Its been raining so heavily recently, at all the odd times, almost every single day- naturally many people are bound to fall ill. Please do take care of yourself and have plenty of rest, I can't stress enough how important rest it. My health has improved by leaps and bound ever since I've been imposed with a minimum of 6 hours sleep each night. (The food is bound to have something to do with this since anything that tastes so weird ought to be good- or else)
I was having a great day. But somehow I just feel that some small insensitivity of mine has caused someone a great deal of misery. I know it was inappropriate, I could have simply given my approval and support but it didn't tally with my beliefs. And there's hardly a thing worse than being a hypocrite. On hindsight, I could have just turned the topic to safer ground but we were bound to end up there again, and I could have just kept silent. But some people, I just can't resist, I cannot ignore. I can't help myself or help you help me if all I have to work on is a silent wall of i-dont-knows. Its awkward, and I hate it, living should never be this difficult.
The Script, the man who can't be moved. Some people (actually I believe many people) see that this is a stupid song, but its a really cool song to me. Its a song about something so stupid that only silly people like me would have thought about trying something like that (I have lol- but thats a different story for a different time)
Its been a good 4? Or 5 years since I've first seen that picture. Still so true.
Quote of e Post:
Love is the movement, Rescue is possible.
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