Monday, October 12, 2009

Zetta loving it

Goodness, it has been raining almost everyday now and it's only October! I can barely imagine what December will be like- rampant flooding? Torrential downpours? Though it is fact that it rains on Christmas every year I don't ever remembering any more than a passing shower. Christmas is just one more thing to look forward to.

Last week of deployment for the win! May it turn out (haha, turn out) pleasant. Then zone camp, which is interrupted by battalion family day followed by combat shoot tentatively the Monday after zone camp. Acct in november and that should wrap this all up for ord in December :3 There is so much to look forward to in december. I should really be getting to writing that letter to Edina...

I totally wasted today- just felt so sleepy. I guess there are some dreams that must be had. I would like to call it synchronization but let's reign that line of thought in for a while.

I hid the day I saw you last
At the bottom of my memories

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch

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