Sunday, April 13, 2008

So you want to turn your life around?

You wake up in the morning and everything is fuzzy, a glance at your phone reveals its a bright cheery Saturday morning but you can't remember whats going on, wait a hang in there, its coming back... Something about sleeping at 3am, playing card games and being online. Yea thats it. Stumble downstairs to turn on the computer and charge your preferred portable game platform of the day, surf the net, read up on some rulings...

Damn! You're late and still loafing around online, your flippant surfing has taken longer then expected/planned. Suddenly you realize that you have plans for today and you gotta leave, turn around quickly and rush out the door, leaving behind half the things you were supposed to bring along but its fine, since being there physically just may make up for your absence the past few times, who cares if you have everything you're supposed to have. Out the door and it begins to rain.

You leave the house and go outside but you cant seem to associate with the ease everyone else seems to have, OH GOD what's happening here? Aren't these people your friends? What's wrong with you? YOU NEED A CHANGE!

So you want to turn your life around? Quit being a loser and get on with being a normal person? You've come to to the right place, take our simple 12 step plan to getting rid of all that nasty crap that's hindering you from taking life back in reign.

1) The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Say it, yea, tell it to someone. YES, a human, someone you know face to face, someone who isn't in the same situation as you! Preferably a mentor or someone who you can confide in. It's tough but once you get that out of the way this is going to get much easier, brace yourself, its kinda awkward but we're getting there.

2) Step two, clear out your internet favorites that have to do with nerdy shit like anime, game guides and walk-through and manga. Yep, every single link. Oh and those random message boards too, they are turning your brain to mush. Yes its tough to let go of the only life you think you had but you have to.

3) Favorites cleaned out? Now step 3, Delete the stuff you've saved off those places from your computer! Well, maybe other than music and videos maybe. Pictures and games must go! As a step 3a, change your computer wallpaper to something that isn't from an animated series. It's understandable if you don't have something like that on hand, just use some synthetic thing for now.

Great! You're past the first block, just hold on a little more and we'll get through this together! Remember, if you need to, talk seriously with the person you've chosen in step 1 and weigh out the pros and cons. Once you have rationalized this out yourself you'll see this is a right choice.

Go watch a few episodes of your preferred series and laugh at some memes, you deserve it. Just one or two, don't want all that hard work to go to waste do you?

Ready? Lets continue!

4) Step 4 is gonna be a pretty big leap from steps 1 to 3 which allowed you to operate from the safe confines of your desktop. You have to go OUT yes, OUT to the people and talk to all the people you know but rarely talk to, which should amount to practically everyone you know. Just a simple hi, how you doing conversation would do. What you want to focus on is being natural and maintaining eye contact without fidgeting

5) Step five will be a step up from step 4, now that you're out- try to talk to people you know but have NEVER talked to before. Meaning people you know merely by their face and a name. Expanding your social circle is a surefire way to speed up the process of recovery from anomalies such as yours.

6) Step 6. You're almost through! Now, get a hobby, and be interested in something that does not involve any of the taboos we've all gone through before. It may be a sport or an instrument, whatever floats your boat. So long as it get you out and interacting with other normal people, soon enough you'll be just like them!

BZZZTT~ There's some technical issues clogging this tutorial up~ please hold...

7] Step 7 is the simplest. If you've done step 1 to 6, its way too late to retain your old personality and individuality. Congrats, you have just thrown away practically everything that has defined you the past dozen years of your life. If you've followed up to so far you can pick one of the following

- Find a tall building preferably higher than 10 stories
- Arm yourself with a projectile weapon with lethal discharges (ie. guns)
- Ready a sharp knife
- Prepare a bathtub full of water, any deserted ocean or lake works well too

If you picked the building, jump off it. If you picked the weapon shoot yourself in the head. If you picked the knife separate your hands from your wrists and if you picked the watery grave just dive and don't surface until you can't. Just kidding.

Walk up and down the building, or jog. Exercise does wonders for one who has spent almost all their time doing nothing but slack before a screen all year. Sure it may hurt a fair bit but once the results show it will be all worth it!

The projectile weapon is a sign to go on an adventure! Pick up some unconventional sports like shooting in this case. Who knows? You may find you have a flair in things you've never tried.

The knife simply is the sign of a chef! Pick up cooking or some other trade-craft! Learning a technical skill will not only broaden your abilities in life but it give you essential tools to embrace a new world of opportunity which you can now take on. Its a two for one deal!

The last option is to reiterate the importance of regular exercise. Swimming works great for the terribly unfit as the weightlessness will help you to feel more at ease when moving around. Remember, a healthy body breeds a healthy mind!

Congrats! You've reached the end of our minimized 12 6 step recovery program! Good Job!

Well now thats done and over, I feel damn stupid haha. Inspired by certain tutorials on uncyclopedia. People with too much free time and no fear of losing their mind ought to check it out for some lulz.

*30 mins later*

It started as a joke, but its not so funny now as it was before. I gotta go sleep before I really go mental.

On the way back home (it was like what? 12:30am?) I went past a private house with a big banner labeled "CHELS' FIESTA". First thing I noticed was not but the throngs of non-local, and I mean WHITE people hanging all around. Smoking, drinking, lying on the ROAD looking at stars (i checked, the clouds are blocking every friggin thing D: ) and just generally chilling in groups of 3 to 4 in the area. Funny how for a moment I figured even if the host were who I thought it wouldn't be, the scene would still totally fit.

Singapore really sucks for the abnormal people. Or are we just considered abnormal simply because the rest of the country are abnormal by the standards of the rest of the globe? Hmm...

im not crazy im just a little unwell i know right now you cant tell but stay a while and maybe then youll see a different side of me im not crazy im just a little impaired i know right now you dont care but soon enough youre gonna think of me and how i used to be

if we knew how i even used to be.


Kop'ed from someone's dA

1) Full Name: loh chang xiang

2) Male/Female: male

3) Were you named after anyone: no, its too screwed up

4) Does your name mean anything: its supposed to mean "smooth sailing", well as far as im concerned i need it- badly

5) Nick Name(s): chang er, xiang chang, lor mee (thats the junk people give me) chanx, faust

6) What do you think you look like: a paunchy (read; fat) disproportionated guy with too little hair and dorky glasses

7) Date of Birth: 14th October '88

8) Place of Birth and Current Location: Singapore on both counts, an island where too much happens on the whole and not enough of any one thing happens at any one time

9) Nationality: singaporean

10) Astrology Sign: libra (the balance)

11) Chinese Astrology: dragon (gragh, i have claws, meow)

12) Religion: christian

13) What's your favorite smell: the sea (when it does not stink), warm bread and perhaps the slight sickly sweetness of

14) Political Position: i don't really know, is it that hard to just "do right"?

15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning: water on the rocks

16) Hair+Eye color: black, plain rich luscious black (not really luscious)

17) Do you look like anyone famous: nope

18) What do you look like: your not so common stuck between nerd loser and poser

19) Any unusual talents: not that i know of

20) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous: righty, just like majority of the world

21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other: straight, i can't imagine it any other way *shudder*

22) What do you do for a living: i study, oh wait, i studied. now? i kill if i'm ordered too for a pittance

23) What do you do for fun: surf the internet, read, watch movies, read, write (a long time ago), play card games, be random

24) What Kind of material do you like to use: the feel of steel is unparalleled

25) What kind of materials would you like to work with: like to? liquid metal- the concept is mind blowing

26) Have you met your grandparents: only on my mother's side and my other grandmother. my dad's dad died before i was even a concept

27)Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no

28) Crush: pending analysis and judgement

29) What celebrity would you date if you could: i don't know that many celebs...

31) Favorite online Guy/Girl(s) : do i have to choose? i dunno, prolly bao or wy

32) Favorite place to be: some place cool, quiet and dark. or the library. (i couldn't have said it better myself)

33) Least favorite place to be: out in the wild (read; outfield)

34) Do you burn or tan: tan, but i don't brown like others, its strange

35) Ever break a bone: not planning to -ever-

36) What is your favorite cereal:

37) Person you cry with: me, myself and i

Do You Have...

38) Any sisters: one younger sister

39) Any brothers: only in arms, none in blood

40) Any pets: nope

41) An Illness: narcolepsy, maybe.

42) Pager: what kind of ancient tech is a pager?

43) A personal phone line: not unless you count my skype one :)

44) A cell phone: yes, cant live without it

45) A visible birthmark: i dont think so but i may have some patches...

46) A pool or hot tub: pool! whee

47) A car: no, i haven't begun my quest for a driving license

Decribe Your:

48) Personality: i think im enigmatic, i don't want to hazard what others think

49) Driving: i dont have a license rmb?

50) Your clothing style: no sense of style, like zilch. serious

51) Room: pastel blues and yellow, mellow and contrastingly infuriating for the occasional fit of frustration

52) What's missing: the ability to feel, and some kind of conscience

53) School: the place im "studying" at don't really count as a school. but it sucks.

54) Bed: springy, perfect for standing on (don't ask)

55) Relationship with your parents: oh them! i think i know em from somewhere...

56) Do you believe in yourself: only when i need to

57) Do you believe in love at first sight?: i wont know till it strikes me dead

58) Consider yourself a good listener: if i choose to be, yes. (aptly phrased)

59) Have a future dream that you would like to share: i've always wanted to ride the wind, unaided

Do you:

60) Get Along with your parents: yes, we rarely see each other

61) Save your emails: those that aren't regular updates

62) Pray: yes, it does wonders

63) Believe in reincarnation: no

64) Brush your teeth twice a day: a must to start the day

65) Like to talk on the phone: depends. on my mood and who it is. and the topic. (you're stealing my answers lol)

66) Like to eat: used too, now i can't eat as much as before and it makes me feel bloated, so no

67) Like to exercise: i enjoy the freedom water gives, but i haven't swam in ages

68) Like to watch sports: no, i catch no ball

69) Sing in a car: only in my head but yes

70) What is a dream that you have all the time: i dream about dreaming and i dont know if im dreaming or not

71) Dream in Color: too many colors if u asked me

72) Do you have nightmares: yes. i dreamt that i woke up and my life didn't change one bit. then i did.

73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: no

74) Right next to you: printer, piles of magazines, phone

75) On your coffee cup: nothing, its a translucent plastic thingamagic <3

76) On your mouse pad: dont use one

77) Your favorite flavor of gum: i dont like chewing gum

78) Your brand of deodorant: adidas, its distinctively lasting without being too strong

79) Your dream honeymoon spot: im not clear actually, i do have some delusions about the beauty of space though

80) Your dream wife/husband: i'll have to dream more vividly to know

81) Hiding in your closet: nothing, i swear

82) Under your bed: too much to list

83) The name of your closest/best friend: would another faction of myself count?

84) Your bad time of day: high noon from 12 to 4pm

85) Your worst fear(s): finding out that everything i know is false, dying alone

86) What's the weather like: humid, preparing to rain tmr

87) What's your favorite time of year: the end of the year, cooling weather, short days

88) Your favorite holiday: Christmas, hands down.

89) A material weakness: notebooks, i love collecting notebooks =x

90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: i quite enjoy milo and eggs

91) The top of your "to do list": [change]

92) The hardest thing about growing up: becoming self conscious. (i had other ideas, but this topped mine)

93) A pet you want: none at the moment

94) Your scariest moment: i can't remember, i won't allow it

95) Your attitude about love: it's both an essential and a vice

96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex: haven't done that actually, getting their attention would be the last time on my mind

97) The worst feeling in the world: knowing that something is going to happen / is happening and being powerless to stop it

98) The Best feeling in the world: not having to care about anything:- anything at all, not even life

99) Who sent this to you: myself

100) 6 people you tag: the first 6 people to read this (which would likely amount to nearly none)

its 3:30am, I must sleep, even if i don't want to my body demands its rest, i have to comply.

Quote of e Post:
"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness."

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