Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Yea! Over, its Over!

Oh yea! My exams are all over! Ok so it was over yesterday but too lazy to go blog ^_^ Just felt like going home and slacking all day, and I did ^_^ Such a big relief, when the teacher said, "D & T pupils stop writing now" I also joined in when the other people so called cheered, disturbing the art pupils still taking their "paper" ^_^

Anyway, I now regret... at least during e exam period i very busy, cram cram (ok so i spent my time reading manga not cramming) but still got somethingto do, Now exams over I can legally do any fun thing i like and I cant find anything to do! Now using my time to download stuff... anyone got any good things to download please tell k?

Im bored, bored, bored bleagh sounds so out of character. I've decided to do away with Faust and Yami. It is getting quite irritating to type thing liddat, guess I will just let them be in my mind and drive me nuts when i have a headache ^_^ Anyway, once again I am writing this in two days so it may seem a little odd, half was written on the 19th and the other on the 2oth.

Today is the 20th of October, on the 19th there was so school real shoik! Marking day, I just stayed home all day and slept, or went and watch TV and stay online doing nothing but chat aimlessly. But how can i waste my two day holiday without going out? So Today I went out with Shan an, his sis and Andy tay... I seem to have picked up his talent for sleeping, I only woke up at 12 PM O.O Or maybe it is because I slept at 6 am last night... lolx Anyway, so first I was supposed to me SA n his sis at Kovan MRT at 1:30 pm (Andy at home studying, how nice ^_^), but they only turned up at 2.30 pm!!! They actually wanted to wait for a bus and took half an hour doing that, and then they called thier father to send them, so they took 1 hour when they could have walked and only take 15 to 20 minutes!!! Grr.... so mad, but it was ok after we met up ^_^

Oh did you know? Shan An got all his hiar cut! He is now almost bald!!! Ha ha, he looks hilarious but he made up for it by donning a pair of orange sunglasses and a small silve earring, coupled with a white sleeved shirt and long black pants and shoes he looks like some artist guy Oo Ok not really that impressive but at least it settles the problem of his hair causing problems...

Then later we embarked on the quest to go get Andy to leave the house ha ha, we persuaded him all the way from our MRT ride from Kovan to Dhoby Ghaut and then from Doby Ghaut to City Hall, then we walked around Chimes, the things there are quite pointless and costly, and all I can see that have potential money drawing business is clubs. Finally we went to this funny place to see art materials, cos Shan An came here to buy his art materials. Oh My God! That small shop about the size of three classrooms had EVERYTHING! From markers to easels! And we even saw a set of color pencils that cost $198 O.O So expensive, and then you know why we did all these? To waste away our time until we could wait for Andy to come out -_-''

Then at about 4pm plus we took MRT back to Dhoby Ghaut and waited for Andy. I tell you Shan An you are a bloody pervert, purposely sit there under the escalator to see people zhao geng -_- wu2 yao1 ke1 jiu4 hopeless fella. To fill in e free time we talked about how possible is it to run into someone you know in Singapore, in a 1 out of 4 million chance... I didn't think it was too good, cos most sec 4 pupils are taking this time to cram for Os anyway, so they shouldnt be out roaming right? Anyway then actually we didn't want to go to Plaza Singapura cos Shan An sis had some ... umm.. trouble there before (It was nothing to do with her, she did not cause the trouble ^_^'') so it might be ... umm... messy if we went, but we went anyway cos he was sure if they dared to cause any problems... well lets say things will be a little messy. [A decision made by fate...] eh? Faust? Shut up... Anyway, we were actually planning to catch a movie, but none of the theatres had a good time for us to watch what we wanted to we finally scrapped it and resorted to roaming Plaza Singapura for a while before heading for the basement. We went to bread-talk and I bought some long cream filled thing and a pizza bread thingy ^_^ (Im no good in discriptions) And then headed for the MRT station... [Here comes the good part] Shut up Faust, you are GONE

Since cannot eat on the MRT, we were like outside the MRT eating when suddenly Shan An said, Hey look it's Sylvia! I was like yeah, right, nice trick but when we looked around, it was! She was still wearing the 4I class T-shirt. Damn, the one in 4 million chance materialised! The stupid talk and that tough decision we made to go PS or not turned into excellent "shooting" material for those idiots (sorry...)

Anyway, Im so sorry if they caused you any un-necessary embarassment or what-so-ever. And your Cousin too, cos she was with you also... ya. And as a little tag on to this apology, I will take this time to teach some people a lesson in minding thier own business and having a little manners. Anyway, Hope you guys can lay off others k? Especially in public, not very nice ^_^ Hear that Andy?

Anyway, we went all the way back to Serangoon (My poor EZ-link...) and waited for SA's father. Heard that Esmund has a little "problem" and wanting SA to go and accompany him just for fun, hell, you so popular liaoz why you only keep to SA and Andy Chan? you like have plenty of friends... why these two. Plus you got a problem keeping your tounge and hands to yourself (Ahem, keep your mind straight thank you) friendly insults and spars are alright but sometimes, you can really REALLY get on other's nerves k? ^_^

Anyway went all the way from Serangoon MRT to Changi O.O Go eat steamboat for dinner. Not bad, a well stocked steamboat for only about $40 for (me, shan an, his sis, his two brothers, andy and his father) seven people and it only came up to thirty plus dollars, and his dad picked up the tab ^_^ But I have to pay him back soon, I don't like owing people, but if they insist, i will let it drop as I'm not exactly in the best of financial states too. After dinner we all went home and I had this urge to blog so here I am ^_^

Woah! tommrrow got school again, sianz, I want to stay up late and slck, but cannot. Must go school tommrrow and check papers! yes! Wahahahah, I want to know how well I've done. To get English and two subjects is not difficult this time, but i still want to know how I've done. I got a bad gut feeling about this, I always do when it coems to exams ^_^'' Anyway, after paper checks are over, until the time holidays start I'm not sure what will happen... will there be post-exam activities like mid-year? Or will the teachers begin to delve in to the sec 4 syllabus to prepare for the dreadful Os next year? I rally dont know, hope they give us post-exam activities, it is not thhe best in the world but it beats cramming again just after the exams ^_^ Oh no must not slack, should go and prepare for next year (yes! *eyes burning with a fire of passion!*) ok im too over it ^_^''

Thats all for this post I think, im gonna put the Haitus pic off so if anyone wants it tell me, Ill send you when you online k? Quote of the post is...
If a perosn dies and his soul goes to heaven
And heaven can be called a better place
Then why do people still mourn?

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