Sunday, March 08, 2009

Merely Earth

Sunday morning. CET starts today if I remember correctly, and I was looking forward to it too (well, alright- just to see what my class is about haha, I don't even remember what class I'm in) A-level results were just out and while I'm not up to date with how many people did (who am I kidding, I know no one save one) as I suspected it was a small step up from last year's results give or take a little as the tutors have got a better grip on what the SEAB is looking for.

Even though the trailer is barely airing in Singapore I've just watched Confessions of a Shopaholic. Based on the novels of the same title- it really is a movie that sits snugly in the romantic comedy category (more comedy then romantic though) and by that virtue alone it sits high on my list. The plot is simple and while predictable, provides a watcher with no prior knowledge of the story a decent entertainment experience. I give it a respectable 3.5 out of 5 - if watching alone. But add company up to a bunch of friends and I will give this 4 out of 5 :) Good stuff to laugh and bond over.

You can own the earth and still
All you own is earth until
You can paint with all the colors of the wind

It has always been a powerful song but there is an impact that I haven't felt till recently. You can own the earth and still ALL YOU OWN is earth. You can have everything, but until it means something, all you have is just that - it has a cost but no worth, no value. Cost and worth are very different things. And that line (the cost and worth quote, is from Confessions by the way) really struck a chord with me. Something may cost you everything, but what is it worth? And there are things whose worth outweighs all else, which will cost you dearly - not materially but it will demand of your life - and in that way, cost you nothing but that much which is allocated to it. Like Cordelia says to Lear, she loves her as much as her duty dictates, no more no less- which is in quantity far more then her sisters whose fanciful compliments to "love their father all" count for. Limited and defined but still true and of immeasurable depth.

Why is it difficult to share one's true feelings? What makes it so much harder for introverts and people who have to think through each move? I find that it is fearfully frightening to shift the balance of power. By handing the truth over to the other party, the power to make or break is in their hands and to us, such a risk carries the potential for a devastating response. A rejection is hard to swallow but what I feel is scarier is the possibility that the other party actually agrees, what then? What can one do based upon a feeling or ideal, what can one substantiate a relationship upon beyond the bindings of awkward unfamiliarity. A feeling can be strong but beyond a feeling that will fade as quickly as it overcame you what then. Will it live and flourish upon the gnarly soil of uncertainty? That is the hurdle, that is the limitation which cannot be easily overcome.

Quote of e Post:
Tripping over myself
I'm going nowhere

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