Day one of holiday lessons over. Lit is still fun, although my only complaint is that my legs are dying from having to stay crossed for 2 hours but like I said. It isnt a chore if you can derive pleasure from it. Situation seems normal, no abnormal activity noticed- with only 2 more weeks of lessons before the mid years I wonder why the madness has yet begun.
Code Geass makes me want to eat pizza. PIZZA!!! From PIZZA HUT-- They sure milked their spondership for this show for all its worth. Not a single episode to date has no shown a single slice of pizza. Mmmm.. pizza ... chewey, cheezy, warm, wholesome pizza with chunks of juicy meat (seafood if possible but not tuna please) and Cheeze-kun please! :3

Hungry hungry hungry hungry... :( [its like 1:15pm now...] I dont want to go home- the com is spoilt. If it were totally un-usable id be resigned to my fate but now that it is partially operational... wuwu... its taunting me!!! RAWR
PS. SINGAPORE PIZZA HUT SUCKS!! :( They make bunny cry.
Quote of e Post:
Now repeat after me, Id like to order one large pizza
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