Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nicol Bolas is IMBA

Its nights out day again! Haha. And I'm updating from HOME, gosh I'll flip if I try to update from a lanshop again haha (waste money) The past week has been great. I really enjoyed ICCT, it was painful, sore, and damn lot of fun. But I have grading tomorrow, wish me the best of luck! ^_^ And don't tap me on the back during the coming week -seriously- haha.

Dinner on Saturday night was great! Not that it hasn't already been mentioned to death by the others but I'm glad to have my rangers family. Its something special, like the other people in life are somewhat lacking. I'm so looking forward to this weekend again :)

I'm extremely excited for a friend of mine, how often does your dream in life come up to you and offer you everything you ever wanted. And you didn't do anything for it besides continuing to believe? God truly works in amazing ways- there must be a God, believe it.

Aww snap I have to go back again (so soon lol) Oh Oh Oh- Im off on friday so I'm going for the gathering! Yay! Haha- oh damn Im sounding like one retarded schoolgirl this entire post- haha. Only 11 more months to ORD and I am so happy haha ^_^

And the B2 PA job is STILL up for grabs. Eat THAT - life.

Quote of e Post:
The God I know, His heart beats within me
As You are so are we

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