Saturday, January 10, 2009

Objection! Do not want

There was this tiny point in time when I seriously considered being a lawyer. Not the idyllic power suit, big car, multi-billion dollar lawsuit a week kind but more of the humble 90 hour week, living out of your desk with a small team of paralegals. Criminal law is the flashy stuff we see on television but there is demand for people to handle (though not as much action or drama in) bad-faith cases, breach-of-trust (is that the same thing?), trespassing, or even public nuisance cases. Sound fun right? Yea, tell me all about it when and if I get into law school.

Which brings me around. If I can't take law at a local university because of grades (accursed Econs and Math, math cos I suck at it but Econs... we'll see about it) where can I take it without having my parents bust a gut or bomb paying through the nose? Do I still want to be a lawyer *cough cough* and have no life whatsoever. Its not an easy job and seriously, not every umm attorney (I do realise studying law does not make you an attorney, surprise! There are OTHER jobs that a legally trained person can do, horror) rolls in money.

Why have I come to this? Having looked through the entire array of courses avaliable under the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences I am utterly horrified at the lack of viable options- what I do find interesting does not seem practical for a job. And practically I can't imagine teaching (heaven forbid, I will do my upmost to reject this route), social service (which incredibly is what psychology sets people up to do, even if you do take the masters in clinical psychology) or research (somehow or rather I realise philosophy opens doors everywhere and also no where). In fact I now begin to see merit in the fields of economics (very safe, and very out of my scope of interests) and sociology, along with that huge other question. Do I REALLY want to do this?

Story of my life.

It is good that I have begun thinking. I was afraid that I am growing very dense in the head.

On a lighter note, I always knew the humble recorder that plagued us in primary and secondary school was cool for something:

I know its not perfect but that why I chose it - for its the closest, most heartfelt noob yet unwavering effort I could find. This is spirit.

Now where did I leave that thing~

Quote of e Post:
When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened.

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