Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Red Carpet

Wheet! I'm back from prom! Haha, it was kind of fun to be honest :P But I didn't go to the after party, since I don't drink, can't dance and get a headache from loud music and shit like that. Plus I kept feeling like I was gonna puke at any time- but I really really really wanted to go and see what its like! At least with this bunch I'd know practically everyone haha. Pictures will come some other time, I'm too bloody lazy to upload them now.

Ohh it was craziness! So stupid, the emcee was an idiot, he has lousy English and can't count to save his ass. Vanessa did a much better job in the 30 seconds or so she was up there announcing prom king. And Pamela won Prom Queen! Her dress today was so pretty! *GUSH* but prom king was like some huh-who-is-that from some Science class haha. For nominees regardless of competition be it prom king/queen or mr/miss stylish majority of them were all from the Arts. We have fashion sense, and a zest for life- HA BEAT THAT :P ARTS FOREVER!

Oh and someone at our table won stuff at the lucky draw. Considering its like 9 prizes out of 300+ people I'd say it was pretty nifty. She won like 2 (or was it 4?) tickets to a MCR concert but meh, I'm not interested and I'm not free either way. Crack, I would have wanted to win the 10 free movie passes or iPod Touch =P Oh well~ Oh and this reminds me again... I'M DEAD BROKE D: GAHH Stupid taxi fare... Then again, since it was already past 12am I might as well have gone for the party and partied till 6am and share cab back so its cheaper... riiigghhhttt I'm not that adventurous haha. I think.

I just might go try just once before I go into army, maybe. Haha, dang you Crystal! I'd so gonna enjoy myself on Tekong! Haha, and Raynor's throwing an early Christmas party (like before I go in? hmm :P) and Thebes Gamma might be meeting again so my nuimbered days are getting filled up pretty fast haha. Whee, sometimes I just love my life. Now if only money weren't an option- I need to get RICH haha! (Okay I definitely know its rubbing off me, ignore the OOCness)

Christmas is coming! And Christmas means I can come out! Whee! Army life don't seem so bad all of a sudden, at least not in comparison to like prison or some other things because the army truly is focused on training you. And you do get to slack alot in the right situations. It just may be the "funnest"two years of my life yet. Hoo Ha!

In the midst of all this highness I must remind myself to uphold my old friend in prayer. Father Lord, You know the situation he has gotten himself into, may Your divine intervention provide him a way out when there seems no way. Unlock hidden paths and lead him from this time of his impending demise so that he may finally see Your power and glory for what it is. May Your precious blood protect my dear friend and your spirit comfort his heart in this time of trial. In Jesus's name, Amen.

Hang in there man, justice will prevail. You'll turn out just fine, and even if you do get convicted, its not the end.

I so wish I were totally wasted right now- Gragghhh I love my class <3 2a02

Quote of e Post:
I know who I want to take me home

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