Monday, October 04, 2004

Back... Confessions...

Ok ok! Im guilty.. I found a way to rig my net back up so im gonna continue blogging! (Joy!) So many things to do! Exams begin tommrrow! ONE DAY! Imagine that! And im still online... still chatting.. stil blogging anyway, back to the topic! GOMEN! Ok I worte half of this on monday and im finishing it up now (thursday) so it will be a little odd

Wah! PoA is SO fun! Wonder why i never got to take it instead of A.math, I HATE maths! PoA is fun and easy, the concepts are simple and the calculation is basic, plus it is a new topic to everyone so i have to so called advantedge! No reason to blame me there now can they? ^_^

For those who noticed, there are a few big boxes of condemmed books in the parents corner, you can take em if you want k? I got a few already, very interesting, it is practically a free for all goldmine, i warn you though, come thursday morning all those slackers will just pull a book for the sake of holding a book and dump it after that, what a waste...

Panic, panic.... panic? Exams beginning laioz but I dont feel pressured to study at all! Ahhh!! Plus I get very frequent and serious headaches... I think im going crazy (read too much manga liao... going loony) I just noticed I talk to myself alot, but hey! I realised many people talk to themselves to invigorate the mind and dig up new ideas... lets just call it a brainstorming meeting but with only one person, or is it a split personality disorder? I dont know..

This last week, Mrs Datta went to Bowne Sec to oversee some exam thing so we are left with Miss Priya, a soft-spoken idiot. She can get angry and all but seriously? Up till now, almost NO ONE has taken a dirsct order from her, she walks in, and we dont even greet! Thne she begins writing on the board, note that NO ONE is paying attention (Im guilty! *sob sob*) She gives us assignments on English (Never done even one...) and PoA (Once again, havent touched it...) But they need not be handed in so no one gives a damn.

The headaches are not going away, and I feel really lethargic... so I just checked my temperature and found that it is 37.4 deg... Im pretty sure that is a fever, but I don't really feel sick... just tired, so tired... i just want to go sleep and sleep and rest under the cool shade... Anyway, I think I said something about me always falling sick before the exams but this time is too much! It is just on the eve so even if it esclates to an unbearable level I MUST and WILL persevere and take the exam, I CANNOT take MC now, unless it is life threatening. Someone the first paper tommrrow is Chinese, cannot miss even though it is my worst subject, I have a vow i must keep to myself!

The fever is not too bad, im still faring well (in fact I think the pain started since last sunday but I usually brush it away as I get frequent headaches) no sigh of me fainting or "going down" as of yet, hope it can hold till after the exams (18/10) I REALLY dont want to miss ANY paper.

Study? Ok lah... Im really not into studying... The only things im gonna study properly are maths and chinese fopr the simple reason that they are my worst subjects and the rest are pretty easy to score on like chemistry, social studies and the like (plus for those subjects I got KILLER CA marks to back me up....) but my head is not absorbing anything, not that im not trying but looking at mass numbers of words and my mind begins to swirl.

Even though Im not supposed to on the computer, or in this case access the net, i still on it regularly just to listen to music, yup thats right ^_^ One of the MOST important reason why I value my comp is my music collection on it, mostly is anime songs and some of the top of the charts english songs, and thanks to my "recent" resolve a few chinese songs too.

Oh yes! Now the throbbing pain in my head returns, and how do i soothe it? by listening to my music, something nice and slow, no loud trashing tunes. And it works pretty well, the daunting pain will subside in a while now. Guess music really can heal, but even without any of their medical jumbo proof I have always believed that music is powerful. It can change one's mood completely and to a certain extent on your sub-concious mind make you behave differently, not only that for some people who have the strongest "barriers" music can go right through and speak to the soul. This is useful in terms of medical / psychological help but it can also be dangerous, as in if you listen to a certain kind of music it might make you get violent urges or who knows what.

Hey Miss Cheong! Thank you for that little favour ^_^ I appreciate it cos Clamp really REALLY does great manga/manga, being at the top of thier field of expertise in this field, these four women are really incredible. Ohkawa Nanase, Mokonaapapa, Miku Nekoi and Satsuki Igarashi, you really deserve all that praise you are getting, some of the title s they have put out are familiar and popular ones for example, cardcaptor sakura, XXXholic and Tsubasa. Ok enough ranting about that... I feel very angry! Adnm oyu ebgn ele! ohw ader oyu asy mi a isyss ujts ebacseu i obrowrde hotes csc obkos ot erda! htye olko ucet ok? oyu rae hte erla epvret! (go figure it out...)

Damn, seems like a cough has developed along with the fever, got to watch my health eh? *collapses* just kidding, whoa, I HATE THIS! MY birthday is ALWAYS in the middle of my exams! (14 October, try bash me if you want but im a little sick and I DO carry a dangerous weapon around with me at all times so, hope you make the right choice! ^_^ *Evil glare*) Last year (or was it the year before last) thanks to a certain MR Cheng, I managed to celebrate my birthday at central after the exam-paper, it was messy, noisy and chaotic, but ... I liked it... much to my surprise. I usually try to shun loud and flash occasions but you really made my day! You DONT have to do it this year (Once again IM SO SORRY! I didnt get you a birthday present or anything on YOUR birthday, but you can be sure im feeling DAMN GUILTY, tell me if there is any way i can make it up to you ^_^) Ok off track again.... eh... I lost my thought... oh nevermind.

I think I'll end here! (I got something on my mind but I just cant seem to get it...) Thank all of you who read this regularly, I PROMISE to update regularly in the future or you can use the kage bushin no jutsu and beat me into pulp ^_^ or you can just shoot my *hands out guns*

My new fav quote! From "Wind" by Akeboshi (you can go find yourself... and listen hard for the lyrics!)
Don't try to look so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't fight with fate or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.

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