Tuesday, July 27, 2004

27th July Tuesday

*Yawn...* It is around 2:15 AM on a school night / day. Surprising how being busy keeps you up eh? Anyway I've been very busy recently. As you can see, I have changed the skin of my blog and this time, it did not download it off the net ^_^ Yup thats right! I made it on my own! I've been helping a friend of mine edit a skin or two he downloaded off the net for his blog and I realised with my tiny bit of html knowledge I can actually make my own skin so I set out to do so afer helping my friend with his. And after hours (late into this night) I finally completed it! Dosen't it look good? And yeah, the girl in the pic is once again Chii from Chobits, isn't she cute ^_^

Anyway, since Im updating might as well do a through job no?

Yeah! I'm feeling on top of the world today because I found out that one of my essays made it into Inspiration! For the un-enlightened, Inspiration is an annual production by our school english and art department featuring outstanding work from the different levels. I had no idea that my english teacher had entered one of my essays to the HODs and it somehow mangaed to make it into the book! I am rather upset too though. She could have at least told me... When my friends / classmates said that my essay was inside I dismissed it as a joke until I say it with my own eyes.  But, in my perspective, that essay was not my best piece of work, my best piece of work was a speech I wrote for an assignment.

Or teacher has given us classwork, which was to write a speech and later present it to the class. As many of the pupils were at a loss of what to do, our theacher gave them a topic they COULD use, "Pupils should not be given holiday homework". I had actually written something else but once I noticed a majority of the pupils had followed the teacher's idea and were speaking out against holiday homework, I took 5 minutes to sketch out a speech on "Why pupils SHOULD be given holiday homework", it won no applause for sure but it was a good speech... either way the teacher would not accept my ilegible and sketchy speech for that assignment on paper... Oh well, it was just to test our oral skills anyway so I doubt even if it was accepted it would not make it into the book. (If you are interested in a copy of my work, feel free to e-mail me and I will gladly send you an autographed copy.. heh ^_^)

Anyway.. I'm now stone tired and ata  loss of things towrite so.. yeah signing off... the one and only, great and mighty me! >Boom!< (head explodes from swelling ego)

G'bye , Ja Ne , Syonara , Zai Jian

I Run, From Life, From People, From Hardships, From Problems, From Friends, From Familiar Faces, From Love, From Myself. For Running is easier than figuring out what else to do - solve problems it may not, but life will always have problems. 

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