Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Swamp Thing

Feeling swamped. Just realised all my posts have been complaints, im such a whiney bag when no ones around. Im not swamped by work, its managable, im swamped by procrastination and the tedency to just stone at home, read fanfictions, chat and listen to music for hours on end with my books open before me. Not very productive it seems. Why so slack, why no motivation, why so agitated?

Heeheehee, on a bad day it just take one SNAP to send somone crazy. I don't know when that wil be, or should i say- was? :P Ping Pong Ping Pong Ping Pong Ping!! Just handed in my part of GPP now all I need to do is...

A history tutorial, prepare for a history essay test, 30 cards for History (realise how much work comes from just history alone?) a lit tutorial, prepare for a lit test (small one) and... i think and hope thats it. All by tonight.

Damn u procrastinator

Quote of e Post:
How to be Dead

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