Monday, October 25, 2004

Whats there to celebrate about?

Bah, it is Saturday afternoon, a cold, bleack rainy Saturday afternoon. And I'm stuck at home, what could be worse? Oh of course, a free-loader turns up on my doorstep, uses the telephone, downloads a bunch of adware on my comp just to let me see some stupid video he now says cant work on my comp... if anything becomes screwy, i'll wring his neck.

Lets see, on Thursday, that would be what? About three days ago, we all got our results back for the year, Yep, adding in our Ca1 CA2 and SA1. It was a long day, the entire day seemed to d-r-a-g / o-n / a-n-d / o-n but some people who were barely savable didn't get it back until Friday when thier parents of whoever came to take it with them. Many did poorly but even more did well, I dunno know how to react ^_^

Im quite happy but not satisfied. I was like 2nd in class (Not hard to achieve considering only TWO people didn't fail a thing... and I came out at the lesser end) and 23rd in the level positions (Id that supposed to be great? I really doubt it...) Anyway, the point I have to make is that the batch of sec 3s for 2004. Are they just lazy? Or are they really, REALLY bad? I mean, my overall percentage is only 65 or so but I managed to get a level position of 23, this is like, so high compared to where 65% would have landed you LAST YEAR, you know where? Down in the dumps is where about out of 230 or so you would get like 120 to 140... Bah!! The gap between class number one and number two is SO big! He is class position one and level position NINE. Yes, NINE, the level difference of FOURTEEN people.

Once again may I stress that the gap is "so big" and only fourteen people filled it? Lets see, he beat me in science, maths, chinese and DnT all by a grade or two, so why only fourteen people fill the "gap"? Anyway, I didn't fail anything, and that offers my what little happiness i have now. (Although chinese was only C5 and maths was C6 odd, my math should be better than my chinese... my chinese was ALWAYS worse) The worst thing? My parents arent happy, They said I (not could have) but I SHOULD HAVE gotten better... bah, I don't know what to say, now Im not happy with it too, I mean I got beat by a kid ho put in more hardwork than me! That is logical but those kids don't have that kind of experience... i take my hat off to those 22 people who beat me!

Another small and short entry, from monday onwards the extra lessons will begin... hope they are fun ^_^
We do not mourn those who die fufilling thier destiny...

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Boring Boring

EEh... nothing to do!! Im bored out of my wits. Lets see, oh yes! There is no school for all sec 1 - 3 monday due to moderation day! mwahaha.. what is moderation day? It is the day all the teachers meet and look over all the pupil's results and see if they are fit to go up to the next level or do they retain or lateral transfer (ie from 3 express to 4 normal). Such an exciting day no? Well, they wont have to moderate ME but they will have a headache andling my class. Seems like many people cannot make either the English plus two other subjects pass, not to mention the five passes. Some up till now with all subjects gotten back have even failed all, may God bless them ^_^

This brings me to my next bout of good news. I have passed EVERY subject for SA2!! ok... just for the theory part that is (DnT dunno Folio and Practical mark, but should be quite poor cos I never finish the practical) Wahaha, FINALLY passed my chinese, and it is not 50+ marks it is 60 and a half! Wahaha (yea im goign abit siao) hehehe but after adding CA1, SA1 and CA2 it become only 50... but still passs!!!!! But to get that I actually lost more... my math dropped until I just passed (paper one 21/50 paper two 29/50 cos i didnt quite study for what actually come out... i thought quite easy lolx! Thank you Mr Oliver Tan) and my PoA went down... nononononono!!! from normally A1 or A2 to B4 (cos I never really studied lah.. lolx) So my overall mark went fora skydiving lesson.

What else ah? Oh ya! I want to wish everyone good luck on their O levels, I know it isnt easy, but it is only what? Less than one month away! Must Work hard k? I really do not need to see you that badly next year ^_^ (ok for some I rather not see you at all) Damn school. From the 1st to 10th of November, we the sec3s will be accompanying you Os Peeps to slog and suffer! Yes, we got extra lessons X_X For every topic imaginable! School will begin at normal time and end around normal time too, so basically still got school lah! Why. why us?! Guess they must have judged from the Prelim results that Last year's batch could have done with abit more help so they testing on us firstm see can work or not, but with this year's batch (sec 3 now) I sincerely think that no amount of help can change or help some people...

Ok lah, woa! so fast out of things to write liao... anywayz, since i so long never update, i am now beaten and bruised (got hit by Kage Bushin no Jutsu from a certain few people, owch, was that a rib?) So sorry, I will try ot blog more often, problem is sometimes really no ling3 gan1 to do anything, i can just sit on the sofa and fall asleep one lor lolx Good luck! Gambatte!

Quote of the post:
I don't fear death, Im just worried I might forget my rage...

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Yea! Over, its Over!

Oh yea! My exams are all over! Ok so it was over yesterday but too lazy to go blog ^_^ Just felt like going home and slacking all day, and I did ^_^ Such a big relief, when the teacher said, "D & T pupils stop writing now" I also joined in when the other people so called cheered, disturbing the art pupils still taking their "paper" ^_^

Anyway, I now regret... at least during e exam period i very busy, cram cram (ok so i spent my time reading manga not cramming) but still got somethingto do, Now exams over I can legally do any fun thing i like and I cant find anything to do! Now using my time to download stuff... anyone got any good things to download please tell k?

Im bored, bored, bored bleagh sounds so out of character. I've decided to do away with Faust and Yami. It is getting quite irritating to type thing liddat, guess I will just let them be in my mind and drive me nuts when i have a headache ^_^ Anyway, once again I am writing this in two days so it may seem a little odd, half was written on the 19th and the other on the 2oth.

Today is the 20th of October, on the 19th there was so school real shoik! Marking day, I just stayed home all day and slept, or went and watch TV and stay online doing nothing but chat aimlessly. But how can i waste my two day holiday without going out? So Today I went out with Shan an, his sis and Andy tay... I seem to have picked up his talent for sleeping, I only woke up at 12 PM O.O Or maybe it is because I slept at 6 am last night... lolx Anyway, so first I was supposed to me SA n his sis at Kovan MRT at 1:30 pm (Andy at home studying, how nice ^_^), but they only turned up at 2.30 pm!!! They actually wanted to wait for a bus and took half an hour doing that, and then they called thier father to send them, so they took 1 hour when they could have walked and only take 15 to 20 minutes!!! Grr.... so mad, but it was ok after we met up ^_^

Oh did you know? Shan An got all his hiar cut! He is now almost bald!!! Ha ha, he looks hilarious but he made up for it by donning a pair of orange sunglasses and a small silve earring, coupled with a white sleeved shirt and long black pants and shoes he looks like some artist guy Oo Ok not really that impressive but at least it settles the problem of his hair causing problems...

Then later we embarked on the quest to go get Andy to leave the house ha ha, we persuaded him all the way from our MRT ride from Kovan to Dhoby Ghaut and then from Doby Ghaut to City Hall, then we walked around Chimes, the things there are quite pointless and costly, and all I can see that have potential money drawing business is clubs. Finally we went to this funny place to see art materials, cos Shan An came here to buy his art materials. Oh My God! That small shop about the size of three classrooms had EVERYTHING! From markers to easels! And we even saw a set of color pencils that cost $198 O.O So expensive, and then you know why we did all these? To waste away our time until we could wait for Andy to come out -_-''

Then at about 4pm plus we took MRT back to Dhoby Ghaut and waited for Andy. I tell you Shan An you are a bloody pervert, purposely sit there under the escalator to see people zhao geng -_- wu2 yao1 ke1 jiu4 hopeless fella. To fill in e free time we talked about how possible is it to run into someone you know in Singapore, in a 1 out of 4 million chance... I didn't think it was too good, cos most sec 4 pupils are taking this time to cram for Os anyway, so they shouldnt be out roaming right? Anyway then actually we didn't want to go to Plaza Singapura cos Shan An sis had some ... umm.. trouble there before (It was nothing to do with her, she did not cause the trouble ^_^'') so it might be ... umm... messy if we went, but we went anyway cos he was sure if they dared to cause any problems... well lets say things will be a little messy. [A decision made by fate...] eh? Faust? Shut up... Anyway, we were actually planning to catch a movie, but none of the theatres had a good time for us to watch what we wanted to we finally scrapped it and resorted to roaming Plaza Singapura for a while before heading for the basement. We went to bread-talk and I bought some long cream filled thing and a pizza bread thingy ^_^ (Im no good in discriptions) And then headed for the MRT station... [Here comes the good part] Shut up Faust, you are GONE

Since cannot eat on the MRT, we were like outside the MRT eating when suddenly Shan An said, Hey look it's Sylvia! I was like yeah, right, nice trick but when we looked around, it was! She was still wearing the 4I class T-shirt. Damn, the one in 4 million chance materialised! The stupid talk and that tough decision we made to go PS or not turned into excellent "shooting" material for those idiots (sorry...)

Anyway, Im so sorry if they caused you any un-necessary embarassment or what-so-ever. And your Cousin too, cos she was with you also... ya. And as a little tag on to this apology, I will take this time to teach some people a lesson in minding thier own business and having a little manners. Anyway, Hope you guys can lay off others k? Especially in public, not very nice ^_^ Hear that Andy?

Anyway, we went all the way back to Serangoon (My poor EZ-link...) and waited for SA's father. Heard that Esmund has a little "problem" and wanting SA to go and accompany him just for fun, hell, you so popular liaoz why you only keep to SA and Andy Chan? you like have plenty of friends... why these two. Plus you got a problem keeping your tounge and hands to yourself (Ahem, keep your mind straight thank you) friendly insults and spars are alright but sometimes, you can really REALLY get on other's nerves k? ^_^

Anyway went all the way from Serangoon MRT to Changi O.O Go eat steamboat for dinner. Not bad, a well stocked steamboat for only about $40 for (me, shan an, his sis, his two brothers, andy and his father) seven people and it only came up to thirty plus dollars, and his dad picked up the tab ^_^ But I have to pay him back soon, I don't like owing people, but if they insist, i will let it drop as I'm not exactly in the best of financial states too. After dinner we all went home and I had this urge to blog so here I am ^_^

Woah! tommrrow got school again, sianz, I want to stay up late and slck, but cannot. Must go school tommrrow and check papers! yes! Wahahahah, I want to know how well I've done. To get English and two subjects is not difficult this time, but i still want to know how I've done. I got a bad gut feeling about this, I always do when it coems to exams ^_^'' Anyway, after paper checks are over, until the time holidays start I'm not sure what will happen... will there be post-exam activities like mid-year? Or will the teachers begin to delve in to the sec 4 syllabus to prepare for the dreadful Os next year? I rally dont know, hope they give us post-exam activities, it is not thhe best in the world but it beats cramming again just after the exams ^_^ Oh no must not slack, should go and prepare for next year (yes! *eyes burning with a fire of passion!*) ok im too over it ^_^''

Thats all for this post I think, im gonna put the Haitus pic off so if anyone wants it tell me, Ill send you when you online k? Quote of the post is...
If a perosn dies and his soul goes to heaven
And heaven can be called a better place
Then why do people still mourn?

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The Days Are Numbered...

Hi! Welcome for my newest installment! I know you've been egarly waiting! (Gets run over by mob) Ok fine enough Qian4 Bian3 things, on to what I want to say. Today you might have noticed that my two split personalities Faust and Yami are not around, they are out having a little chat and will be here a little later like maybe into the next few paragraphs or so ^_^

Today is the 13th of October, Time, 5:47 pm, exactly 6 hours and 13 minutes till im Sixteen. Dan, why must my birthday ALWAYS fall during the examination period? I don't know, but I like October cos it is quite stressful and everyone is on thier toes and the tension in the air is sooooo exciting! Because of the examinations... they really like this time period!

Todays paper was geography, but it was very easy ^_^ ok not that easy but I found it easy, pity I wrote too litle X_X [Yea, you should have written more on that rice cultivation one, it was worth 9 marks, and you wrote only what? 3/4 a page?] Oh! Hi Faust, where's Yami? [He's out formulating more plans to kill someone... you shouldnt have let him see those pages with Garaa, now he is picking up his attitude] Oh whatever... damn this could be a problem... anyway back to topic! Yea... tommrrows paper is Math paper 2 and Chemistry, Yay! for chemistry Boo! for Maths, Im SO unprepared for math I can practically sit there and predict my score, a nice fat D7 X_X [You have no talent, unlike ME ...] Yea, you just don't appear when people are around right? [Alright... not that it is all easy taking over YOUR body]

Anyways back to what I was about to say... {Im back...} Oh.. Hi Yami, don't worry im not planning to assasinate you like Garaa's parents did to him ^_^ {-_-'' Of course...} [~_o whats with him?] How would I know? Nvm back to topic, Just gonna write a little today... Yes! I got torrent and I discovered.... It IS USELESS! It downloads at about the same speed as per usual... I usually spend 2 hours downloading anime episodes but now with torrent I spend... about two hours also, practically no difference at all.... Oh! and I downloaded the opening and ending for Yugioh GX, it is very fast like and cherry! (Even if there are no translations for it yet, im sure it has something to do with one's fighting spirit) You will like it! Maybe Yami should hear it, it will surely cheer him up {Yea right... try human... try} [O.O] O.O

I also downloaded the first episode of Gundam Seed Destiny (funny things to d/l at this kind of time when exams are already in the process no?) anyway, heard that the new main character's Mobile Suit, the Implulse is Strike style, with different packs, so it is Sword impluse, Blast Impulse and Buster Implulse ^_^

Anywayz I think thats all I got to say for this round, oh! And if you havent noticed I havent changed the picture of the girl on haitus cos I find that picture very relaxing and pleasant to look at, don't you? With her all in white sitting there under the shade... any way lets just finish off and I have an episode of Seed Destiny to watch ^_^

Tosay I will personally as per usual do the quote at the end!
You are like a shining star.
Like a lonely bird.
We can go through the darkness of the night.
In the cracks of the block
The times it looks like it's about to flow away
Don't forget that you aren't alone

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Back Again!

Happy happy happy! Dunno why also ^_^'' (Gets run over by random mob) X_X Anyways, I still got my fever, down but not cured, see? You CAN last a fever out ^_^ But my weekend was a tad painful -_-'' Yayz! (Back to crazy happy mood again, they say too high a fever can fry your brain but im not betting on that, yesterday afternoon it was at it's highest of 39.2 ^_^ [ARE YOU INSANE! THAT IS DAMN HIGH! >_<] yay yay split personality problem...)

Yesh! One subject down (BOTH meanings as in over and game over...) Why did they have to throw is chinese as the first paper?! Grrr... but now I can slack for the weekends abit, cos monday papers are English paper one and two plus social studies, but Tuesday got math paper one X_X And my math sucks like hell I couldnt do math if my life depended on it (say... my life pretty much depends on it no? If I fail math, then I can't go far and... [Sidetrack... -_-''] shut up...) Say! Have I introduced everyone to my split personality? I name him after my nick, say hi to... Faust! [Hello! ... -_-''] Uhh.. guess everyone needs to wam up ^_^'' For the un-enlightened Faust is the one in [these funny brackets...] .. yes, thank you Faust... [You're welcome...]

Ok! Sidetrack too long liaoz, back to topic [It is you who began to sidetrack...] >=( You... better... [Fine... I'll keep quiet... for now..] Good! ^_^ (Wierd aint I ^_^) Lets see... 8 days till exams are over... sianz why time pass SO slowly?! I recently acquired a funny video, if anyone of you manages to cath me online, ask and I will send it to you, it is brilliant! Where was I? Oh yes, 8 days, now that chinese is over I only need to fear maths, other than that and got to be a little wary of Geog and PoA... I guess that about almost covers everything,

Now this paragraph will interest only me, but Yesh! Yu-Gi-Oh! GX is out! Ok im a little late cos the first official showing in japan was on the 6th of October but yes! Anyway, everyone was sad after Yu-Gi-Oh! ended after the Memory Arc and Atem went back to his own time and even though news of GX was around and about, no one really tought that it would be good. After all, what is Yu-Gi-Oh! without Yugi? And how will an entire show based on duelling turn out? Everyone was skeptical, but as more news came out and pictures were released on Jump and on the web, they got us hooked and finally the first episode showed. Fans quickly found raws easily avaliable on the net and the first episode did not fail to provide us with an excellent taste of what was to come! Keep it up, with a new slew of cards and the appearance of some of the old cards which we had NO IDEA when it would appear in the show they have surely whet the fans appetite for more ^_^!

Wooh, got that out of my system... and ha ha ha Im feeling abit crazy, cranky and ill so I won't hesitate to hurt someone right now... eh? damn! A NEW split perosnality! I name you... Yami! (meaning dark ... i think...) from now on Yami will be in {These stupid brackets.. i know... grrr...} ok i SERIOUSLY need to go see a shrink... must be the exams.. but im not stressed at all what! Heck, I didnt even study lor! OH well, guess I gotta go rest, signing off [Bye bye!] {Good riddance...} Yami! [Yami!] {Whatever...}

[Today let ME Faust do the Quote of the post... Ahem]
A duelist is like water...
Tranquil and silent on the surface
A reflection of their opponent
But deep and still beneath
{I think you are being too carried away with this YGO thing... there ISNT such a quote, you made it up...}
Someone help me... X_X

Monday, October 04, 2004

Back... Confessions...

Ok ok! Im guilty.. I found a way to rig my net back up so im gonna continue blogging! (Joy!) So many things to do! Exams begin tommrrow! ONE DAY! Imagine that! And im still online... still chatting.. stil blogging anyway, back to the topic! GOMEN! Ok I worte half of this on monday and im finishing it up now (thursday) so it will be a little odd

Wah! PoA is SO fun! Wonder why i never got to take it instead of A.math, I HATE maths! PoA is fun and easy, the concepts are simple and the calculation is basic, plus it is a new topic to everyone so i have to so called advantedge! No reason to blame me there now can they? ^_^

For those who noticed, there are a few big boxes of condemmed books in the parents corner, you can take em if you want k? I got a few already, very interesting, it is practically a free for all goldmine, i warn you though, come thursday morning all those slackers will just pull a book for the sake of holding a book and dump it after that, what a waste...

Panic, panic.... panic? Exams beginning laioz but I dont feel pressured to study at all! Ahhh!! Plus I get very frequent and serious headaches... I think im going crazy (read too much manga liao... going loony) I just noticed I talk to myself alot, but hey! I realised many people talk to themselves to invigorate the mind and dig up new ideas... lets just call it a brainstorming meeting but with only one person, or is it a split personality disorder? I dont know..

This last week, Mrs Datta went to Bowne Sec to oversee some exam thing so we are left with Miss Priya, a soft-spoken idiot. She can get angry and all but seriously? Up till now, almost NO ONE has taken a dirsct order from her, she walks in, and we dont even greet! Thne she begins writing on the board, note that NO ONE is paying attention (Im guilty! *sob sob*) She gives us assignments on English (Never done even one...) and PoA (Once again, havent touched it...) But they need not be handed in so no one gives a damn.

The headaches are not going away, and I feel really lethargic... so I just checked my temperature and found that it is 37.4 deg... Im pretty sure that is a fever, but I don't really feel sick... just tired, so tired... i just want to go sleep and sleep and rest under the cool shade... Anyway, I think I said something about me always falling sick before the exams but this time is too much! It is just on the eve so even if it esclates to an unbearable level I MUST and WILL persevere and take the exam, I CANNOT take MC now, unless it is life threatening. Someone the first paper tommrrow is Chinese, cannot miss even though it is my worst subject, I have a vow i must keep to myself!

The fever is not too bad, im still faring well (in fact I think the pain started since last sunday but I usually brush it away as I get frequent headaches) no sigh of me fainting or "going down" as of yet, hope it can hold till after the exams (18/10) I REALLY dont want to miss ANY paper.

Study? Ok lah... Im really not into studying... The only things im gonna study properly are maths and chinese fopr the simple reason that they are my worst subjects and the rest are pretty easy to score on like chemistry, social studies and the like (plus for those subjects I got KILLER CA marks to back me up....) but my head is not absorbing anything, not that im not trying but looking at mass numbers of words and my mind begins to swirl.

Even though Im not supposed to on the computer, or in this case access the net, i still on it regularly just to listen to music, yup thats right ^_^ One of the MOST important reason why I value my comp is my music collection on it, mostly is anime songs and some of the top of the charts english songs, and thanks to my "recent" resolve a few chinese songs too.

Oh yes! Now the throbbing pain in my head returns, and how do i soothe it? by listening to my music, something nice and slow, no loud trashing tunes. And it works pretty well, the daunting pain will subside in a while now. Guess music really can heal, but even without any of their medical jumbo proof I have always believed that music is powerful. It can change one's mood completely and to a certain extent on your sub-concious mind make you behave differently, not only that for some people who have the strongest "barriers" music can go right through and speak to the soul. This is useful in terms of medical / psychological help but it can also be dangerous, as in if you listen to a certain kind of music it might make you get violent urges or who knows what.

Hey Miss Cheong! Thank you for that little favour ^_^ I appreciate it cos Clamp really REALLY does great manga/manga, being at the top of thier field of expertise in this field, these four women are really incredible. Ohkawa Nanase, Mokonaapapa, Miku Nekoi and Satsuki Igarashi, you really deserve all that praise you are getting, some of the title s they have put out are familiar and popular ones for example, cardcaptor sakura, XXXholic and Tsubasa. Ok enough ranting about that... I feel very angry! Adnm oyu ebgn ele! ohw ader oyu asy mi a isyss ujts ebacseu i obrowrde hotes csc obkos ot erda! htye olko ucet ok? oyu rae hte erla epvret! (go figure it out...)

Damn, seems like a cough has developed along with the fever, got to watch my health eh? *collapses* just kidding, whoa, I HATE THIS! MY birthday is ALWAYS in the middle of my exams! (14 October, try bash me if you want but im a little sick and I DO carry a dangerous weapon around with me at all times so, hope you make the right choice! ^_^ *Evil glare*) Last year (or was it the year before last) thanks to a certain MR Cheng, I managed to celebrate my birthday at central after the exam-paper, it was messy, noisy and chaotic, but ... I liked it... much to my surprise. I usually try to shun loud and flash occasions but you really made my day! You DONT have to do it this year (Once again IM SO SORRY! I didnt get you a birthday present or anything on YOUR birthday, but you can be sure im feeling DAMN GUILTY, tell me if there is any way i can make it up to you ^_^) Ok off track again.... eh... I lost my thought... oh nevermind.

I think I'll end here! (I got something on my mind but I just cant seem to get it...) Thank all of you who read this regularly, I PROMISE to update regularly in the future or you can use the kage bushin no jutsu and beat me into pulp ^_^ or you can just shoot my *hands out guns*

My new fav quote! From "Wind" by Akeboshi (you can go find yourself... and listen hard for the lyrics!)
Don't try to look so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't fight with fate or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.