Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The Bi-Annual Battle for control... AGAIN

Sigh, It has been 4 days sinceI updated, I want to say so much but there is just NO TIME. Huh? Dont get it? I will explain but let me start with a short story...

My STUPID IDIOTIC father says I spend too much time on the computer, so one fine day, he kept the mouse, being resourceful, I bought another (didnt cost too much). So he becoming NO wiser, now kept the keyboard, once again I managed to find another (We have an old computer). Wisening up a little he took the monitor, Simple problem! I took the old monitor (Again, we have an old computer), then in another stupid attempt he took the cable connecting the modem to the computer, wow! Im stumped, if not for the fact that that cable is easily found in stores and I promptly bought a roll of it (wait, let me finish). Finally at a loss of what to do, he does the "most" intelligent thing ever, he moved the entire computer to another room, THIS is where my roll of cable came in handy, I actually got about 20 metres of it! More then enough to strech one room (the other room had no point to plug the modem in). And finally, the desperate move I could not stop. He took the entire CPU away, rotf!!

Thus began the bi or tri annual battle. During the next holidays he will return with whatever he took, and I would be able to use the computer again ^_^ But as this continued EVERY year, it got terriblly distrupting, friends and contacts are lost every three or six months depending as my e-mail account would be disabled. Old passwords would be forgotten, message boards and forums would abandon me after my long period of abscence, my presence lost.

Once again this year, in June I got my computer back (JoY) But it was not until late July that I once more got internet back. So now about three months after getting it back, it starts again, he once again demands that I spend too much time and promptly wants to remove it with a difference, this time it will be until AFTER my Os!! This time I could not act indifferent, couldnt ignore no more. I fought back, and to a certain extent.. I won! However now instead of unlimited usage as long as I had free time (as imposed by myself before) I am now ristricted to using the computer THREE MEASLY HOURS a day, 8pm to 11pm. (He set a password so that no one could use windows without it,)

But! Being stupid as he is, the suer he lets me log on as in is... you guessed it! Administrator! I could have laughed my ASS off, I promptly took the first opportunity once he wasn't looking to edit the settings so that he could still input the password to log into the admin account but I also inculded I can just CANCEL the log-in page and just use it! Not that he knows... heh heh, If my parents EVER stumble upon this blog, I am DEAD.

Anyway, back on topic, life has been damn cute to me. Like I said before, if I gain something, I will lose something in return, I almost thought I lost my comp in exchange for... uhh... some thing else. But with this settling fine, I don't know what life will throw me next. I dare not imagine.

I was going through some of my old stuff when I found some of my last year books. It has almost been one whole year and yet the propect of taking the Os with unfamiliar people still freaks me a little. Ahh... no point complaining, seems like many people in 3E is trying to emulate my miraculous semi-concious learning style. Huh? As per usual, I enjoy the occasional leisurely nap in class, and somehow still come up tops, they think that by sleeping in class they will do well? Um, sorry to burst your bubble people, but I had to sacrifice ONE YEAR to "learn" this skill and trust me, It aint worth it. Everytime a test comes back and they gape and gawk, I remind them, that I wasted a year to get these marks, definately NOT worth it.

Also, I would like to say a big sorry, dui4 bu4 ci1 or gomenasai (if you prefer...) to that-someone. Dont take it to heart, they were just having some fun, but at your expense? Im sorry, I didnt exactly say anything, they justput two and two together and .. they got the picture, hope you are alright. Once again, they did act like jerks who did not take your feelings into consideration. On their behalf and from me, sorry!

I will end now... my time is almost up... GTG now, so much to say, so little time. bye bye!

Quote of the post:
We might not have much now
But we should keep living
That day might be far away in the future
But as long as we keep on
One day we will be glad that we survived
Keep searching that empty street, maybe
Just maybe, one day we might find something
Like the moon that floats alone in the night sky...

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