1, 3, 4 and 5 have nothing to say at all XD HAHA!

I'll end here, now for the usual...
Quote of the post:
The Most Important Thing About A Train Ride Is Not The Destination, But Whether You Decide To Get On Or Not

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