Wednesday, January 28, 2009


It is horrifying when two superpowers get into a fight. It is scary when two countries get into a fight. It is pretty dangerous when two communities start to clash. But it is just miserable to watch two friends (ok a friend and someone you know) go at each other. Years of relationship cannot do down the drain this way. Come on! Wake up your idea- both of you! In case you both haven't taken a step back and looked at it, you're handling it the EXACT same way. YES BOTH. Down to the bitching about one another to friends (see it, see the irony of your complaints!), just that one of you have the "moral high ground" but still no one is winning.

I'm glad that this isn't quite breaking up how much you care for umm each other. A song, look at the words.

I still like this acoustic version

Bayside - Montauk
It's getting cold
Thought it was too soon to tell
but it was terribly old
and now the heartbeat slows
to a heartless crawl

The lights went out
The lights went out
and darkness filled the house on
a tiring night under a Long Island sky.

I thought I'd known the consequence,
can you believe this?
mess we've made of it
this mess we've made of it

In years to come it might make sense
can you believe this
Just what's become of it
What's become of it

but If you hear this and you think you're ready, meet me in
Montauk where
we'll write out in the sand
Here lies the destiny
of two hurt souls afraid to be
cured again
That could be our epitaph

i thought i'd know the consequence
can you believe this
mess we've made of it
this mess we've made of it
in years to come it might make sense
can you believe this
what's become of it
what's become of it

i thought i'd know the consequence
can you beileve this
mess we've made of it
this mess we've made of it
in years to come it might make sense
can you believe this
what's become of it
what's become of it
i know i know

i thought i'd known the consequence
can you believe this
mess we've made of it
this mess we've made of it
in years to come it might make sense
did you foresee this
what's become of it
what's become

I know it isn't the right context but I like the song :3

Going back to camp in an hour. I don't know if I WANT to get the new job, if I don't I'll be enjoying my 2days soon enough.

Quote of e Post:
The word cynicism generally describes the opinions of those who see self-interest as the primary motive of human behaviour, and who disincline to rely upon sincerity, human virtue, or altruism as motivations.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This is a damn old song. I think I remember it from when my grandmother was still alive- when I heard it on a variety show I knew I had to go find it. The tune lived on in my memories as a spectral flicker, only barely coming alive when triggered. Its elusiveness was as enthralling as it was frustrating but today we caught it.

People just don't make songs like this anymore. <3

So the one most annoying thing about visitation? The questions. I don't even care for the money, or the rotting orange exchange.

Quote of e Post:
we don't know where we're going
we forgot where we came from

Monday, January 26, 2009

Luna New Year

A long time ago, when Wai Keat first joined us; he made what I thought was a silly remark (i thought it was silly then) but upon further reflection I discovered he was right. Having grown up with the Rangers and in church I have gotten so used to these wonderful people around me that I begin to lose sight of the fact that they are so - so them- so great. Especially those whom you're relatively close with as compared to the casual acquaintance- after spending a few days in their presence it is hard to imagine going back to a world where the people around you aren't as natural to you as the air you breathe or your very arms and feet. I can now savor and understand how hard it must have been to break the 23 days combo they had- living just ain't living, it isn't the same.

I used to remember there were these anonymous confession sites where people could anonymously post their confessions online (or send it in by postcard or whatever) They are kind of entertaining but painful to read. As to how much is actually real is another matter altogether. But still I want to believe in those posts, that there are people alive in the world as screwed up as I am.

It is Chinese New Year again.

Quote of e Post:
Who let, who let this feeling die, when all I did was try?
Who let, you let this feeling die,
I can't get you out of my head, my head.
You're the flame that burns me so I know that I'm still alive.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nicol Bolas is IMBA

Its nights out day again! Haha. And I'm updating from HOME, gosh I'll flip if I try to update from a lanshop again haha (waste money) The past week has been great. I really enjoyed ICCT, it was painful, sore, and damn lot of fun. But I have grading tomorrow, wish me the best of luck! ^_^ And don't tap me on the back during the coming week -seriously- haha.

Dinner on Saturday night was great! Not that it hasn't already been mentioned to death by the others but I'm glad to have my rangers family. Its something special, like the other people in life are somewhat lacking. I'm so looking forward to this weekend again :)

I'm extremely excited for a friend of mine, how often does your dream in life come up to you and offer you everything you ever wanted. And you didn't do anything for it besides continuing to believe? God truly works in amazing ways- there must be a God, believe it.

Aww snap I have to go back again (so soon lol) Oh Oh Oh- Im off on friday so I'm going for the gathering! Yay! Haha- oh damn Im sounding like one retarded schoolgirl this entire post- haha. Only 11 more months to ORD and I am so happy haha ^_^

And the B2 PA job is STILL up for grabs. Eat THAT - life.

Quote of e Post:
The God I know, His heart beats within me
As You are so are we

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Objection! Do not want

There was this tiny point in time when I seriously considered being a lawyer. Not the idyllic power suit, big car, multi-billion dollar lawsuit a week kind but more of the humble 90 hour week, living out of your desk with a small team of paralegals. Criminal law is the flashy stuff we see on television but there is demand for people to handle (though not as much action or drama in) bad-faith cases, breach-of-trust (is that the same thing?), trespassing, or even public nuisance cases. Sound fun right? Yea, tell me all about it when and if I get into law school.

Which brings me around. If I can't take law at a local university because of grades (accursed Econs and Math, math cos I suck at it but Econs... we'll see about it) where can I take it without having my parents bust a gut or bomb paying through the nose? Do I still want to be a lawyer *cough cough* and have no life whatsoever. Its not an easy job and seriously, not every umm attorney (I do realise studying law does not make you an attorney, surprise! There are OTHER jobs that a legally trained person can do, horror) rolls in money.

Why have I come to this? Having looked through the entire array of courses avaliable under the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences I am utterly horrified at the lack of viable options- what I do find interesting does not seem practical for a job. And practically I can't imagine teaching (heaven forbid, I will do my upmost to reject this route), social service (which incredibly is what psychology sets people up to do, even if you do take the masters in clinical psychology) or research (somehow or rather I realise philosophy opens doors everywhere and also no where). In fact I now begin to see merit in the fields of economics (very safe, and very out of my scope of interests) and sociology, along with that huge other question. Do I REALLY want to do this?

Story of my life.

It is good that I have begun thinking. I was afraid that I am growing very dense in the head.

On a lighter note, I always knew the humble recorder that plagued us in primary and secondary school was cool for something:

I know its not perfect but that why I chose it - for its the closest, most heartfelt noob yet unwavering effort I could find. This is spirit.

Now where did I leave that thing~

Quote of e Post:
When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Misery is my Happy time

And in the blink of an eye its the end of my week long holiday! Back to work everybody, nothing to see here shoo shoo shoo.

Super sad that I missed Christmas haha. Nevermind, this year 2009- christmas will be the coolest greatest Christmas ever. Heck it will be the craziest December! If all goes according to plan I will be totally busy half the month!

It would have been fine if you'd just left and never returned.

Quote of e Post:
It is true
No matter where a human goes he is alone
But - because we are alone
That is why we seek love

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Stupid PDF...

Oh this is total bull! I'm totally on OFF and I have to shuttle back and forth as though Maju were next door or something. So its Wednesday today right? Lets see I need to go back in the morning tomorrow and then again on Saturday morning oh and again on Saturday NIGHT lasting the whole SUNDAY till MONDAY morning (I'm also really pissed that I'm also missing service AGAIN) Did I mention that I will be returning to life as per usual on Tuesday?!

Gragh- so much for optimism- forget the week can't this year pass any quicker?!

Quote of e Post:

Friday, January 02, 2009

Stoner Sunshine

Happy 2009 everyone~ well yes this isn't going to be as chirpy as most people have theirs. And I know this is way late- like everything else on this site. Repeat to yourself- short posts short intervals short posts short intervals. There, phew.

Never mind, whats past is past, I'll get to things when they come round again.


Quote of e Post:
That's the spirit... one part brave, three parts fool