Friday, May 12, 2006

Bury Us

Its been a long ride. Things happened, words flew, feelings hurt. Yes, today was very emo but it is more then that. It is your resolve. Wake up, look wide, what are you planning to do with your life? OR do you stumble through life, hoping to fall somewhere soft and comfy in the end?

Life does not work that way. It's out to screw you over and ruin your plans. It'll tear you down and remind you of your failures, it'll throw rubbish your way and try to bury you with an attitude of apathy and self-defeat. It is up to you o change that, to grab it by the collar and say no. Wring it's neck and tell them you'll succeed and survive.

Can you look at yourself in the eye in a mirror and look face on, can you? If you cant, i suggest you go do something about it, and yourself. I am way off tangent. Id like to extend my appreciation to those who spoke up today, for being bold, for leading the revolution.

Lets all start a clean slate, for whatever reason you work for, a toast. A2 is on the move.

Quote of e Post:
You keep the bad but the good you just forget.

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