Sunday, April 05, 2009

Meet you at the statue in an hour

With the week ended my feet gave a faint cry of relief. This entire week has been nothing but panting and looking at the floor while running. Running in vest slack. Running in PT kit. Running in sbo attire. Running up slope. Running down slope. Running in the morning. Running in the noon. Running in the night. Nothing but running and this culture does not seem to be waning any time soon. My legs are killing me and my right ankle is in pain- but neither hurt as much as the idea that it will be the same the next week, and the next. And the next.

The Ranger's Kampung games days was super fun. I'm super proud of all the ERs for what the have accomplished today, it was your show and you made it a sellout. Great job everyone!

After rangers the uh commanders went for dinner, its was a more somber affair as compared to an outing with the "kids". Nevertheless it was a learning experience picking up tidbits along the way. Plus I managed to return all my books and borrow a book I was looking forward to- 5 minutes before closing time at the library. And maybe my love went past on a bicycle. I couldn't tell, she was like the wind, there yet not there- whispering sweet nothings and nothing at all into my ear. A faint, teasing trickle. Perhaps my eyes did me wrong, I cannot be sure - what I did see and what I did hear.

Crap. I miss you.

Elope with me Miss Private and we’ll sail around the world
I will be your Ferdinand and you my wayward girl
How many nights of talking in hotel rooms can you take?
How many nights of limping round on pagan holidays?
Oh elope with me in private and we’ll set something ablaze
A trail for the devil to erase

San Francisco’s calling us, the Giants and Mets will play
Piazza, New York catcher, are you straight or are you gay?
We hung about the stadium, we’ve got no place to stay
We hung about the tenderloin and tenderly you tell
About the saddest book you ever read
It always makes you cry
The statue’s crying too and Well he May.

I love you I’ve a drowning grip on your adoring face
I love you my responsibility has found a place
Beside you and strong warnings in the guise of gentle words
Come wave upon me from the family why not that's absurd
“You’ll take care of her, I know it, you will do a better job”
Maybe, but not what she deserves

Elope with me Miss Private and we’ll drink ourselves awake
We’ll taste the coffee houses and award certificates
A privy seal to keep the feel of 1960's style
We’ll comment on the decor and we’ll help the passer by
And at dusk when work is over we’ll continue the debate
In a borrowed bedroom virginal and spare

The catcher hits for .318 and catches every day
The pitcher puts religion first and rests on holidays
He goes into cathedrals and lies prostrate on the floor
He knows the drink affects his speed he’s praying for
a doorway
Back into the life he wants and the confession of the bench
Life outside the diamond is a wrench

I wish that you were here with me to pass the dull weekend
I know it wouldn’t come to love, my heroine pretend
A lady stepping from the songs we love until this day
You’d settle for an epitaph like “Walk Away, Renee”
The sun upon the roof in winter will draw you out like
a flower
Meet you at the statue in an hour
Meet you at the statue in an hour

Quote of e Post:
I know it wouldn’t come to love, my heroine pretend

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