Monday, August 17, 2009

TPD day 4

It is day 4. Day 4 out of 40 of TPD (Its actually THE purpose driven life, not A purpose driven life- my bad) Still no extravagantly large revelations, day 1 and 3 were awesome insights by the way.

I am taking so long to finish reading these books because MHFU keeps me busy in camp =/ not so much time to go read. Grr I got my xlink adaptor but I cant get the thing to work. Long story, ill tell it another time- gotta run.

Friday, August 14, 2009

APD Day 1

Today is day 1. Upon recommendation I have decided to start reading A Purpose Driven Life (Im calling it APD) 40 days, and a big number of changes (I hope)

I have to go book in again tonight. I'm just so tired of this nonsense T_T

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Fate beckons

House isn't exactly the best watching material before bedtime. Its s little disturbing and sometimes just a little too bizzare, Still it is fun- but definitely not light watching. I must have missed A L O T- heck I dont recognise the people in season 5 anymore >.< And who is Amber?

National day is just like any other day to me. I can’t get into the patriotic mood, must be all that getting used to slamming the government or the military. Being in the army, no just being- is strange. I might stop reading blogs. Because it is too confusing.

I don’t understand. Do we al live in such completely different worlds which somehow seem to overlap temporarily once a week- so much so that all rules and logic of each world differs from the other. Reading the things we write, letting our personal magical touch leak out on an entry begs more questions then answers. It does not make sense to me. Who are you, and where is the person that I’ve been with for so long? Am I in a virtual room of complete strangers? Where is that person I’ve been looking for all this time?

It has been some time since Round up but I didn't talk about what I went through during the camp proper save for the activities. The one and only real take away I got was a single word- "express". Now at CGT I got another phrase/word or more like an idea: atrophy. If we don't exercise something, it dies- we need to take action. Faith, prayer, trust, love are all like muscles, without practice they die. Put those two together and I have to learn not only to identify and express (appropriately) what I feel when I feel it as well as having to take action and exercise those long dormant muscles before they completely die.

The theme for CGT was while we are serving, let us not be so taken up with all that we’ve done and forget about fellowship (with God). After all, God made us not merely to do His work, but first of all to worship Him and fellow ship with Him (ref-> garden of Eden)

Edit: Service today was something like confirmation on the take action part. Even though it was more of a buff up service leading up towards grabbing our friends for Youth Anniversary (which I am somehow not so optimistic about- heck I’m rarely optimistic about stuff)

I don't think I am yet dead to love. It would totally suck to realise that I have- and I don’t want to wait till the time comes for me to find out.

Shelter – Corrine May
What's wrong, what’s getting you down
Is it something I might have said?
You're walking around
with your head to the ground
and your eyes are watery red

I know you've been through rough times
Kicked around, thrown to the ground
but you've always been the strong one
So don't tell me that nobody gets you

'cause I'm standing in your corner
Knocking at tour door
You don't have to be alone

Just call my name
Let me be an answer
'cause it hurts me to see you this way
I wanna ease your pain
Help me understand
Let me be your shelter my friend

We share a bond
You and I we belong
We're like coffee and morning trains
You strip my defenses
I catch your pretenses
The same blood runs through our veins

I swore I'd be your lifeline
Made a vow that I'd surround you with love at every milestone
I'll listen when nobody gets you
I'm still standing in your corner
Waiting by your door
You don't have to be alone

Just call my name
Let me be an answer
'cause it hurts me to see you this way
I wanna ease your pain
Help me understand
Let me be your shelter my friend

It was not too long ago
You sought to understand
You helped me mend
Remember when

So promise me you'll
Call my name
Let me be an answer
'cause it hurts me to see you this way
I wanna ease your pain
Help me understand
Let my be your shelter my friend

What do I want? To be by your side during hard times, gently surrounding you like air. Essential but un noticed. And while I don’t hope that you die in my absence, I pray that it’ll make you uncomfortable enough to realise I’m not there. And maybe make me uncomfortable enough to never want to leave your side.

Quote of e Post:
I'm on my way
There seems to be no end in sight
But I know I'll be alright
'Cos I'm on my way

At that start of CGT

Haha, even though there is no wifi at the resort (pathetic M'sia!) I still have wordpad :)

ORD function last night was quite retarded. The food wasn't half bad but I made up for it in portion what quality failed (thanks to some very picky eaters and my skills at carving flesh from a fish) I got quite the bang for my buck at $60. Now to wait the 4 months to reap the final reward of this long toil. I want to do so many things after ORD before school starts:

I think I'll like work, since I totally need that money. I want to learn to drive- and play the guitar. I wouldn't mind really starting to get back to my roots too- writing and photography. And play off some games that have been gathering dust on my shelves- time to finish FFX, FFX2 and FFXII. Only then I will have some feel to start on Revenant Wings.

Oh yea I get to go for CGT after all! :3 A million thanks to Brien, we owe you. Like the most awesome BSO since Dennis (that says something HSC) But I need to return back to deployment after la. Nevermind, MHFU is there to accompany me haha. Even if I have to do till Thursday (and like stay over shift) at least like Thye Chuan is accompanying me haha. I want to chiong to HR6 lei but- duo tigrex lei!

Enough about more uh depressing things: CGT beckons :D The ride up and stopover was just insanity. Mmmmm- meowing song + "comes from India" + Stonegrill + Ryan Seacrest + loverly beef wrapped up in a smoking sweet nap after towards the resort. The place looks quite regal (pics will come when they come). Pool and prayer meeting with homemade supper with <3 I'm so glad everyone arrived safely.

CGT, overshot night sleeping time, laptop on my lap, after a bath lepak on the sofa: this-is-bliss. I'm more awake then I've felt all day. The place is more comfortable then I envisioned. And once again I think I am over-prepared.

I read this somewhere- writing is a lonely affair. Its a mixture, ragtag of experiences. You come together and share experiences, gain material and then you depart to be alone with your thoughts, putting it into words into story and song. Retreating to a place where no one- not friend nor spouse has any room to enter: the place where you form from words the craft that is your own. Thus goes the cycle of a writer; together-alone-together-alone. And when your work is done and you put your work to print- after all the congrats, pictures and interviews its back to being alone. To crack your next master piece. Writers are in the end- ultimately: a l o n e a l w a y s

Chances are life does not always turn out the way you want it to be, the things you want and the things you get rarely overlap. Hence, some may say they shall learn to be content with what they have- giving up on the things they truly want. Even the most hard headed fall prey to this line of thought at times... it is just too logical, too undertandable. Regardless, I say we stand and fight fate or whatever it is. You, you whoever you are. Lets keep believing together that the time will come and never back down.

Somone who knows would say of the above: THAT is LOVE

Quote of e Post:
Everything has a story to tell: write it down, file it away.