Saturday, July 17, 2004

17th July Saturday

My first post! New to blogging so Ge Wei Ching Duo Duo Zhi Jiao!
This site is where i rant and rave and stark like the lunatic I am,
I'm a tortured soul in a useless shell. This is my Day.
16/7/04 - Friday
You must be wondering why I even write a blog when no one cares
enough to read mine, well more on that later but I just want you
to know you are not compelled to keep on reading and if you do I...
1) Dun want ur Pity
2) Dun need ur Charity
3) Know my life dumps but still live it (Too bad if you were hoping)
First 5 periods was 1 bloody subject D & T. Had i known these would
happen I would have never taken D & T as a subjet. Tan Kim Huat that
Fat ... For the sake of modesty and respect let's just leave it there, Last
year Mr Raymond Fong foiled my life this year it is the Fat [insert own expletive]'s turn,
I swear those teachers get a kick out of draining me...
So he is pissed. Yeah I didn't hand in my folio blada blada blada but that
is no warrant to take my freedom! From now on everyday after school
before i leave the compound a teacher has to sign this cursed Notebook
and I have to be home by an hour of the noted time or I will be in a board
meeting with Hades before i know it...
He can insult and scold me but this is too much. Yeah TOO MUCH, You
see this TAN KIM HUAT?? What choo going to do?! Find me? Detain me?
I don't give a [insert own expletive]. But he humiliated me in front of the class. This new
class of mine is my only chance to start ANEW and HE BLEW it! I WILL BLOW
HIM! He cursed me, stating his dream is to see me in ITE next year and that he
would never help me. He looks DOWN on me! Says the fat [insert own expletive].
He will NOT ACCEPT my work, NOT AGREE to see me and he CAN'T be bothered with me
anymore... or so he says. I wll show him, I will achieve my dream and secure
my future as a journalist or a DJ.. Mock me not HE will pay DEARLY!!
He made me lose recess, called up my mom. Over emphasised certain small
facts and made a big hoo ha over nothing much. I can't stand it but I must endure
the same way i ENDURED the whole of last year 2003. Now I still miss that class,
even though I was always an outcast. I had a place... a challenge. Something I
liked to do but this year there was no LIT classes.. THAT was the most crushing
blow to me. My new classmades are UNCOUTH, LAZY, GOOD-FOR-NOTHING,
NOISY AND REAL-DAMINNIT FRIGGIN STUPID!! Almost every single one of the
41 other idots with me have either no brains or just act stupid. Our class only
has a few true workers... 6 to be exact but all the other 5 of them are nothing compared
to the trill my GOOD OL' 3I 2003 / 4I 2004 could / can / would give me.
After recess was E Math, no more Mr Fong but a new semi-chio Female Cher
Miss Shim. Her pale face and skin looks like something out of a ghost 
video.. freaky. Se teaches SO DAMN slowly I'm sure we are MILES BEHIND
SCHEDULE. But she is kind of concerned about our class and she IS our
permernant Math teacher. I can't imagine us being taugth by her for our
O-Level year. The whole class will surely FLUNK MATHS. Mr Fong however
hated is still MUCH MUCH better than she is.
Then Chinese... My "FAVOURITE" subject. Mrs Angela Chan is also our form
teacher making chinese half Admin half Teaching but she is quite a good
teacher except for her low treshold for our CLASS NONSENSE.
Ignoring MR TAN KIM HUAT'S ristriction order, I stayed out at central today,
slacking from 3pm to 5:30pm He will no doubt find out but that period of time
risked was well worth it.

You must be wondering why I even wirte a blog if no-one I know will come
and read it. (I never gave the URL away you see ^_^) I write simply to relieve
my anger and fustration from my aching heart. I want to shout at the teachers
and the staring faces, make them understand, make them know the person
INSIDE. This shell is terrible... It's FAT, UN-FIT, NOT ATHELETIC AT ALL,
When will my outside reflect my inside?
Sometimes I envy those beasts of the wild, all they needed was a belly
full of meat and a warm nest to be satisfied. Our intellect may be more
of a burden to us than a blessing.
That's all for now, it's really late so I too had better catch some shut eye
even though I have nothing much on tommrrow... Later on today.
G'bye , Ja Ne , Syonara , Zai Jian
I Run, From Life, From People, From Hardships, From Problems, From Friends
From Familiar Faces, From Love, From Myself. For Running is easier than
figuring out what else to do - solve problems it may not, but life will always
have problems. 

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