Monday, November 03, 2008


Ayuko Oka, help me remember that name, it will bite me again next time.

I've spent my leave days quite fruitfully (in my opinion) got to catch up on many series and get some work (however small) done.

I do feel blessed, for breakfast I had homemade pancakes with chocolate sauce (melted from real chocolate) and fresh fruit. Fantastic if I have to say so myself. There are many things in life that we should be thankful for

And I watched i mean really watched a lot of stuff- completed streamed and movies over these 4 days. I'm just happy that I had a break from the usual humdrum of life in SP coy. Lets not remember I will return there tonight.

I'm twenty now. And even though I am not sure, I believe that it will be high time that I chose. Time is running out.

If you were to give happiness had a form, what form would you give? Someone said its like glass- its always there but you just don't see it. And if you we're to just change your angle and perspective a little, it would state its presence and existence more elegantly in the world. Personally while that scene was touching, happiness- in a living form would have to be nothing less then

Trips aren't about where you go but about who you go with.

Strawberries. They're supposed to be sweet- but all I taste is a gritty, sour bitterness. The bite wound, bright like a fresh incision bleeds pale sticky juice. But that taste, is not wholly unpleasant- perhaps that is the sweetness I have heard so much about. The sweetness that extends beyond this unassuming ruby I hold in my palm, like a small leaking heart. Bittersweet and sour is sweetness indeed.

Quote of the Post:
Do you know why the snow is white? Because it forgot what color it is

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