Saturday, September 18, 2004

Will I Live Up To Expectations?

Argh... feeling so ... I dont know how to describe... but see everyone in the hall, then here I am in class, feels very.. frustrating. Is wishing you "good luck" all I can do for you? Such a let down, I cant even be there physically to provide support save for that short recess period.

Recently Mr Paul waltzed into class, he was very disappointed with most of the class cos we were bad and stuff, you know then he began to talk about the sec4's in the hall taking their prelims, then he actaully pointed Me and Lee Lin out and said we SHOULD BE IN THE HALL NOW!! How inconsiderate, say why didnt he pick out Gibson? Cos he knows that Gibson couldnt make it?

Anyways, After my excellent performance all year (compared to the rest of the class at least) Im feeling very scared now. On one hand I know it should be a piece of cake and that if I studied it would be no problem passing 3 Express but then what if I DO? Will I survive sec 4? Sound terrible to me (from what Ive heard) ... *gulp* Will I live up to expectation for the End of Year exams? I know you are probrably dismissing this with a swish saying, "Pfft! End of year? We are duking out in our prelims NOW! That is SO MUCH more vital than your end of year exams!" I know! But Im worried that I cant live up to expectations, doubts are creeping in and my confidence is slowly beng shaken as I realise that I NEED to study and I can't without my books... damn...

I found out that my little stunt of making an alternate account to log into my computer is pretty pathatic. First off I can only use the comp when NO ONE is around, and that is like VERY RARE. So I preactically gave myself a back door which I know is open but I will never get a chance to use. Also with the exams coming, I doubt i will use it even if I get a chance anyway. Study is more important...

Got exam schedules on Friday, 19 days to End of Years! (Counting today) This time they decided to make life a little more iritating by making MT the first paper. And making the first day of the exams a FRIDAY! And on that day we have Mt1 and MT2, They are obviously trying to kill me right? Throw me MT all in one shot then give me a weekend to worry about it.... grr... how evil.

Quote of the post:
I'm trying to keep, The ground under my feet
It seems the world's falling down around me
The nights are all long, I'm singing this song
Trying to and make the answers more than maybe

And Im so confused, About what to do
Sometimes I just want to throw it all away

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