Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sanity Complex


1) Sadness or depression of the spirits; gloom: “There is melancholy in the wind and sorrow in the grass” (Charles Kuralt).
2) Pensive reflection or contemplation.
3) Archaic.
a. Black bile.
b.An emotional state characterized by sullenness and outbreaks of violent anger, believed to arise from black bile.

Ah- let that feeling so flood my soul that all trace of hope be lost like a drop in the vast ocean. Things could get alot worse but pretending you are living in a worst case scenario helps lots when you run into crap.

As far as marks go Ive got two Es, one D and one S only awaiting Lit and GP, the only two I actually have some hope in. Come next saturday I'll be dead as dead can be. No Bs, no Cs, a bunch of Es and a D at best. We can just get ready to quit and enlist in NS prematurely wait what we? Im such a nice consoler (if there is such a word) of myself, I mean ME MYSELF and I.

PW is the bane of JC students, along with GP and some other equally annoying things like econs. Im sure of it, those Minions of Evil (MOE) created PW just to irritate and screw students over to no end. Someone please end the pain, end the torment. Overthrow the evil minions.

And I almost forgot, in 4 days it will be the 2nd year anni of this blog coming into existance ^_^ *self initiated cheering on the pain of death in the background* lalala if sanity be a crime I am innocent on all counts! WheeexQ! purewoprednuhtonid! ycnegremedps! ecrofcitsymecruoscigam! morfregnarmrotsajnin! more crap coming soon, I want to find a place to sleep and just sleep on and on and on...

Qutoe of e Post:
This the trend of the times when the mad lead the blind

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