Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Ooh, Im so sorry, seem to have neglected this blog in the light of my new hobby. Its ok, Im back, everything will be alright now.

Life is such a funny little thing. Sometimes it props, and sometimes i flops. And the change can be as sudden as it is drastic-- and we will be the ones left in the aftermath wondering which tornado just flew by, tossing us wildly as it passed without us noticing.

Mid years are really so near, only 3 days to GP and Lit paper1, hooray~ Im "preparing" haha. Liar! Liar! Liar! Liar! Liar! Alright, maybe not at this very moment and no academically but im uhh prepared by de-stressing haha. Not that Im TERRIBLY stressed up.

To quote someone, "Im not good, thats why I try, try, try again and fail. And try some more." I dont know if where Im at it applies, simply because you dont have that many chances to try. Failing in Singapore isnt a death sentence but it sure lowers your opportunities to do anything that might be seen as constructive to society at all. Sure you might have to crack a little elbow grease and bend a few backs to get there but it sure beats living on welfare and guzzling beer aimlessly... (although there seem to be some insane people in the world who think that is the perfect way to spend waste their life)

Look at the stars in the sky... how pretty they are... how delicate and beautiful yet transcient. Every pin prick we see up there is the light of a long dead star, who's journey to tease our eyes has cost it it's life. Ony humans can be sad amongst such beautiful works of nature- only humans bother tothink that much.

Quote of e Post:
Humans are made so cheaply~

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