Friday, February 08, 2008

Carving Grooves

Heh. Its funny, really- life. Just like how during field camp, being there at the camp site didn't make the place seem like tekong at all. Just like how tekong does not feel like its part of Singapore at all. How can two places, exactly the same be so different. How can humans, all the same, be so divided. How can life, the same all over the planet be the same and at the same time so uneven. If only life were simpler, with our paths printed into the ground- so we'd know what to do, when and how. Then it'll be fine even if we don't understand, because at least we are certain its there.

My cousins are either in university or working. "Try out accounting" "How about economics?" "You're an arts student right?" "You have to be practical- when you grow up, you got to get a job to earn money to support yourself" Practical- dry- boring- pragmatic. I'm not even out of army yet, and I haven't even gotten my results so I don't know for sure.

I may be an idiot, but I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Far away from those who can handle the world well or can take risky gambles- my style, to the limit, beyond what other people think or believe- iron will, unbreakable resolve. A happy idiot is still a happy person, idiotic or not.

I'll fight you, with my way, on my path- Even though I now know I'll not go into OCS, there's training in rejection.

Quote of e Post:
Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die.

"Maybe a girlfriend will do you some good." - honestly, a honest quote

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