Sunday, August 07, 2016

Day 5 - Being Lowly

I  get it that wealth, titles and positions which the world places an emphasis on are not (as) important in the Kingdom of God. However, isn't it a greater thing if one who has positions etc is able to humble themselves and become lowly, being able to find their greater fulfillment in a relationship with God? 

There is also the stand that God will use the lowly since it further emphasizes that they did not do it on their own and it truly was through God's power/provision. The way the author crafts today's piece would really appeal to the downtrodden and excluded. Yesterday we established that devout Christians will be regarded as foolish to modern society, partially leading to the exclusion mentioned. 

He goes so far as to say "blessed are the underachievers" and those who feel ordinary and overlooked ought to rejoice for God creates out of nothing. Till we empty ourselves of "our self" and fill up on Him (perhaps via yesterday's DOS) that God can make something of us. 

It is interesting how the world tries its hardest to make everyone feel like they are special and they are great just as they are but yet at the same time tries to push everyone to achieve. If everyone is special, then its as good as no one being special. It may hurt more to find out you arent actually special after hearing it all over but not being able to figure or recognize it in yourself. This disjoint probably leads to self esteem and confidence issues, wherein the praises of people start to feel empty and even take on a mocking tune wherein you can't find the seemingly observable redeeming qualities.

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