Saturday, March 01, 2008

3 more weeks

I'm going to POP in 18 days time! Wow- the coming 2+ weeks will encompass the longest route march ever (24km) and our last chance to secretly murder our commanders grenade throw. After that Its rather smooth sailing to POP. Then getting posted out is another story- damn I think I'm going to end up in SISPEC >.> Suffer In Silence Plus Extra Confinement.

Seeing one of our dear, uhh beloved, uhh umm entertaining platoon mates get posted out due to OOT really strikes a chord. Keng-ing is one thing but getting really injured is another. Imagine the disappointment and sorrow that one would have to deal with if you were forced to leave due to an injury- especially so close to POP. As for people who want to keng, down PES or whatever nonsense, I don't understand and I can't comprehend why would anyone in their sane mind want to pretend to be crazy, or risk permanent injury/disability just to escape 2 years of serving the nation that has bred, raised, supported and groomed you into the excellent person you are today. Have you no pride in yourself, your nation, or for the safety and security of your loved ones? Take the chance and seize the opportunity- being a damn lowlife for 2 years will not make you popular or happy.

My uncle was an officer, my father was an artillery sergeant. Both had lived lives and done things I've never known or even realized they could do or could have done. Another cousin of mine is an officer and is studying on scholarship. I'm glad that these people around me aren't like the mass of quivering spineless degenerates who try their hardest to do their least in the army. I am proud to say my country has, and is doing its part for the nation. The escape of the JI leader recently has re-instilled that concept firmly in my mind- that we alone must protect Singapore, and that in times of uncertainty and danger such as thus, if we don't, who will.

Enough about army life, everyone just likes complaining about how army people always talk about their life in the army, but army is like a mini life- its the world shrunk into a small complex. You meet all kinds of people, and endure shit everyday, sounds like real life to me.

In a few weeks time, a new life will await me. And I'm not talking about being posted out, I'm talking about A-level results. Yes, yes, its been such a long wait, I'm sure many like me have become so sick and tired of waiting that they just aren't anxious anymore and want to get it over and done with. Listening to George talk yesterday, while we may not have been in the same vein (I've never topped anything in SRJC like he did in YJ) I'd shudder to think of how similar our paths are/were. I'd never imagined that the random guy I threw a bar of soap at years ago would ever come back and haunt me. I figured he was some adult whom I'll never see ever again, then again, at that time, no one was permanent to me. I never really registered the reality that he still exists in the same time as I and we would be in such close contact (kind of). Thing is, God made a work out of his life, clearly there was no mistakes there. Now as my turn comes closer, would I make the same "mistakes" or have I my own path to walk. My style? Or God's will?

I have to leave home soon. These 12 weeks have been a wonderful blessing. But I still can't do a single fucking pullup. Balls to IPPT.

Quote of e Post:
Peace birthed of war is the most long lasting kind

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