Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Not Really Holidays.... (3rd try to post...)

Woah!! I forgot to blog last night... Just couldnt wake up... lolx. Cos usually i go to slp and then wake up at about 1 am to come online, but last night seems like i could'nt get up... oh well, so i will make up now ^_^

Oh no! Im turning this blog into a commitment... once sopmething turns into something you feel like you have an obligation to do, you quickly loses interest and in due time get totally sianz by it. Blogging MUST NOT Turn into a cimmitment to fufil, I must do it regularly because I LIKE TO not because I HAVE TO. That too is the reason why studying certain subjects you like is easier than studying for subjects you dont ^_^ (No brainer right?)

Anyway... wah... this one week holiday is passing too fast for me to catch up... this morning got chinese oral, Ms Chan say I never fail, but as per usual not too good... The reading part was on how youth react to seats on public transport like on the MRT etc, like if they give em up to the needey, or they pretend never see anything... Then discussion is on wheather Singaporeans like to gamble and how some shops rip off tourists by charging higher than normal prices... I still think I should have said more X_X

Out of the one week holidays, I've got school from tuesday to friday and so far there are two more days to go (^_^ JOY!). I mean seriously anyone who got a break for fun out of this holiday must be slacking a whole lot... Come on, the sec 4s are busy cramming for their exams soon, this one week is the "calm before the storm" or so to speak lolx. Hiya, after living with Singapore educatio nsystem for so long should have gotten used to this sort of chi guai life liao, at least take pride in our high standard of education ^_^

Enough rambling on about school. Life has been really nice to me... nothing evil pops up spoiling this holiday for me... wonder what im goingto lose now... After all it is a give and take, everytime something good happens I will lose something in return, be it a heavier loss or a lighter one I will always lose somthing, NOTHING in life is free. Dont you agree?

Life is too perfect now, somehow work has become easy, study is second nature.. wait, that is creepy... but whats so bad about good grades? On the other hand my grades are FAR from good... In fact I dare say Im a little disappointed (Im sure many of you want to kill me now... if you saw my CA2 results. How can you say
that is not good enough?!) I CANNOT afford to fail this year and by the looks of things... I wont be ^_^

I recently walked past the 4I classroom and I saw two desks at the far end of the classroom next to the cupboard, did that mean there was origianlly supposed to be 42 people? I know me and Lee Lin retained but.. if so hwy wouls they get etxra desks? Im feeling so touched (lolx)

Thats all for this entry, I have not began on my holiday homework and it is what? Only a few days left.. better get cracking.. cya!

Quote of the Post:
Why do I persist?
Because I know I have a chance...

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