Thursday, May 28, 2009

It ain't easy to say goodbye

Haven't really come to terms with the idea that I'm leaving home to go to a foreign country for what must be the longest time ever in my short life. The second longest time was at least with family, this time it will be only full of strangers. And it won't be a holiday thats for sure. Ah, I don't know >.< Just not comfortable with the whole idea. I don't know if I'll sleep at all tonight. I have to get up and go to the airport quite early tomorrow.

Having some of the stupidest of problems. Namely like not being able to find a suitable carry on bag =/ Forget it, I think i'll just bring along my OPs bag as my civilliang bag. Its just so much more... comfortable. Not to mention convenient (since it is really quite spacious) but there will an increased propensity for me to bring uhh useless things.

Crap, I left the magnetic scrabble set in camp D: And I didn't have time to take the GBC games from Sylvia :( Oh well I didn't bring enough batteries to power the gbc throughout the trip anyway. I think I'll just bring a stack of books and be done with it. Maybe I'll finally finish some of them.

I'm boucing back and forth between emo-ing and getting worked up / excited over the trip. So it depends on which time of the day you asked me with regards to the answer you would recieve. All in all part of me hopes the entire affair will conclude itself asap, on the other hand another part of me wants to really feel and live the experience.

I really have to sleep >.> 5 hours left.

Quote of e Post:
And if someone doesn't love you back it isn't such a crime

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