Sunday, October 24, 2004

Boring Boring

EEh... nothing to do!! Im bored out of my wits. Lets see, oh yes! There is no school for all sec 1 - 3 monday due to moderation day! mwahaha.. what is moderation day? It is the day all the teachers meet and look over all the pupil's results and see if they are fit to go up to the next level or do they retain or lateral transfer (ie from 3 express to 4 normal). Such an exciting day no? Well, they wont have to moderate ME but they will have a headache andling my class. Seems like many people cannot make either the English plus two other subjects pass, not to mention the five passes. Some up till now with all subjects gotten back have even failed all, may God bless them ^_^

This brings me to my next bout of good news. I have passed EVERY subject for SA2!! ok... just for the theory part that is (DnT dunno Folio and Practical mark, but should be quite poor cos I never finish the practical) Wahaha, FINALLY passed my chinese, and it is not 50+ marks it is 60 and a half! Wahaha (yea im goign abit siao) hehehe but after adding CA1, SA1 and CA2 it become only 50... but still passs!!!!! But to get that I actually lost more... my math dropped until I just passed (paper one 21/50 paper two 29/50 cos i didnt quite study for what actually come out... i thought quite easy lolx! Thank you Mr Oliver Tan) and my PoA went down... nononononono!!! from normally A1 or A2 to B4 (cos I never really studied lah.. lolx) So my overall mark went fora skydiving lesson.

What else ah? Oh ya! I want to wish everyone good luck on their O levels, I know it isnt easy, but it is only what? Less than one month away! Must Work hard k? I really do not need to see you that badly next year ^_^ (ok for some I rather not see you at all) Damn school. From the 1st to 10th of November, we the sec3s will be accompanying you Os Peeps to slog and suffer! Yes, we got extra lessons X_X For every topic imaginable! School will begin at normal time and end around normal time too, so basically still got school lah! Why. why us?! Guess they must have judged from the Prelim results that Last year's batch could have done with abit more help so they testing on us firstm see can work or not, but with this year's batch (sec 3 now) I sincerely think that no amount of help can change or help some people...

Ok lah, woa! so fast out of things to write liao... anywayz, since i so long never update, i am now beaten and bruised (got hit by Kage Bushin no Jutsu from a certain few people, owch, was that a rib?) So sorry, I will try ot blog more often, problem is sometimes really no ling3 gan1 to do anything, i can just sit on the sofa and fall asleep one lor lolx Good luck! Gambatte!

Quote of the post:
I don't fear death, Im just worried I might forget my rage...

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