Saturday, September 11, 2004

Eh? It works now.. lol

What? Blogger is acting up again, or is it my comp just screwed? Whatever... at least it works now lol....

This morning got English Oral, Wah I got the earlier timeslot at 8am so early! Must drag myself out of bed X_X Im very lazy one you know? Anyway, I was in the earliest timeslot at 8am, the other one was at 10am... Classroom was 2B... at 7:40 still got no one open the door! All the other classes the teacher already opened the door and was preparing the tables and chairs, no sooner was I about to think that I got the wrong classroom, Miss Kodi waltzed up the stairs balancing a cup of coffee on a pile of files with the class key dangling off her finger.

I thought like, DIE ALREADY!! We got Kodi and I was really REALLY nervous. But she turned out fine, I cruised through the reading, but had a little nervous attack later on during picture discussion, she kept asking and asking SO many questions I thought, "Die already, everyone knows the examiner will prompt you if you do not give enough content.." But end up at the end she was vey nice, and even said I did very well, obviously not aiming to pass but shooting to score, even said I got a Band 1 but because I was too nervous and rushed hte whole thing abit missign out some small details I will not be getting the highest possible score... oh well, nerve wrecking enough, but worth it ^_^

Holidays end in two days but I have not started on ANY work.. gotta keep on! Cna't get all slack just because of a one week so caleld holiday lolx... Lets see, I've got 36 Du Hou Gan to do... 5 weeks worth of jian bao, a english letter thing, and some math questions... WOAH! Chinese SO MUCH?! What can I say? She keep our files for so long... what to do? Stress... Stres... Stress...

Must change my MSN sig liao... Im fast running out of ideas and my current one is getting stale but hey! I still like it k? It can apply to all sorts of things, in all parts of life to provide encouragement. Why do I persist? Because I know I have a chance... How true ^_^

Today went for a small outing to Pasir Ris beach... dammnit, those organizers never say must bring extra clothes and slippers, end up must go into the sand and got sand in my shoes X_X Good thing i took off my shoes before entering the sand so I managed to brush off most of the sand before most of the REAL damage has been done. As for the water? I just didnt go down, simple as that... stayed until pretty late just stoning with the others... for once, in a long time... I feel part of a group, of something... feels nice ^_^

Anyway! Im looking for anyone who can give me the Singers of these two chinese songs, and to reccomend any other songs that are nice! The first song title is Yong Qi (Courage, the lyrics are as follows hope blogger can display chinese words...)







The second song is Titled Di Xia Tie, Yup, from the movie of the same name / sound of colors









These are the lyrics for both these songs, I already have their MP3 and I really like them... im trying to memorise them but I still need a TON of practice, oh well thats all for this entry! Bye Bye! Till next time!

Quote of the post:
You can’t understand anyone just by appearances,
They don’t want to show their unmade-up face.

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