Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Im blogging from school since my computer down again, somehow a virus seems to have wrecked some important settings on my computer so I cant access Windows. Even the "omnipotent" technical expert powerhouse failed to find a plausible answer to the problem in one sitting. Im vascillating between wishing in all the world that I could keep all my research data from the dying hardisk and giving it up for the chance that I might be able to regain use of my computer. Currently it has no sound drivers, no network drivers, cant access the internet and cant play any videos without the proper codecs in place. I hope he comes back with a suitable solution to this sticky problem. Im tearing my hair out over this.

Day one of holiday lessons over. Lit is still fun, although my only complaint is that my legs are dying from having to stay crossed for 2 hours but like I said. It isnt a chore if you can derive pleasure from it. Situation seems normal, no abnormal activity noticed- with only 2 more weeks of lessons before the mid years I wonder why the madness has yet begun.

Code Geass makes me want to eat pizza. PIZZA!!! From PIZZA HUT-- They sure milked their spondership for this show for all its worth. Not a single episode to date has no shown a single slice of pizza. Mmmm.. pizza ... chewey, cheezy, warm, wholesome pizza with chunks of juicy meat (seafood if possible but not tuna please) and Cheeze-kun please! :3

PS. Cheeze-kun is the doll :P

Hungry hungry hungry hungry... :( [its like 1:15pm now...] I dont want to go home- the com is spoilt. If it were totally un-usable id be resigned to my fate but now that it is partially operational... wuwu... its taunting me!!! RAWR

PS. SINGAPORE PIZZA HUT SUCKS!! :( They make bunny cry.

Quote of e Post:
Now repeat after me, Id like to order one large pizza

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