Saturday, December 30, 2006

Reflections 06

Wow, its already the second last day of 2006 and I haven't blogged in almost two weeks. So much to say, so much so I have messed it all up in my mind's clock. Where exactly did I stop last time?

It brings more then tears to recall this year.

2006 went by really fast

from starting jc during PAE to meeting my beloved OG (Thebes Gamma will live forever)

from Chinese New Year to joining the Music Society.

Remember the one with the college dance, or the one about results collection.

What about the time when I got into SRJC again and the episode with Steven Tay and my letter fighting for the right to take Lit at A-level?

Followed by the one about becoming a PL and meeting the extra wonderful people who love SR.

Then theres the one with 1a02 and how the class went through hell and high water.

I recall fondly the one about Project Work and the team shuffle

along with the one concerning AJTC and meeting all the people again.

Then the one about joining ycp and making more friends.

Between windsurfing with the Rangers

and Ps Rachel leaving Youth Alive for Aaron to take the lead.

To helping out at the DTC as a patrol advisor

From SMUN at NUS to the CSSP Challenge Camp and all the fun of being a logistics head.

Then comes Cmdr Elaine's wedding and all the fun we had helping out.

Then the 19th Council Investiture preceedes Fesitval of Praise

and Teacher's Day. Oh how 1A02 bonded for the carnival and our smashing haunted house, everyone looked ghastly beautiful.

As the threat of promos and the final PW written report loomed over our arched heads, and we fought through the tunnel with no light ahead until the coming of the last paper.

Promos results proved devastating, the class was cracked, but not broken. Shawn and Yolanda, Arts2, never forget

We topped it off with a beautiful but tiring Oral Presentation session for PW.

Then Crystal's brithday cum halloween celebration followed by the Jc1 bash and the Jc2 prom night.

Church camp was highly memorable and great things began to move but something was still missing and I longed to know more.

I remember just not so long ago when heartware network drew us in to sell bears just around christmas time and it was just the week before HG2T had their mini sleepover cum thanksgiving session which immediately led into

the Rangers Christmas celebration and carolling with the AJO people

Sleeping over after carolling and volunterring for CCIS on Christmas night itself.

And a few days later, here I am, in my chair, recounting this long year.

I look back and I wonder how it all went past and how could I ever forget. God was there all along.

Best moments~ my first college dance. being in thebe gamma. acting as a pl. ajtc. dtc. smun. halloween. church camp. post christmas- thanks Edina.

And this is the year, although very late in the year, God made a very big difference in my life. Its not the Church Camp, it wasn't even Ps Aaron's sermon the week after. Those were great, but that was merely groundwork for the great things that were to come. Oh, how great things appear in small packages.

Thanking God, HG2T, 1a02, all Rangers, srjcians, bethelites, old friends and new ones too

Special mentions include God, the entire HG2T, Mdm Ainon, Mr Mark Rozells, Jonathan Jiang, Edina, the ER commanders, Sylvia, Acz and Jarrold

I dont think I've missed anyone, feel free to slap me if I missed you. 2007 is coming soon, Im not in the habit of making resolutions but I expect more out of this next year. Like Paula said, the next year will be full of struggles. We will all need to depend heavily on God for strength. For some, its A levels, for others, its starting a new schooling environment, entering army, starting work or even getting hitched. No one knows what the future holds. "Many things about tomorrow, I dont seem to understand. But I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand." "For I know my future's in your hands, all of my hopes and dreams and plans" - In God we trust.

Monday, December 18, 2006

My Black and White Beauty

The Corrs - Radio

It's late at night
And I'm feeling down
There're couples standing on the street
Sharing summer kisses and silly sounds

So I step inside
Pour a glass of wine
With a full glass and an empty heart
I search for something to occupy my mind

But you are in my head
Swimming forever in my head
Tangled in my dreams
Swimming forever

So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh
So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
Remember where we used to go...

Now it's morning light
And it's cold outside
Caught up in a distant dream
I turn and think that you are by my side

So I leave my bed
And I try to dress
Wandering why my mind plays tricks
And fools me into thinking you are there

But you're just in my head
Swimming forever in my head
Not lying in my bed
Just swimming forever

So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh
So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
Remember where we used to go...

I listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh
I listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
Remember where we used to go...

You are in my head
Swimming forever in my head
Tangled in my dreams
Swimming forever
(Swimming forever)
Swimming forever

So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh
So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
Remember where we used to go...

I listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh
I listen to the radio (listen to the radio)

A simple song. But speaks volumes in its simplicity. To drown you out in the ever throbbing beats of the radio, all the while remembering the songs we sang together (not that many) and the places we went (not exactly together also).

But I have other things to care about these days. Many other things.

My holiday has been very un-eventful, im not sure if im happy or upset about that. After all, an empty mind is the devil's workshop+ and im sure the devil has plenty of things to fill a nice stoning mind with. haha.

All of a sudden, a dark sense of loss has gripped me. I'll be ending here. Signing off.

Quote of e Post
With a full glass and an empty heart

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Alicantic ocean

Short one, the volunteering thing thing isnt working out for me. After finding out throughly where all that money is going I just cannot bring myself to care. But I have to, so I'll just do it. There are going to be CAs one week after school reopens, so I better start mugging.

Sunday was powerful, it does not take a camp or a special speaker to make God move and do great things.

You are the Love of my life
You are the Hope that i cling to
You mean, more than this world to me
I wouldn't trade You for silver and gold
I wouldn't trade You for riches untold
You are, You are my everything.

Dunno the title of this short song, anyone can give me a helping hand?

God, help me to love others, and you, and myself.

Quote of e Post:
In my right hand, the Lost
In my left hand, my fellowmen
In my heart, You

Thursday, December 07, 2006

linguistiKelly gifted

Just returned from Church Camp 06' Our guest speaker has kindly asked us not to post her name anywhere on the internet eg. on a blog like this one. So from now she will only be referenced as Ms X, and even in doing so, as little as possible.

Day one, relatively uneventful during the bus ride. I must have been zoned out from excitement and tired out from the ride because I did a milion stupid things haha. Actually only 3, but now im Dilyian -haha. Thanks ah Joel. Day 1 dinner was stupid. Not much more to say.

Day rwo. Now it gets fun.The sessions were no joke, it was direct, plain and cut to the chase. Ministry was powerful, I gave up quite alot of stuff but it just didnt feel enough. I wanted more. The food did not improve and the fact that I lived on bread alone for breeakfast wasn't comforting. Went to Sunway Lagoon dry, not alot to do but a wholoe lot of fun. Should have just gone to the Wet section =P

Day three. We wizened up and found a foolproof way to get breakfast haha. The previous day I was not satisfied, today I got more then I bargained for. So amazing, I love my cell group and mentors. I get a word about my future, but Im not sure how things will turn out. I guess all we need to do is trust and believe. Last dinner there, seems like they got smart and actually dished out some pretty good food.

Last day. So much to accomplish so little time. More uneventful riding in a slow bus. We were like bus 2 to leave but arrived later then the other buses anyawy. We stopped over at the crappy Yong Peng. It became worse then before! That is very surprising. Im glad I went to this camp, and I know my life's been changed for the better.

Nevertheless Im glad to be back home. But at this moment my headache is killing me again. Wonder what's wrong...

Quote of e Post:
Pick it up!

Can I have Annather one?

Im back!! Not that I told my beloved readers Im leaving at all =P So many thing have happened over this weekend~! So much I can't contain it, so much I gotta give it away. Yet, There's so much I dont know where to start now haha and Im having a splitting headache from having about 11 hours of sleep in four days three nights haha.

I'll put up a proper post in like a half day haha. And yes Acz, Im not someone who runs on 三分钟热度, after all, Im living for eternity- how not to be patient? :P And QX, you are so misreading that line.

First, a quiz result. (Its fun, try it you must)

Just a decent catch? Dang, im no fun at all =P

Quote of e Post:
Because You first loved me