Friday, March 07, 2008

A-level Results

I'm ignoring all calls and sms-es until I've quietened down. Results are alright, lets just say that I gained where I worked and slipped where I didn't. The scale was raised but the levels were almost as I had expected. I have to give God the glory, this was very unexpected and I thought I'd do horrendously worse, something in the area of Cs and Ds for what I'm fine at and Ungraded for things I suck at (like math). And no, I'm not going to die in tomorrow's grenade throw.

As for life after this, I don't know. Its like after I got my results, I went tailspin into a psychometric rotation. Had to sit down and recompose myself for a few minutes before standing up and going around to give my congrats and appreciation to others. I got a GP A, Lit A and a very surprising History A. But I also got an Economics D which was absolutely horrifying and an E for math which was quite a relief since I thought I'd fail. So as to where I'm going- that will depend as I wait and see. Application starts tomorrow I think, I'll be reading up plenty tonight. I have to book in again, heaven knows what they're up to, shifting our grenade throw to Saturday.

Everyone is POPing next week, except for us, the obese batch, who will pop the week AFTER. One week less to party, one week more to slave. I'll blog more tomorrow.

Quote of e Post:
Money makes the world go round, but love makes sure its spent wisely

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