Tuesday, November 27, 2007


That was the last one. Aw- Prom is tonight (its already 2am) but I'm so not hyped up about going. No offense meant, but why would I want to go for an event where everyone is all dressed up when I'm stuck staying with (other) socially defunct guys? And she's half the school (more) isn't even going anyway, isn't prom supposed to be a social event? I'm disappointed and maybe even dreading the event, I ought not to have paid after all.

Lord I dedicate this prayer to all university students who are taking their examinations now, let them all have an easy time validating their years as an undergrad and give them your blessings as they leave for the working world armed with at least a first class honors (I don't really know whats considered a good ranking so this should be it). May your presence and peace cover them from head to toe as they enter the examination venue, saturate their mind with your wisdom and peace that transcends all humane understanding as they prepare to bring glory to your name. In Jesus's holy and precious name, amen.

Kings of Convenience - Love is No Big Truth
All I do is sleep all day,
and think of you.
A memory of the cushioned life
I'm clinging to.
The image of a mutual one, our haven.
The sombre chords of our song,
the fading.

Love is no big truth,
driven by our genes,
we are simple selfish beings.
A symphony that's you,
joyously awaking the ignorant and sleeping.

Passion and its brother hate,
they come and go.
Could easily be made
to stay for longer though.
Many people play this game
so willingly,
do I have to be like them,
or be lonely?

Love is no big truth,
driven by our genes,
we are simple selfish beings.
A symphony that's you,
joyously awaking the ignorant and sleeping.

Another view of what there is to it,
getting me through it.

I'll never need it again.
I'll never need it again.
I'll never need it again.
I'll never need it again.
I'll never need it again.
I'll never need it again.
I'll never need it again.

Yea right, I wish. D: God save me.

Quote of e Post:
Do I have to be like them,
or be lonely?

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