Friday, February 08, 2008

Loonar New Year

Ah gosh- I'm back. Yea, I got home pretty late yesterday. Almost a boring day, but Thank God I had plans :)

Woke up at around 11plus and slacked around at home till we left for lunch at my grandma's place at around 2pm. (Yea I know! Just how long do these adults take to prepare? sheesh) We stayed for close to 4 hours just eating and talking (they did most of the talking and eating, I? I had no idea how lunch can last 2 hours) until I had to go and meet up with Thebes Gamma. <3

Did I forget to mention I love my OG like the last 2 billion times? Pictures speak a thousand words, even though many are lost to us (contact wise) the faithful remnant are still strong as ever. Thanks Tammy for opening up her house to us, and to Shawn's father for giving me a list back- they were very nice people haha. We're crazy people :)

Pictures! Click for larger versions, dunno why its to small...

Clockwise: CK, bel, Tammy, Qy, Frog, Yong de, Shawn and I



Thumbs up!

LoL, sleeping already?

It was quite fun, who gives a damn about the money. The new year is more about reunions and catching up, much more so then money and oranges and nonsense like that. I'm going to faint soon. bb.

Quote of e Post:
Excitement, my style, to the limit of my will! Iron Will!

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